LF Daniel 'Shell' Hannaford #9
Age: 33 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 5 5 5 5
Gap 8 8 8 8
Power 3 3 3 3
Eye 5 5 5 5
Avoid K's 10 10 10 10
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 4 6
Errors: - 3 5
Arm: 1 2 8
Turn DP: - 4 -
Ability: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: 8
1st Base: - Center Field: 3
2nd Base: - Right Field: 7
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 9
Stealing Ability: 9
Baserunning Inst.: 11
Sacrifice Bunt: 5
Bunt for Hit: 3
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
Often speaks without thinking.
Personality Class: Outspoken
High: Adaptability, Greed
Low: Leader, Loyalty, Work Ethic
Born in:Kingston, KIN
Height:6' 3"
Weight:205 lbs
Local Popularity:Unknown
National Pop.:Unknown
Signed Through:-
Major Service:8 Years, 97 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:8 Years, 97 Days
Pro Service:15 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
StatsPlus Player Page
2043 Athletic Club KC - 3L 22 72 233 63 12 2 5 34 37 15 1 3 36 20 4 .270 .313 .403 .717 84 78 0.8
2044 Athletic Club KC - SL 23 107 430 149 43 8 4 59 69 30 5 3 30 41 14 .347 .393 .512 .905 139 138 4.0
2045 Athletic Club KC - PL 24 88 330 84 15 5 2 33 42 18 2 2 34 33 19 .255 .295 .348 .644 74 71 -0.6
2046 Athletic Club KC - PL 25 91 331 96 20 4 4 38 49 16 0 0 25 28 13 .290 .323 .411 .734 99 99 0.7
2047 Athletic Club KC - PL 26 31 64 17 3 0 0 5 15 5 1 0 9 9 1 .266 .329 .312 .641 79 74 0.3
2048 Las Vegas - 3L 27 104 376 134 26 8 1 46 58 37 1 3 22 23 11 .356 .412 .476 .889 138 134 3.3
2049 Las Vegas - 3L 28 69 273 87 23 6 2 33 41 20 2 3 19 11 5 .319 .366 .469 .835 124 122 1.8
2049 Vancouver - PL 28 35 133 43 12 1 2 17 20 8 1 0 10 8 2 .323 .366 .474 .840 122 122 0.9
2049 Total - PL 28 104 406 130 35 7 4 50 61 28 3 3 29 19 7 .320 .366 .470 .836 123 122 2.7
2050 Vancouver - SL 29 97 362 97 13 5 5 29 34 17 4 0 62 11 11 .268 .308 .373 .681 107 108 1.6
2052 St. Louis - 3L 31 29 92 17 4 1 1 5 9 8 1 0 10 2 1 .185 .257 .283 .540 56 41 -0.5
Total PL 245 858 240 50 10 8 93 126 47 4 2 78 78 35 .280 .319 .389 .709 91 90 1.3
Total USSL 102 383 118 30 3 2 33 50 36 0 3 91 30 19 .308 .365 .418 .783 126 121 2.3
Total SL 204 792 246 56 13 9 88 103 47 9 3 92 52 25 .311 .355 .448 .803 125 124 5.6
Total 3L 274 974 301 65 17 9 118 145 80 5 9 87 56 21 .309 .361 .438 .800 114 108 5.4
2039 Athletic Club KC - S A 18 66 267 80 15 4 2 26 30 15 1 3 50 5 4 .300 .336 .408 .744 118 110 1.8
2039 Athletic Club KC - A 18 30 128 40 11 0 0 6 15 10 0 1 35 8 4 .312 .360 .398 .758 120 117 0.6
2040 Athletic Club KC - S A 19 80 304 92 24 3 0 10 36 29 0 1 48 24 24 .303 .362 .401 .764 121 120 1.4
2040 Athletic Club KC - A 19 12 48 12 3 1 0 6 5 7 0 0 19 2 1 .250 .345 .354 .700 106 102 0.1
2041 Athletic Club KC - A 20 60 207 66 16 2 2 21 30 19 0 2 37 20 14 .319 .373 .444 .817 134 129 1.6
2041 Athletic Club KC Academy - AA 20 39 171 58 11 2 1 17 29 12 0 1 17 17 6 .339 .380 .444 .825 126 123 1.5
2042 Athletic Club KC Academy - AA 21 92 373 124 27 6 4 31 54 28 1 2 44 35 18 .332 .379 .469 .848 129 128 2.2
2042 Athletic Club KC - AAA 21 6 21 6 2 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 1 1 .286 .348 .381 .729 96 58 -0.0
2047 Athletic Club KC - AAA 26 20 88 26 8 1 1 12 12 3 2 0 3 8 3 .295 .333 .443 .777 110 110 0.2
2051 Syracuse - AAA 30 27 60 17 4 2 1 8 11 3 0 0 8 4 0 .283 .317 .467 .784 125 127 0.7
2052 Plymouth - AAA 31 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 .400 .500 .400 .900 162 175 0.0
Total 3AAA 8 26 8 2 0 0 0 6 3 0 0 3 1 1 .308 .379 .385 .764 109 83
Total PAAA 47 148 43 12 3 2 20 23 6 2 0 11 12 3 .291 .327 .453 .780 116 117
Total 3AA 131 544 182 38 8 5 48 83 40 1 3 61 52 24 .335 .379 .461 .841 128 126
Total 3A 102 383 118 30 3 2 33 50 36 0 3 91 30 19 .308 .365 .418 .783 126 121
Total 3A- 146 571 172 39 7 2 36 66 44 1 4 98 29 28 .301 .350 .405 .755 120 116
2043 Athletic Club KC - 3L 22 12 26 5 1 1 0 3 6 2 0 0 5 1 1 .192 .250 .308 .558 44 34 0.1
2043 Athletic Club KC - SL 22 2 6 3 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 1 2 4 0 .500 .500 .500 1.000 183 175 0.3
2043 Athletic Club KC - PL 22 2 8 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 .375 .375 .375 .750 105 108 0.0
2043 Total - PL 22 16 40 11 1 1 0 5 11 3 0 1 11 5 1 .275 .318 .350 .668 80 72 0.4
2044 Athletic Club KC - SL 23 11 41 8 3 0 0 5 5 2 1 0 2 4 1 .195 .250 .268 .518 39 34 -0.3
2044 Athletic Club KC - PL 23 8 33 11 2 0 1 5 8 1 0 0 7 5 0 .333 .353 .485 .838 125 123 0.4
2044 Total - PL 23 19 74 19 5 0 1 10 13 3 1 0 9 9 1 .257 .295 .365 .660 77 73 0.2
2045 Athletic Club KC - SL 24 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 .000 .400 .000 .400 25 73 0.0
2045 Athletic Club KC - PL 24 8 32 11 2 0 1 8 7 0 0 1 0 7 3 .344 .333 .500 .833 122 121 0.0
2045 Total - PL 24 9 35 11 2 0 1 8 8 2 0 1 1 8 3 .314 .342 .457 .799 109 115 0.1
2046 Athletic Club KC - 3L 25 2 5 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 .400 .429 .400 .829 124 120 -0.0
2046 Athletic Club KC - PL 25 11 38 14 1 0 1 5 6 2 0 0 2 9 2 .368 .400 .474 .874 138 125 -0.3
2046 Total - PL 25 13 43 16 1 0 1 6 6 3 0 1 2 9 3 .372 .404 .465 .869 136 124 -0.3
2047 Athletic Club KC - PL 26 3 6 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 .167 .286 .167 .452 30 38 0.0
2048 Las Vegas - 3L 27 14 56 19 2 1 0 4 8 2 0 0 2 3 1 .339 .362 .411 .773 107 99 0.3
2048 Las Vegas - PL 27 6 21 6 2 0 0 3 3 5 0 1 3 1 0 .286 .407 .381 .788 121 108 0.1
2048 Total - PL 27 20 77 25 4 1 0 7 11 7 0 1 5 4 1 .325 .376 .403 .779 112 102 0.5
2049 Las Vegas - 3L 28 5 22 5 1 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 .227 .292 .273 .564 55 50 -0.3
2049 Las Vegas - SL 28 2 8 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 .250 .333 .250 .583 76 79 0.0
2049 Las Vegas - PL 28 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 -100 -118 -0.2
2049 Vancouver - PL 28 5 21 7 2 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 3 3 1 .333 .364 .429 .792 111 115 -0.0
2049 Total - PL 28 14 59 14 3 0 0 8 5 3 1 0 5 4 1 .237 .286 .288 .574 58 55 -0.5
2050 Vancouver - SL 29 5 19 7 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 .368 .368 .421 .789 141 144 0.4
2050 Vancouver - PL 29 2 7 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 .143 .250 .286 .536 55 57 -0.0
2050 Total - PL 29 7 26 8 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 6 1 0 .308 .333 .385 .718 116 118 0.4
2052 St. Louis - 3L 31 8 28 7 0 0 1 4 2 1 0 0 6 0 1 .250 .276 .357 .633 81 81 -0.2
Total PL 47 174 54 10 0 3 28 29 10 1 2 22 25 7 .310 .348 .420 .767 108 103
Total SL 21 77 20 4 0 0 7 12 6 1 1 10 10 1 .260 .318 .312 .629 78 79
Total 3L 41 137 38 4 2 1 14 19 8 0 1 13 5 4 .277 .315 .358 .673 82 76
2039 Athletic Club KC - A LF 30 30 50 1 0 53 2 .962 259.2 1.77 -1.5 1.015
2039 Athletic Club KC - S A LF 64 64 149 3 1 155 3 .981 560.1 2.44 +4.2 .990
2039 Athletic Club KC - A CF 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 8.0 2.25 +0.2 1.000
2039 Athletic Club KC - S A CF 8 2 16 0 0 16 0 1.000 34.2 4.15 -0.1 .977
2040 Athletic Club KC - S A 1B 6 6 40 2 5 42 0 1.000 48.0 7.88 -0.2 .915
2040 Athletic Club KC - A 2B 6 6 8 10 2 18 0 1.000 51.2 3.14 -1.2 .807
2040 Athletic Club KC - A LF 6 6 15 0 0 15 0 1.000 53.0 2.55 -0.5 .998
2040 Athletic Club KC - S A LF 71 68 123 2 0 128 3 .977 620.0 1.81 +2.4 1.023
2040 Athletic Club KC - S A CF 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 4.0 4.50 +0.0 1.021
2041 Athletic Club KC Academy - AA LF 39 39 96 2 1 99 1 .990 354.0 2.49 +1.3 .998
2041 Athletic Club KC - A LF 58 58 108 0 0 111 3 .973 511.1 1.90 +2.1 1.002
2042 Athletic Club KC Academy - AA 1B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2042 Athletic Club KC Academy - AA LF 38 35 61 2 1 65 2 .969 322.0 1.76 +0.8 1.071
2042 Athletic Club KC - AAA CF 6 6 16 1 0 18 1 .944 53.0 2.89 +0.3 1.013
2042 Athletic Club KC Academy - AA CF 54 53 148 5 3 161 8 .950 470.2 2.93 -5.1 .945
2042 Athletic Club KC Academy - AA RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2043 Athletic Club KC - MLB LF 68 64 127 4 2 133 2 .985 578.0 2.04 +5.9 1.057
2043 Athletic Club KC - MLB CF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2044 Athletic Club KC - MLB LF 107 107 205 1 0 208 2 .990 976.0 1.90 +5.2 1.069
2044 Athletic Club KC - MLB CF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2045 Athletic Club KC - MLB 2B 5 4 9 6 1 15 0 1.000 41.2 3.24 -0.9 .900
2045 Athletic Club KC - MLB LF 81 81 142 2 0 145 1 .993 710.0 1.83 +4.0 1.056
2045 Athletic Club KC - MLB CF 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 5.1 3.38 -1.5 .409
2046 Athletic Club KC - MLB 2B 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 1.000 2.0 9.00 +0.0 1.023
2046 Athletic Club KC - MLB LF 17 14 27 0 0 30 3 .900 129.0 1.88 -0.7 .912
2046 Athletic Club KC - MLB CF 72 71 196 6 0 204 2 .990 652.0 2.79 -6.5 .959
2047 Athletic Club KC - MLB 2B 2 0 1 3 0 4 0 1.000 4.0 9.00 +0.1 1.015
2047 Athletic Club KC - MLB LF 20 13 35 0 0 35 0 1.000 133.1 2.36 +2.2 1.038
2047 Athletic Club KC - AAA LF 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 4.0 4.50 -0.0 .980
2047 Athletic Club KC - MLB CF 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 16.0 0.56 -0.5 .497
2047 Athletic Club KC - MLB RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2047 Athletic Club KC - AAA RF 20 20 35 2 0 37 0 1.000 188.0 1.77 -1.9 .930
2048 Las Vegas - MLB LF 101 98 188 2 0 191 1 .995 859.1 1.99 +6.3 1.051
2048 Las Vegas - MLB CF 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 .500 18.0 0.50 -0.8 .505
2048 Las Vegas - MLB RF 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 16.0 0.56 +0.0 .996
2049 Las Vegas - MLB LF 69 68 117 3 1 123 3 .976 609.0 1.77 +1.7 1.038
2049 Las Vegas - MLB CF 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 3.0 0.00 -0.0 .000
2049 Vancouver - MLB RF 35 35 69 0 0 70 1 .986 306.0 2.03 -0.0 .986
2049 Las Vegas - MLB RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2050 Vancouver - MLB LF 25 20 42 0 0 43 1 .977 180.0 2.10 +0.1 1.051
2050 Vancouver - MLB CF 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 9.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2050 Vancouver - MLB RF 77 74 143 7 1 155 5 .968 644.1 2.10 +5.1 1.045
2051 Syracuse - AAA LF 13 2 9 0 0 9 0 1.000 37.2 2.15 +0.2 .998
2051 Syracuse - AAA CF 5 3 6 0 0 6 0 1.000 28.0 1.93 +0.2 1.000
2051 Syracuse - AAA RF 12 7 16 0 0 17 1 .941 69.1 2.08 +0.7 1.066
2052 St. Louis - MLB LF 3 2 6 0 0 6 0 1.000 24.0 2.25 +0.2 .988
2052 Plymouth - AAA LF 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 9.0 1.00 -0.1 .984
2052 St. Louis - MLB CF 7 3 13 0 0 13 0 1.000 43.0 2.72 -0.4 .999
2052 St. Louis - MLB RF 23 20 29 0 0 30 1 .967 167.2 1.56 +0.1 1.000
2052 Plymouth - AAA RF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 3.0 3.00 -0.2 .972
TOTAL 1B 7 6 40 2 5 42 0 1.000 49.0 7.71 -0.2 .915
TOTAL 2B 15 10 18 21 4 39 0 1.000 99.1 3.53 -2.0 .879
TOTAL LF 814 770 1503 22 6 1552 27 .983 6929.2 1.98 +33.7 1.033
TOTAL CF 173 141 403 12 3 427 12 .972 1346.2 2.77 -14.2 .948
TOTAL RF 174 156 294 9 1 311 8 .974 1396.1 1.95 +3.8 1.011
02/21/2037 Signed a minor league contract out of Jamaica with the Athletic Club KC organization.
01/01/2038 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 4 (8); Power: 1 (3); Eye: 1 (4).
01/01/2039 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (7); Power: 1 (2); Eye: 1 (4).
01/01/2040 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (8); Power: 1 (2); Eye: 2 (4).
01/01/2041 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (8); Power: 1 (2); Eye: 3 (5).
05/01/2041 Named the #97 prospect in the 3L
01/01/2042 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (8); Power: 2 (2); Eye: 4 (4).
05/01/2042 Named the #98 prospect in the 3L
05/22/2042 Goes 0-4 against the Richland Rails, ending his hitting streak at 23 games.
07/28/2042 Wins the 3AA 3AA Player of the Week Award.
08/31/2042 Goes 0-5 against the Asheville Highlanders, ending his hitting streak at 21 games.
01/01/2043 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (8); Power: 2 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
08/19/2043 Injured (Conjunctivitis), day-to-day for 3 days.
01/01/2044 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
01/02/2044 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $280,000 through automatic renewal.
08/08/2044 Wins the SL SL Player of the Week Award.
08/16/2044 Goes 0-5 against the Colorado Billy Goats, ending his hitting streak at 20 games.
09/02/2044 Hits for the CYCLE, going 4-5 against the D.C. Divided, with 1 RBI and 2 runs scored.
09/26/2044 Wins the 2044 United States Silver League Championship with the Athletic Club KC.
11/01/2044 Wins the 2044 SL Platinum Stick Award at LF.
01/01/2045 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
01/02/2045 Received a 1-year contract through automatic renewal worth a total of $280,000.
10/30/2045 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $660,000 with the Athletic Club KC organization.
01/01/2046 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
10/28/2046 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $1,580,000 with the Athletic Club KC organization.
01/01/2047 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
09/28/2047 Wins the 2047 United States Premier League Championship with the Athletic Club KC.
10/19/2047 Won the 2047 United States Baseball Association Tournament of Champions with Athletic Club KC!
11/09/2047 Received a 1-year contract through arbitration worth a total of $1,900,000.
01/01/2048 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
01/02/2048 Was traded by the Athletic Club KC to the Las Vegas Flamingos in exchange for $850,000.
08/01/2048 Wins the 3L Batter of the Month Award.
08/12/2048 Goes 0-2 against the Kingston Township Knights, ending his hitting streak at 29 games.
09/15/2048 Signed a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $6,400,000 with the Las Vegas Flamingos organization.
11/03/2048 Wins the 2048 3L Gold Glove at LF.
01/01/2049 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
08/04/2049 Was traded by the Las Vegas Flamingos to the Vancouver Grey Wolves, along with $3, in exchange for LF Koryusai Ohayashi and $3.
01/01/2050 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
06/20/2050 Wins the SL Player of the Week Award.
10/31/2050 Wins the 2050 SL Gold Glove at RF.
01/01/2051 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
01/02/2051 Became a free agent.
06/26/2051 Signed a minor league contract with the Colorado Billy Goats organization.
01/01/2052 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
05/01/2052 Released by the Colorado organization.
06/19/2052 Signed a minor league contract ($95,000 bonus) with the St. Louis Coeur organization.
01/01/2053 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 3 (3); Eye: 5 (5).
01/02/2053 Became a free agent.
10/25/2053 Retired from professional baseball.
Year GS Rank
2044 107 10
Year AB Rank
2044 430 8
Year H Rank
2044 149 3
2048 134 8
Year TB Rank
2044 220 3
Year 2B Rank
2044 43 1
Year 3B Rank
2044 8 2
2045 5 10
2048 8 4
2049 6 5
Year SB Rank
2044 41 3
Year R Rank
2044 69 5
Year IBB Rank
2048 4 6
Year SH Rank
2043 7 4
2044 8 4
2047 3 8
2048 8 1
Year EBH Rank
2044 55 2
Year AVG Rank
2044 .347 2
2048 .356 4
Year OBP Rank
2044 .393 3
2048 .412 3
Year SLG Rank
2044 .512 8
Year RC Rank
2044 89.14 3
Year RC/27 Rank
2044 7.76 4
Year wOBA Rank
2044 .377 6
Year OPS Rank
2044 .905 4
Year WAR Rank
2044 4.2 6
2048 3.2 9
Monday, April 1st , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 23.10 Build 110