RF Ruud van Ineveld #8
Age: 36 | Bats: L | Throws: R | Morale: Great
104 389 109 27 1 12 50 37 58 .280 .355 .447 7 2.6
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 5 4 5 6
Gap 7 6 7 7
Power 7 5 7 7
Eye 6 5 6 7
Avoid K's 8 7 8 8
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 4 7
Errors: - 6 11
Arm: 1 4 8
Turn DP: - 6 -
Ability: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: -
1st Base: - Center Field: 5
2nd Base: - Right Field: 8
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 6
Stealing Ability: 9
Baserunning Inst.: 4
Sacrifice Bunt: 3
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
10/03/2043 STL Loss, 4-5 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
10/02/2043 STL Loss, 3-7 4 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
09/30/2043 @ STL Loss, 5-6 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
09/29/2043 @ STL Win, 8-2 3 1 1 1 0 0 2 0
09/26/2043 SEA Win, 8-2 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
09/25/2043 CLE Loss, 1-4 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
09/24/2043 CLE Loss, 3-4 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
09/23/2043 CLE Loss, 2-6 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
09/22/2043 BUC Win, 4-0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
09/21/2043 BUC Win, 8-4 3 0 2 1 0 2 0 0
van Ineveld puts in long hours.
High: Greed, Work Ethic
Born in:Souax, CUR
Height:6' 1"
Weight:220 lbs
Local Popularity:Well Known
National Pop.:Insignificant
Contract:Major League Contract
Signed Through:2045 Season
Major Service:16 Years, 90 Days
Service This Yr:150 Days
40-Man Service:16 Years, 90 Days
Pro Service:17 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:2 option years left
Contract Extension: -
StatsPlus Player Page
Overall 104 389 109 27 1 12 50 50 37 58 .280 .355 .447 .802 .342 .167 127
Overall 103 442 10 0 1 7 1 4 174 40 7 3 70.0 63.7 5.83 2.6  
Versus Left   72 14 4 0 2 6 6 6 16 0 0 3 .194 .284 .333 .617
Versus Right   317 95 23 1 10 44 44 31 42 4 1 7 .300 .370 .473 .844
May   86 28 6 0 4 6 14 7 11 1 1 1 .326 .379 .535 .914
June   85 25 8 0 1 11 7 5 17 0 0 4 .294 .362 .424 .785
July   80 16 4 0 0 6 9 8 12 1 0 1 .200 .278 .250 .528
August   80 27 5 1 6 19 17 13 10 1 0 3 .338 .443 .650 1.093
September   58 13 4 0 1 8 3 4 8 1 0 1 .224 .281 .345 .626
Spring Training   26 3 0 0 3 5 5 4 4 0 0 0 .115 .233 .462 .695
Postseason   31 13 4 0 1 8 4 1 3 1 0 0 .419 .424 .645 1.069
Career   1232 364 73 5 56 219 192 137 189 13 2 27 .295 .375 .499 .874
Home   195 53 15 0 4 22 25 18 27 2 0 5 .272 .345 .410 .756
Road   194 56 12 1 8 28 25 19 31 2 1 5 .289 .364 .485 .848
Grass   354 97 23 1 9 46 42 33 55 4 1 10 .274 .349 .421 .770
Turf   35 12 4 0 3 4 8 4 3 0 0 0 .343 .410 .714 1.125
Day   124 39 6 0 6 20 16 12 15 1 0 3 .315 .386 .508 .894
Night   265 70 21 1 6 30 34 25 43 3 1 7 .264 .340 .419 .759
As Starter   388 109 27 1 12 50 50 37 58 4 1 10 .281 .355 .448 .804
As Reliever / Substitution   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Pinch Hitting   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Close/Late   81 27 5 0 4 11 14 9 14 0 0 2 .333 .413 .543 .956
Inning 1-3   131 35 9 1 4 20 16 12 23 1 0 4 .267 .345 .443 .787
Inning 4-6   134 34 10 0 3 15 16 13 16 2 1 3 .254 .329 .396 .724
Inning 7-9   115 36 7 0 3 13 15 11 17 1 0 3 .313 .385 .452 .837
Extra Innings   9 4 1 0 2 2 3 1 2 0 0 0 .444 .500 1.222 1.722
0 Outs   127 30 7 0 6 15 24 11 24 0 1 1 .236 .302 .433 .735
1 Outs   128 40 14 0 5 24 19 16 15 4 0 4 .312 .395 .539 .934
2 Outs   134 39 6 1 1 11 7 10 19 0 0 5 .291 .362 .373 .736
Scoring Position   110 28 8 0 3 37 15 12 16 4 1 5 .255 .344 .409 .753
Bases Empty   218 71 16 1 7 7 24 16 33 0 0 4 .326 .382 .505 .887
Runner on 1st   61 10 3 0 2 6 11 9 9 0 0 1 .164 .282 .311 .593
Runner on 2nd   39 13 4 0 0 6 6 2 3 0 1 5 .333 .435 .436 .871
Runner on 3rd   11 2 1 0 0 4 1 2 2 0 0 0 .182 .308 .273 .580
Runner on 1st & 2nd   30 7 1 0 3 12 6 4 2 0 0 0 .233 .324 .567 .890
Runner on 1st & 3rd   13 2 1 0 0 5 2 3 3 2 0 0 .154 .278 .231 .509
Runner on 2nd & 3rd   7 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 1 0 0 .000 .111 .000 .111
Bases Loaded   10 4 1 0 0 8 0 0 3 1 0 0 .400 .364 .500 .864
Two Strikes   164 33 6 0 4 13 19 16 58 1 0 4 .201 .286 .311 .597
First Pitch   61 16 5 0 2 5 5 0 0 0 0 1 .262 .274 .443 .717
Count 0-1   25 6 3 0 0 5 4 0 0 2 0 3 .240 .300 .360 .660
Count 0-2   26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 .000 .037 .000 .037
Count 1-0   48 22 9 0 1 10 7 0 0 1 1 1 .458 .460 .708 1.168
Count 1-1   36 11 1 0 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 .306 .324 .417 .741
Count 1-2   64 15 2 0 3 5 10 0 18 1 0 1 .234 .242 .406 .649
Count 2-0   13 5 0 0 4 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 .385 .385 1.308 1.692
Count 2-1   28 10 3 1 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 .357 .357 .536 .893
Count 2-2   46 10 2 0 0 4 1 0 18 0 0 2 .217 .250 .261 .511
Count 3-0   6 2 0 0 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 .333 .714 .333 1.048
Count 3-1   8 4 0 0 0 1 4 13 0 0 0 0 .500 .810 .500 1.310
Full Count   28 8 2 0 1 4 8 16 11 0 0 0 .286 .545 .464 1.010
Behind in Count   115 21 5 0 3 10 14 0 29 3 0 5 .183 .211 .304 .516
Ahead in Count   103 43 12 1 5 23 19 21 0 1 1 1 .417 .516 .699 1.215
Batting 3rd   146 45 10 1 7 28 22 18 21 1 0 5 .308 .400 .534 .934
Batting 4th   152 42 11 0 3 16 16 9 22 1 0 3 .276 .327 .408 .735
Batting 6th   48 13 3 0 0 2 8 5 6 1 1 1 .271 .345 .333 .679
Batting 7th   28 5 2 0 1 2 2 3 5 0 0 1 .179 .281 .357 .638
Batting 8th   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Batting 9th   14 4 1 0 1 2 2 2 4 1 0 0 .286 .353 .571 .924
Low Leverage   161 55 13 1 2 8 14 13 21 1 0 2 .342 .395 .472 .868
Medium Leverage   156 35 13 0 5 20 27 20 26 2 1 7 .224 .335 .404 .739
High Leverage   65 17 1 0 5 22 9 4 10 1 0 1 .262 .310 .508 .818
2027 Las Vegas - 3L 20 63 228 54 8 1 3 20 21 16 1 0 48 5 8 .237 .290 .320 .610 73 70 1.0
2028 Las Vegas - 3L 21 108 445 107 22 5 5 57 52 32 2 11 98 18 15 .240 .288 .346 .634 75 71 2.5
2029 Las Vegas - 3L 22 108 423 127 27 9 9 70 68 64 6 7 71 27 14 .300 .394 .470 .864 142 143 6.5
2030 Las Vegas - 3L 23 108 424 129 24 8 6 60 79 71 4 6 57 31 10 .304 .404 .441 .845 137 143 5.8
2031 Las Vegas - SL 24 108 414 106 24 2 13 61 58 53 10 4 64 22 16 .256 .351 .418 .769 111 111 3.5
2032 Las Vegas - PL 25 108 430 135 28 4 11 57 78 48 3 2 65 25 11 .314 .385 .474 .860 140 140 5.8
2033 Las Vegas - PL 26 108 448 131 16 5 23 70 82 37 4 2 63 30 13 .292 .350 .504 .855 134 138 5.3
2034 Las Vegas - PL 27 108 444 143 18 3 21 62 85 56 4 1 62 39 9 .322 .402 .518 .920 148 153 5.6
2035 Las Vegas - PL 28 108 446 150 22 1 24 65 84 47 12 7 60 26 12 .336 .408 .552 .960 166 171 6.8
2036 Las Vegas - PL 29 86 337 95 18 0 14 64 52 38 4 1 62 18 7 .282 .361 .460 .820 121 126 2.8
2037 Las Vegas - PL 30 59 236 61 8 4 6 41 34 20 5 0 30 6 5 .258 .330 .403 .732 98 102 0.9
2038 Las Vegas - SL 31 108 429 149 22 2 31 108 84 47 7 5 67 16 8 .347 .416 .625 1.041 171 169 5.8
2039 New Orleans - PL 32 97 389 103 20 1 15 48 61 34 2 2 60 16 5 .265 .326 .437 .763 112 112 2.7
2040 New Orleans - PL 33 102 353 84 17 5 7 36 50 28 6 4 53 15 5 .238 .302 .374 .676 84 84 0.8
2041 New Orleans - PL 34 83 322 97 17 4 7 37 42 19 3 4 57 19 5 .301 .342 .444 .786 115 113 2.1
2042 Cleveland - PL 35 72 269 59 17 3 8 39 34 30 1 3 40 4 3 .219 .297 .394 .691 91 91 0.8
2043 Pittsburgh - SL 36 104 389 109 27 1 12 50 50 37 10 4 58 7 3 .280 .355 .447 .802 126 127 2.6
Total PL 931 3674 1058 181 30 136 519 602 357 44 26 552 198 75 .288 .356 .465 .820 125 127 33.6
Total SL 320 1232 364 73 5 56 219 192 137 27 13 189 45 27 .295 .375 .499 .874 137 136 11.9
Total 3L 387 1520 417 81 23 23 207 220 183 13 24 274 81 47 .274 .352 .403 .756 112 112 15.8
2026 Glendale - AA 19 102 421 112 23 6 6 52 47 23 2 2 88 7 6 .266 .306 .392 .698 95 93 0.0
2027 Santa Barbara - AAA 20 45 164 54 8 2 2 29 21 14 2 3 30 7 7 .329 .383 .439 .822 118 123 0.0
2037 Santa Barbara - AAA 30 6 28 11 3 0 1 7 4 2 0 1 2 1 0 .393 .419 .607 1.026 178 181 0.0
2041 Baton Rouge - AAA 34 21 73 20 3 1 4 12 14 15 1 0 12 6 1 .274 .404 .507 .911 143 128 0.0
2042 Forest City - AAA 35 6 21 6 2 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 2 1 0 .286 .400 .381 .781 102 115 0.0
Total 3AAA 45 164 54 8 2 2 29 21 14 2 3 30 7 7 .329 .383 .439 .822 118 123
Total PAAA 33 122 37 8 1 5 21 20 20 2 1 16 8 1 .303 .407 .508 .915 143 137
Total 3AA 102 421 112 23 6 6 52 47 23 2 2 88 7 6 .266 .306 .392 .698 95 93
2027 Las Vegas - PL 20 3 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 .091 .091 .091 .182 0 0 0.0
2028 Las Vegas - 3L 21 5 18 6 0 0 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 0 .333 .435 .500 .935 0 0 0.0
2028 Las Vegas - SL 21 2 10 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 .200 .273 .200 .473 0 0 0.0
2028 Las Vegas - PL 21 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .222 .000 .222 0 0 0.0
2028 Total - PL 21 9 35 8 0 0 1 3 5 5 2 1 6 2 0 .229 .349 .314 .663 0 0 0.0
2029 Las Vegas - 3L 22 15 61 20 4 1 1 13 11 10 0 0 9 3 3 .328 .423 .475 .898 0 0 0.0
2029 Las Vegas - SL 22 2 9 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 2 .222 .300 .333 .633 0 0 0.0
2029 Las Vegas - PL 22 5 20 4 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 4 3 0 .200 .273 .250 .523 0 0 0.0
2029 Total - PL 22 22 90 26 6 1 1 15 13 13 0 0 15 7 5 .289 .379 .411 .790 0 0 0.0
2030 Las Vegas - 3L 23 14 54 12 1 1 1 8 11 10 0 0 7 9 2 .222 .344 .333 .677 0 0 0.0
2030 Las Vegas - SL 23 3 13 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 .231 .286 .231 .516 0 0 0.0
2030 Las Vegas - PL 23 6 24 8 2 0 1 4 5 4 0 0 2 0 0 .333 .429 .542 .970 0 0 0.0
2030 Total - PL 23 23 91 23 3 1 2 13 16 15 0 0 10 9 3 .253 .358 .374 .732 0 0 0.0
2031 Las Vegas - 3L 24 2 7 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 .143 .250 .143 .393 0 0 0.0
2031 Las Vegas - SL 24 7 27 8 4 0 0 1 6 4 0 1 5 2 0 .296 .375 .444 .819 0 0 0.0
2031 Las Vegas - PL 24 6 22 4 2 0 0 2 3 4 0 1 2 2 0 .182 .296 .273 .569 0 0 0.0
2031 Total - PL 24 15 56 13 6 0 0 4 11 9 0 2 9 4 0 .232 .328 .339 .668 0 0 0.0
2032 Las Vegas - 3L 25 2 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .111 .111 .111 .222 0 0 0.0
2032 Las Vegas - SL 25 2 9 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 .111 .200 .222 .422 0 0 0.0
2032 Las Vegas - PL 25 18 76 30 5 0 4 8 8 4 3 0 9 2 1 .395 .446 .618 1.064 0 0 0.0
2032 Total - PL 25 22 94 32 6 0 4 8 9 5 3 0 11 2 2 .340 .392 .532 .924 0 0 0.0
2033 Las Vegas - PL 26 11 44 15 1 0 1 3 9 5 2 1 5 6 2 .341 .423 .432 .855 0 0 0.0
2034 Las Vegas - SL 27 2 7 2 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 .286 .375 .429 .804 0 0 0.0
2034 Las Vegas - PL 27 14 60 20 6 0 1 7 7 5 0 0 6 2 3 .333 .385 .483 .868 0 0 0.0
2034 Total - PL 27 16 67 22 7 0 1 7 10 6 0 0 6 4 3 .328 .384 .478 .861 0 0 0.0
2035 Las Vegas - PL 28 14 59 20 6 1 2 12 7 6 0 0 8 2 1 .339 .400 .576 .976 0 0 0.0
2036 Las Vegas - PL 29 5 19 8 1 0 2 6 2 2 0 0 3 1 0 .421 .476 .789 1.266 0 0 0.0
2037 Las Vegas - PL 30 6 20 4 1 0 1 1 3 3 1 0 4 1 1 .200 .333 .400 .733 0 0 0.0
2038 Las Vegas - SL 31 10 41 10 3 0 1 4 5 1 3 0 11 0 1 .244 .311 .390 .701 0 0 0.0
2038 Las Vegas - PL 31 4 17 5 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 .294 .294 .294 .588 0 0 0.0
2038 Total - PL 31 14 58 15 3 0 1 6 7 1 3 0 15 1 1 .259 .306 .362 .669 0 0 0.0
2039 New Orleans - 3L 32 2 9 2 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 .222 .300 .333 .633 0 0 0.0
2039 New Orleans - SL 32 3 15 5 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 .333 .412 .333 .745 0 0 0.0
2039 New Orleans - PL 32 21 91 22 6 1 2 11 13 7 1 0 15 2 0 .242 .303 .396 .699 0 0 0.0
2039 Total - PL 32 26 115 29 7 1 2 14 17 10 1 0 19 3 0 .252 .317 .383 .700 0 0 0.0
2040 New Orleans - 3L 33 2 8 4 0 0 2 6 4 1 0 0 4 1 0 .500 .556 1.250 1.806 0 0 0.0
2040 New Orleans - PL 33 18 58 14 3 0 3 8 14 10 0 0 11 3 0 .241 .353 .448 .801 0 0 0.0
2040 Total - PL 33 20 66 18 3 0 5 14 18 11 0 0 15 4 0 .273 .377 .545 .922 0 0 0.0
2041 New Orleans - 3L 34 2 5 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .400 .400 .600 1.000 0 0 0.0
2041 New Orleans - SL 34 2 7 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 .286 .286 .286 .571 0 0 0.0
2041 New Orleans - PL 34 17 69 22 3 0 4 6 14 2 1 0 13 4 0 .319 .347 .536 .883 0 0 0.0
2041 Total - PL 34 21 81 26 4 0 4 9 15 2 1 0 16 4 1 .321 .345 .519 .864 0 0 0.0
2042 Cleveland - PL 35 8 32 8 2 0 2 5 7 4 0 1 4 3 0 .250 .324 .500 .824 0 0 0.0
2043 Pittsburgh - 3L 36 4 13 3 1 0 1 2 3 2 0 1 1 0 0 .231 .312 .538 .851 0 0 0.0
2043 Pittsburgh - SL 36 7 31 13 4 0 1 8 4 1 0 1 3 0 0 .419 .424 .645 1.069 0 0 0.0
2043 Pittsburgh - PL 36 6 22 5 1 0 1 3 4 1 0 2 5 0 0 .227 .240 .409 .649 0 0 0.0
2043 Total - PL 36 17 66 21 6 0 3 13 11 4 0 4 9 0 0 .318 .338 .545 .883 0 0 0.0
Total PL 164 651 190 40 2 24 79 99 61 8 5 100 32 8 .292 .357 .470 .827 127 131
Total SL 40 169 48 14 0 2 19 24 13 3 2 30 7 5 .284 .342 .402 .745 104 102
Total 3L 48 184 51 8 2 6 35 37 27 2 2 28 14 6 .277 .372 .440 .812 124 126
2026 Glendale - AA CF 102 102 269 10 2 281 2 .993 908.2 2.76 +12.2 1.058
2026 Glendale - AA RF 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 9.0 2.00 +0.0 1.014
2027 Las Vegas - MLB CF 63 63 185 3 0 188 0 1.000 564.2 3.00 +10.7 1.075
2027 Santa Barbara - AAA CF 45 45 123 3 1 126 0 1.000 393.0 2.89 +8.6 1.100
2028 Las Vegas - MLB LF 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 2.0 9.00 +0.0 1.007
2028 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 292 8 1 301 1 .997 947.0 2.85 +25.8 1.123
2029 Las Vegas - MLB LF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 4.0 2.25 0.0 .000
2029 Las Vegas - MLB CF 107 107 280 7 2 288 1 .997 963.0 2.68 +18.9 1.090
2029 Las Vegas - MLB RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2030 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 296 6 2 304 2 .993 973.0 2.79 +9.4 1.043
2031 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 254 11 2 265 0 1.000 984.2 2.42 +12.6 1.071
2032 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 276 15 4 291 0 1.000 960.2 2.73 +14.2 1.074
2033 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 294 9 1 305 2 .993 960.1 2.84 +10.0 1.049
2034 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 263 13 8 277 1 .996 963.0 2.58 +0.4 1.002
2035 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 284 13 7 298 1 .997 971.0 2.75 +3.8 1.019
2036 Las Vegas - MLB CF 85 85 262 9 1 271 0 1.000 754.2 3.23 -1.6 .981
2037 Las Vegas - MLB CF 59 59 170 6 4 178 2 .989 525.0 3.02 -3.0 1.001
2037 Santa Barbara - AAA CF 6 6 12 1 0 13 0 1.000 58.0 2.02 -0.3 1.014
2038 Las Vegas - MLB CF 108 108 324 13 3 337 0 1.000 953.1 3.18 -0.5 .997
2039 New Orleans - MLB CF 97 97 252 5 2 257 0 1.000 868.0 2.66 +3.9 .995
2040 New Orleans - MLB CF 102 101 254 4 0 260 2 .992 892.1 2.60 -4.2 .996
2041 New Orleans - MLB CF 45 38 126 3 0 130 1 .992 365.1 3.18 +0.7 .980
2041 Baton Rouge - AAA CF 7 6 13 0 0 13 0 1.000 58.0 2.02 -1.1 .994
2041 New Orleans - MLB RF 43 43 83 0 0 85 2 .976 357.0 2.09 -0.0 1.006
2041 Baton Rouge - AAA RF 11 11 25 0 0 25 0 1.000 99.0 2.27 -1.3 .981
2042 Cleveland - MLB CF 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 21.0 0.43 -0.2 .984
2042 Cleveland - MLB RF 71 70 124 8 0 133 1 .992 619.2 1.92 +2.5 1.055
2042 Forest City - AAA RF 6 6 13 1 0 14 0 1.000 52.0 2.42 +0.1 .989
2043 Pittsburgh - MLB CF 36 35 82 1 0 83 0 1.000 307.1 2.43 -3.2 .950
2043 Pittsburgh - MLB RF 68 68 125 4 0 131 2 .985 607.1 1.91 +0.2 1.037
TOTAL LF 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 6.0 4.50 +0.0 1.007
TOTAL CF 1621 1610 4312 140 40 4467 15 .997 14392.0 2.78 +117.3 1.036
TOTAL RF 201 198 372 13 0 390 5 .987 1746.0 1.98 +1.5 1.030
02/13/2024 Signed a minor league contract out of Curaçao with the Las Vegas Flamingos organization.
05/01/2024 Named the #74 prospect in the 3L
01/01/2025 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 4 (8); Power: 1 (6); Eye: 2 (6).
05/01/2025 Named the #74 prospect in the 3L
01/01/2026 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (8); Power: 2 (7); Eye: 3 (7).
05/01/2026 Named the #1 prospect in the 3L
08/03/2026 Wins the 3AA 3AA Player of the Week Award.
10/03/2026 Wins the 2026 3AA 3AA Glove Wizard Award at CF.
01/01/2027 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (8); Power: 2 (6); Eye: 3 (7).
05/01/2027 Named the #1 prospect in the 3L
01/01/2028 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (8); Power: 2 (7); Eye: 4 (7).
01/01/2028 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $280,000 through automatic renewal.
10/25/2028 Wins the 2028 3L 3L Gold Glove at CF.
01/01/2029 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (8); Power: 2 (7); Eye: 5 (6).
01/01/2029 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $280,000 through automatic renewal.
10/30/2029 Finished 2nd in 2029 3L 3L Outstanding Hitter Award voting.
10/30/2029 Wins the 2029 3L 3L Gold Glove at CF.
10/30/2029 Wins the 2029 3L 3L Platinum Stick Award at CF.
11/12/2029 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $4,250,000 through arbitration.
01/01/2030 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 4 (7); Eye: 7 (7).
11/02/2030 Finished 2nd in 2030 3L 3L Outstanding Hitter Award voting.
11/02/2030 Wins the 2030 3L 3L Gold Glove at CF.
11/06/2030 Signed a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $14,140,000 with the Las Vegas Flamingos organization.
01/01/2031 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (8); Power: 5 (7); Eye: 7 (7).
09/26/2031 Wins the 2031 United States Silver League Championship with the Las Vegas Flamingos.
01/01/2032 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 6 (7); Eye: 7 (7).
06/22/2032 Goes 5-6 against the Brooklyn Dodgers, with 3 RBI and 3 R.
11/01/2032 Wins the 2032 PL PL Gold Glove at CF.
11/14/2032 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $17,406,250 through arbitration.
01/01/2033 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 7 (7).
05/12/2033 Signed a 6-year contract extension worth a total of $150,780,000 with the Las Vegas Flamingos organization.
07/04/2033 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
08/01/2033 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
08/01/2033 Wins the PL PL Batter of the Month Award.
08/25/2033 Injured (Bruised back), day-to-day for one week.
11/06/2033 Finished 2nd in 2033 PL PL Gold Bat voting.
11/06/2033 Wins the 2033 PL PL Gold Glove at CF.
01/01/2034 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 7 (7).
07/17/2034 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
09/04/2034 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
09/27/2034 Wins the 2034 United States Premier League Championship with the Las Vegas Flamingos.
10/27/2034 Wins the 2034 PL PL Platinum Stick Award at CF.
01/01/2035 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
06/18/2035 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
08/20/2035 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
09/01/2035 Wins the PL PL Batter of the Month Award.
10/30/2035 Wins the 2035 PL PL Gold Bat.
10/30/2035 Wins the 2035 PL PL Platinum Stick Award at CF.
01/01/2036 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
06/12/2036 Injured (Separated shoulder), out for 4-5 weeks.
01/01/2037 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
06/13/2037 Injured (Hamstring strain), out for 5 weeks.
08/25/2037 Goes 5-5 against the Greenville 84s, with 1 2B, 2 3B, 6 RBI and 1 R.
08/31/2037 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2038 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
05/24/2038 Injured (Mild shoulder strain), day-to-day for 3 days.
06/03/2038 Injured (Eye irritation), day-to-day for 3 days.
06/23/2038 Goes 0-3 against the Hollywood Shredders, ending his hitting streak at 25 games.
07/01/2038 Wins the SL SL Batter of the Month Award.
07/05/2038 Wins the SL SL Player of the Week Award.
07/19/2038 Wins the SL SL Player of the Week Award.
07/25/2038 Injured (Sore back), day-to-day for 2 days.
08/01/2038 Wins the SL SL Batter of the Month Award.
10/21/2038 Declined his contract option.
10/31/2038 Wins the 2038 SL SL Platinum Stick Award at CF.
01/01/2039 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
01/02/2039 Became a free agent.
03/10/2039 Signed a 4-year contract worth a total of $63,000,000 with the New Orleans Voodoo organization.
05/21/2039 Injured (Chronic back soreness), out for 2-3 weeks.
10/07/2039 Injured (Mild hamstring strain), day-to-day for 2 days.
10/25/2039 Exercised his contract opt-out.
11/16/2039 Signed a 4-year contract extension worth a total of $60,000,000 with the New Orleans Voodoo organization.
01/01/2040 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
10/21/2040 Decided not to opt out of the remaining portion of his contract.
01/01/2041 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
06/19/2041 Injured (Sore back), day-to-day for 1 day.
06/24/2041 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2042 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (6); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
01/02/2042 Became a free agent.
02/16/2042 Signed a 1-year contract worth a total of $2,600,000 with the Cleveland Browns organization.
06/02/2042 Injured (Chronic back soreness), out for 2-3 weeks.
01/01/2043 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
01/02/2043 Became a free agent.
02/23/2043 Signed a 3-year contract worth a total of $13,500,000 with the Pittsburgh Kingfishers organization.
07/26/2043 Injured (Hamstring soreness), day-to-day for one week.
09/27/2043 Wins the 2043 United States Silver League Championship with the Pittsburgh Kingfishers.
Year GS Rank
2038 108 3
Year PA Rank
2038 488 8
Year AB Rank
2038 429 10
Year H Rank
2038 149 2
Year TB Rank
2038 268 2
Year 2B Rank
2043 27 5
Year 3B Rank
2040 5 10
Year HR Rank
2038 31 5
Year SB Rank
2041 19 9
Year RBI Rank
2038 108 1
Year R Rank
2038 84 3
Year IBB Rank
2038 8 1
Year HP Rank
2043 10 4
Year SF Rank
2038 5 10
Year EBH Rank
2038 55 6
Year AVG Rank
2038 .347 4
2041 .301 10
Year OBP Rank
2038 .416 5
2043 .355 7
Year SLG Rank
2038 .625 4
Year RC Rank
2038 113.85 2
Year RC/27 Rank
2038 10.35 4
Year ISO Rank
2038 .277 7
Year WOBA Rank
2038 .426 4
Year OPS Rank
2038 1.041 4
Year WAR Rank
2038 5.8 3
Thursday, June 17th, 2021 - OOTP Baseball 20.8 Build 74