League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Manager Years From-To G W L WPct Best Finish Worst Finish Playoff App Championships
Raúl Aguilar 1 2025-2025 97 65 32 .670 1st 1st 1 1
Jeremy Alexander 2 2022-2023 192 78 114 .406 6th 10th 0 0
Alexander Allen 3 2042-2044 288 153 135 .531 3rd 8th 0 0
Wilson Alvarado 3 2024-2036 288 156 132 .542 1st 8th 2 2
Luis Arreola 1 2054-2054 96 24 72 .250 10th 10th 0 0
Harris Bailey 1 2038-2038 96 52 44 .542 3rd 3rd 0 0
Stephen Baird 6 2045-2047 288 159 129 .552 2nd 6th 2 0
Phil Baker 2 2049-2052 174 86 88 .494 2nd 9th 0 0
Sherwood Baker 5 2044-2055 477 252 225 .528 2nd 9th 2 1
Melvin Baldwin 2 2028-2029 191 68 123 .356 10th 10th 0 0
Noel Ballard 3 2041-2043 192 115 77 .599 1st 5th 1 0
Simon Banks 1 2044-2044 96 50 46 .521 5th 5th 0 0
Sammy Bannatyne 3 2050-2052 288 136 152 .472 5th 9th 0 0
Aaron Barnes 4 2047-2050 384 142 242 .370 3rd 10th 0 0
Manuel Barrios 6 2050-2055 576 339 237 .589 1st 5th 1 1
Bill Beasley 3 2031-2033 289 156 133 .540 1st 8th 2 0
Calvin Beck 4 2048-2055 384 225 159 .586 1st 4th 1 1
José Bello 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Francisco Bernal 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Kenny Billings 9 2025-2033 832 417 415 .501 1st 8th 1 0
Chip Bishop 3 2036-2039 288 152 136 .528 3rd 7th 0 0
Marv Bradford 3 2048-2050 288 152 136 .528 3rd 7th 0 0
Oliver Burrell 3 2051-2053 288 154 134 .535 4th 7th 0 0
Rickey Burrell 2 2031-2032 192 98 94 .510 5th 7th 0 0
Davis Burt 1 2030-2030 96 24 72 .250 10th 10th 0 0
James Burton 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Bill Callahan 2 2022-2023 192 94 98 .490 3rd 9th 0 0
Pedro Campos 6 2035-2035 37 23 14 .622 6th 6th 0 0
John Castle 1 2055-2055 96 41 55 .427 9th 9th 0 0
José Cervantes 1 2051-2051 96 10 86 .104 10th 10th 0 0
Arturo Chávez 4 2024-2027 384 198 186 .516 1st 8th 1 0
Gilberto Chávez 4 2045-2053 384 158 226 .411 7th 9th 0 0
Roy Clay 1 2053-2053 45 29 16 .644 2nd 2nd 1 0
Jack Clayton 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Rafael Clemente 8 2031-2038 768 396 372 .516 1st 9th 1 1
Bob Cowan 1 2024-2024 96 42 54 .438 8th 8th 0 0
Willis Crawford 2 2034-2035 192 125 67 .651 1st 4th 1 0
Jacob Curtis 8 2026-2036 769 371 398 .482 2nd 9th 2 0
Allen Davis 2 2020-2021 192 107 85 .557 2nd 3rd 1 0
Erik Davis 2 2039-2040 192 99 93 .516 4th 6th 0 0
River Davis 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Brooks Dempsey 4 2041-2044 385 239 146 .621 1st 4th 3 0
Jeremy Dennis 1 2036-2036 96 39 57 .406 9th 9th 0 0
Curt Donovan 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Jorge Díaz 1 2030-2030 96 48 48 .500 7th 7th 0 0
Luis Díaz 1 2040-2040 12 4 8 .333 10th 10th 0 0
Marshall Edwards 2 2035-2035 96 50 46 .521 5th 5th 0 0
Terrence Eler 3 2045-2055 288 143 145 .497 2nd 10th 1 1
Barry Embling 1 2024-2024 96 48 48 .500 6th 6th 0 0
Louis Espinosa 2 2054-2055 192 91 101 .474 6th 10th 0 0
Allen Evans 4 2040-2041 192 82 110 .427 6th 8th 0 0
Mike Evans 8 2038-2051 768 370 398 .482 2nd 10th 2 0
Francisco Fernández 4 2020-2023 384 146 238 .380 8th 10th 0 0
Kevin Fields 4 2045-2048 384 191 193 .497 1st 7th 1 1
Joseph Fish 1 2025-2025 96 41 55 .427 8th 8th 0 0
Dan Fletcher 1 2055-2055 96 47 49 .490 4th 4th 0 0
Gonzalo Féliz 1 2052-2052 96 45 51 .469 6th 6th 0 0
Michael Garrett 3 2039-2041 288 167 121 .580 2nd 5th 1 0
Tony Garza 4 2042-2044 288 149 139 .517 3rd 7th 0 0
Jared Gilbert 6 2020-2042 495 244 251 .493 1st 8th 1 1
Fernando Gonzáles 2 2020-2021 192 76 116 .396 8th 9th 0 0
Javier González 5 2036-2040 480 174 306 .362 7th 10th 0 0
Júlio González 2 2045-2046 192 92 100 .479 5th 6th 0 0
Jacob Green 1 2025-2025 0 0 0 .000 3rd 3rd 0 0
Walt Greene 1 2031-2031 57 31 26 .544 3rd 3rd 0 0
Tom Hall 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Ronald Harmon 5 2041-2042 192 70 122 .365 7th 10th 0 0
Hugh Harris 2 2036-2037 192 124 68 .646 1st 2nd 2 0
Manuel Hernández 5 2021-2028 480 235 245 .490 5th 10th 0 0
Tony Hernández 1 2034-2034 37 22 15 .595 3rd 3rd 0 0
Chad Hess 2 2032-2033 192 80 112 .417 7th 10th 0 0
John Hill 2 2028-2029 192 98 94 .510 4th 6th 0 0
Kyle Holman 3 2034-2038 288 161 127 .559 1st 6th 1 1
Dave Hood 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Frank Jackson 2 2034-2035 192 87 105 .453 5th 8th 0 0
Juan Jaramillo 1 2046-2046 96 53 43 .552 3rd 3rd 0 0
Dan Joseph 7 2025-2031 672 339 333 .504 3rd 8th 0 0
Curt Kenney 1 2041-2041 96 52 44 .542 5th 5th 0 0
Greg Keys 1 2033-2033 96 58 38 .604 3rd 3rd 0 0
Terry King 2 2046-2047 192 81 111 .422 9th 9th 0 0
Coy Knight 3 2028-2030 288 131 157 .455 6th 10th 0 0
Curtis Lee 2 2038-2039 192 102 90 .531 3rd 8th 0 0
Junior Lynch 1 2040-2040 84 29 55 .345 10th 10th 0 0
Eduardo López 1 2045-2045 96 46 50 .479 4th 4th 0 0
Howard Martínez 3 2031-2033 288 126 162 .438 6th 9th 0 0
Miguel Martínez 1 2041-2041 96 34 62 .354 10th 10th 0 0
Milton Mathews 1 2053-2053 96 40 56 .417 8th 8th 0 0
Kevin McCoy 3 2053-2055 288 134 154 .465 5th 8th 0 0
Juan Medellín 4 2023-2026 385 204 181 .530 1st 10th 2 1
Carlos Meléndez 1 2053-2053 51 35 16 .686 1st 1st 0 0
Fernando Mendoza 2 2049-2050 192 99 93 .516 4th 6th 0 0
Willie Mitchell 3 2036-2038 288 132 156 .458 5th 9th 0 0
António Molina 3 2042-2042 96 51 45 .531 6th 6th 0 0
Jonah Moody 1 2052-2052 18 13 5 .722 2nd 2nd 1 0
Wilber Moon 2 2042-2043 96 49 47 .510 7th 8th 0 0
Pierre Muller 1 2025-2025 96 66 30 .688 1st 1st 1 0
Wes Murray 1 2029-2029 96 58 38 .604 2nd 2nd 1 0
Kyle Myers 3 2048-2050 282 155 127 .550 2nd 7th 1 0
David Márquez 2 2022-2023 192 91 101 .474 7th 8th 0 0
Hiroji Nakagawa 3 2048-2050 288 141 147 .490 3rd 10th 0 0
Rick Nash 1 2024-2024 96 45 51 .469 7th 7th 0 0
Tim Nelson 4 2031-2045 384 158 226 .411 7th 10th 0 0
Eddie O'Bryan 1 2047-2047 96 56 40 .583 2nd 2nd 1 0
Tom Oglander 4 2051-2054 384 186 198 .484 5th 10th 0 0
Dave Parrish 3 2036-2038 288 137 151 .476 4th 8th 0 0
António Pineda 1 2041-2041 96 37 59 .385 9th 9th 0 0
Eugene Pittman 1 2039-2039 96 35 61 .365 9th 9th 0 0
Tom Plummer 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Vicente Presilla 10 2033-2034 193 108 85 .560 2nd 4th 1 0
Jamie Randall 1 2033-2033 96 49 47 .510 5th 5th 0 0
Jorge Reyes 3 2051-2053 288 122 166 .424 4th 10th 0 0
José Reyes 1 2038-2038 96 47 49 .490 6th 6th 0 0
Joe Richard 3 2027-2031 288 148 140 .514 2nd 9th 1 0
Pedro Ritodíaz 1 2030-2030 95 66 29 .695 1st 1st 1 1
Nacho Rivero 1 2026-2026 96 55 41 .573 5th 5th 0 0
Bobby Robinson 3 2020-2022 288 147 141 .510 4th 6th 0 0
Alfonso Rodríguez 3 2020-2021 122 58 64 .475 4th 5th 0 0
Vicente Rodríguez 21 2037-2055 1537 956 581 .622 1st 9th 13 10
Lockwood Rose 3 2027-2029 288 166 122 .576 1st 4th 2 2
Dave Ross 2 2027-2028 154 52 102 .338 8th 10th 0 0
Bill Russell 3 2020-2027 288 154 134 .535 2nd 7th 1 0
Pancho Salaedo 2 2042-2043 192 98 94 .510 5th 7th 0 0
Miguel Saldaña 2 2043-2049 192 87 105 .453 8th 8th 0 0
Cristián Sandoval 2 2046-2047 192 84 108 .438 8th 8th 0 0
George Sanford 2 2027-2028 133 59 74 .444 7th 9th 0 0
Leo Sargent 1 2030-2030 96 50 46 .521 6th 6th 0 0
Stanford Saunders 3 2020-2022 231 96 135 .416 8th 9th 0 0
Charles Schmidt 1 2037-2037 96 50 46 .521 5th 5th 0 0
Kane Shoemaker 1 2029-2029 91 46 45 .505 5th 5th 0 0
Jorge Silva 3 2046-2048 288 122 166 .424 6th 10th 0 0
John Sirica 3 2048-2050 288 144 144 .500 2nd 8th 1 0
Bob Sosa 2 2054-2055 192 85 107 .443 6th 8th 0 0
Craig Sunter 2 2034-2035 192 79 113 .411 7th 10th 0 0
Juan Sánchez 2 2029-2030 192 78 114 .406 7th 9th 0 0
Leonardo Sánchez 1 2046-2046 96 51 45 .531 5th 5th 0 0
Manny Sánchez 2 2020-2021 142 87 55 .613 2nd 5th 1 0
Ricardo Sánchez 1 2044-2044 96 30 66 .312 10th 10th 0 0
Roger Sánchez 1 2039-2039 96 32 64 .333 10th 10th 0 0
Marcus Terry 2 2034-2035 192 77 115 .401 9th 9th 0 0
Gary Thomas 1 2040-2040 96 61 35 .635 1st 1st 1 0
Justin Trewhells 5 2022-2026 481 271 210 .563 1st 7th 1 1
Omer van Osch 8 2039-2047 770 435 335 .565 1st 8th 3 2
Ánibal Vera 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Juan Villarreal 1 2013-2013 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Ricardo Vásquez 2 2043-2044 192 81 111 .422 7th 9th 0 0
José Vázquez 2 2020-2021 129 60 69 .465 6th 7th 0 0
José Vázquez 5 2013-2025 289 156 133 .540 1st 10th 1 0
Craig Walters 1 2023-2023 96 48 48 .500 5th 5th 0 0
Paul Watts 2 2020-2021 192 129 63 .672 1st 3rd 1 1
Taylor Whitney 2 2034-2034 96 40 56 .417 8th 8th 0 0
George Willis 1 2026-2026 96 58 38 .604 4th 4th 0 0
Tim Wilson 1 2033-2033 96 52 44 .542 3rd 3rd 0 0
Dale Wolfe 2 2025-2026 192 115 77 .599 2nd 2nd 2 2
Ralph Wood 6 2047-2052 576 279 297 .484 1st 9th 1 1
Desmond Woodford 1 2037-2037 96 41 55 .427 8th 8th 0 0
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