3B Juan Andrés 'JAM' Martí #17
Age: 32 | Bats: L | Throws: R | Morale: Very Good
108 402 109 20 3 12 46 54 79 .271 .361 .425 11 4.3
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 7 6 8 7
Gap 8 6 9 8
Power 7 6 7 7
Eye 8 7 9 8
Avoid K's 8 8 9 8
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 5 1
Errors: - 6 5
Arm: 1 10 8
Turn DP: - 4 -
Ability: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: -
1st Base: 8 Center Field: -
2nd Base: 2 Right Field: -
3rd Base: 7
Running Speed: 8
Stealing Ability: 11
Baserunning Inst.: 10
Sacrifice Bunt: 3
Bunt for Hit: 4
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
10/06/2051 @ PC Win, 5-3 4 2 2 1 1 0 1 1
10/05/2051 PC Loss, 0-8 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 0
10/03/2051 @ PC Loss, 1-11 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
10/02/2051 @ PC Win, 7-5 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
09/30/2051 PC Win, 4-1 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 0
09/29/2051 PC Win, 3-2 4 1 3 1 1 0 0 0
09/25/2051 NV Win, 4-0 4 1 1 2 1 0 0 0
09/24/2051 NV Loss, 2-6 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
09/23/2051 NV Win, 3-2 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
09/22/2051 @ SEA Loss, 0-7 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Martí has intellectual limits.
Low: Greed, Intelligence
Born in:Santiago, SAN
Height:6' 0"
Weight:190 lbs
Local Popularity:Popular
National Pop.:Popular
Contract:Major League Contract
Signed Through:2051 Season
Major Service:11 Years, 31 Days
Service This Yr:150 Days
40-Man Service:11 Years, 70 Days
Pro Service:15 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:Out of option years
Contract Extension: -
StatsPlus Player Page
Overall 108 402 109 20 3 12 46 65 54 79 .271 .361 .425 .786 .348 .154 134
Overall 104 460 3 3 0 7 0 1 171 35 11 2 84.6 65.3 5.82 4.3  
Versus Left   102 23 6 1 1 10 13 11 24 1 0 3 .225 .316 .333 .650
Versus Right   300 86 14 2 11 36 52 43 55 0 0 0 .287 .376 .457 .833
May   84 20 2 1 3 10 15 15 19 1 0 0 .238 .350 .393 .743
June   82 26 3 0 0 5 11 11 18 0 0 0 .317 .398 .354 .752
July   89 26 3 2 3 11 18 11 20 0 0 1 .292 .376 .472 .848
August   81 22 8 0 3 9 13 10 13 0 0 1 .272 .359 .481 .840
September   66 15 4 0 3 11 8 7 9 0 0 1 .227 .311 .424 .735
Postseason   42 13 3 0 2 3 6 6 12 0 0 1 .310 .408 .524 .932
Last Year   348 98 21 2 14 44 63 64 76 2 0 6 .282 .400 .474 .874
2 Years Ago   202 52 19 0 3 19 24 25 43 2 0 2 .257 .342 .396 .738
Career   952 259 60 5 29 109 152 143 198 5 0 11 .272 .372 .437 .809
Home   193 56 8 3 7 23 36 26 30 1 0 1 .290 .376 .472 .847
Road   209 53 12 0 5 23 29 28 49 0 0 2 .254 .347 .383 .730
Grass   376 101 19 3 12 44 60 52 74 1 0 3 .269 .361 .431 .792
Turf   26 8 1 0 0 2 5 2 5 0 0 0 .308 .357 .346 .703
Day   137 34 6 0 3 12 16 22 25 0 0 1 .248 .356 .358 .714
Night   265 75 14 3 9 34 49 32 54 1 0 2 .283 .363 .460 .824
As Starter   401 108 20 3 12 46 64 52 79 1 0 3 .269 .357 .424 .781
As Reliever / Substitution   1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000
Pinch Hitting   1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000
Close/Late   82 22 3 0 2 5 11 16 15 0 0 0 .268 .388 .378 .766
Inning 1-3   148 40 8 0 7 24 21 14 35 0 0 0 .270 .333 .466 .800
Inning 4-6   139 37 8 2 3 13 27 19 26 1 0 3 .266 .364 .417 .781
Inning 7-9   105 27 4 1 1 7 14 20 15 0 0 0 .257 .376 .343 .719
Extra Innings   10 5 0 0 1 2 3 1 3 0 0 0 .500 .545 .800 1.345
0 Outs   124 34 7 1 3 8 25 17 20 0 0 1 .274 .366 .419 .786
1 Outs   132 36 8 1 4 18 24 17 32 1 0 1 .273 .358 .439 .797
2 Outs   146 39 5 1 5 20 16 20 27 0 0 1 .267 .359 .418 .777
Scoring Position   95 33 5 2 2 32 19 17 14 1 0 1 .347 .447 .505 .953
Bases Empty   208 53 12 1 6 6 33 26 42 0 0 2 .255 .343 .409 .752
Runner on 1st   99 23 3 0 4 8 13 11 23 0 0 0 .232 .309 .384 .693
Runner on 2nd   22 5 1 0 0 2 4 6 4 0 0 0 .227 .393 .273 .666
Runner on 3rd   11 7 1 2 1 8 7 2 0 0 0 0 .636 .692 1.364 2.056
Runner on 1st & 2nd   36 12 2 0 1 7 6 6 8 0 0 0 .333 .429 .472 .901
Runner on 1st & 3rd   14 5 0 0 0 8 1 1 1 1 0 0 .357 .375 .357 .732
Runner on 2nd & 3rd   3 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 .333 .600 .333 .933
Bases Loaded   9 3 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 .333 .400 .444 .844
Two Strikes   218 48 10 2 5 22 28 29 79 1 0 3 .220 .319 .353 .672
First Pitch   34 11 1 0 1 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 .324 .343 .441 .784
Count 0-1   28 7 1 0 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 .250 .250 .393 .643
Count 0-2   26 6 2 1 0 4 4 0 11 0 0 0 .231 .231 .385 .615
Count 1-0   27 11 2 0 1 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 .407 .407 .593 1.000
Count 1-1   37 11 2 1 2 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 .297 .297 .568 .865
Count 1-2   69 8 2 0 0 2 1 0 40 1 0 1 .116 .127 .145 .272
Count 2-0   15 5 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 .333 .333 .467 .800
Count 2-1   29 14 2 0 2 9 6 1 0 0 0 0 .483 .500 .759 1.259
Count 2-2   62 15 2 1 3 7 8 0 20 0 0 2 .242 .266 .452 .717
Count 3-0   1 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 0 .000 .889 .000 .889
Count 3-1   13 2 0 0 0 0 4 15 0 0 0 0 .154 .607 .154 .761
Full Count   61 19 4 0 2 9 15 29 8 0 0 0 .311 .533 .475 1.009
Behind in Count   123 21 5 1 1 10 8 0 51 1 0 1 .171 .176 .252 .428
Ahead in Count   85 32 6 0 3 12 23 24 0 0 0 0 .376 .514 .553 1.067
Batting 2nd   92 27 2 1 1 5 18 13 22 0 0 1 .293 .387 .370 .756
Batting 3rd   163 50 11 2 5 23 24 20 32 0 0 0 .307 .383 .491 .873
Batting 4th   147 32 7 0 6 18 22 19 25 1 0 2 .218 .314 .388 .701
Batting 6th   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 .000 1.000 .000 1.000
Batting 7th   0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .000 1.000 .000 1.000
Low Leverage   168 45 9 1 3 8 24 22 34 0 0 1 .268 .356 .387 .743
Medium Leverage   154 39 6 2 8 23 30 22 28 1 0 1 .253 .348 .474 .822
High Leverage   78 25 5 0 1 15 11 10 17 0 0 1 .321 .404 .423 .828
2039 Boston - PL 19 25 101 23 5 1 0 6 10 2 1 0 16 9 1 .228 .250 .297 .547 53 51 -0.2
2040 Boston - PL 20 108 455 145 25 12 17 49 90 47 3 0 49 60 11 .319 .386 .538 .925 150 150 5.2
2041 Boston - PL 21 107 429 131 24 5 16 57 93 61 5 0 38 61 14 .305 .398 .497 .894 146 150 6.1
2042 Boston - PL 22 107 415 129 21 4 13 46 87 85 1 4 51 51 13 .311 .426 .475 .900 152 155 5.2
2043 Boston - PL 23 108 423 144 28 10 12 80 97 54 3 5 35 40 3 .340 .414 .539 .953 156 157 5.0
2044 Boston - PL 24 108 436 162 38 3 21 69 101 51 3 1 44 59 14 .372 .440 .617 1.057 184 185 7.0
2045 Boston - PL 25 105 423 135 25 2 22 65 101 62 1 3 47 62 9 .319 .405 .544 .949 155 156 5.7
2046 Boston - PL 26 79 312 94 21 1 11 36 65 51 3 2 48 39 11 .301 .402 .481 .883 140 142 2.3
2047 Boston - PL 27 48 178 37 12 0 1 11 21 22 1 0 35 13 6 .208 .299 .292 .591 64 66 -0.5
2048 Boston - PL 28 40 157 33 10 2 2 7 24 19 1 1 32 12 6 .210 .298 .338 .635 76 76 -0.2
2049 Boston - SL 29 53 202 52 19 0 3 19 24 25 2 2 43 13 3 .257 .342 .396 .738 116 118 1.1
2050 Boston - SL 30 92 348 98 21 2 14 44 63 64 6 2 76 6 4 .282 .400 .474 .874 166 165 4.9
2051 Baltimore - SL 31 108 402 109 20 3 12 46 65 54 3 1 79 11 2 .271 .361 .425 .786 129 134 4.3
Total PL 835 3329 1033 209 40 115 426 689 454 22 16 395 406 88 .310 .395 .501 .896 144 146 35.6
Total USSL 49 191 69 20 4 2 29 28 12 2 2 37 18 8 .361 .401 .539 .940 185 190 3.2
Total SL 253 952 259 60 5 29 109 152 143 11 5 198 30 9 .272 .372 .437 .809 141 142 10.3
2037 Fort Knox - S A 17 7 26 7 1 0 1 3 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 .269 .269 .423 .692 99 101 0.3
2038 Fort Knox - S A 18 12 51 24 6 1 2 12 7 5 1 0 7 4 2 .471 .526 .745 1.271 272 275 1.5
2038 South Beach - A 18 49 191 69 20 4 2 29 28 12 2 2 37 18 8 .361 .401 .539 .940 185 190 3.2
2038 Mercer Island - AA 18 15 63 13 3 0 0 7 12 8 0 0 14 7 3 .206 .296 .254 .550 49 53 -0.2
2039 Mercer Island - AA 19 15 59 28 5 1 2 9 14 8 1 1 8 9 1 .475 .536 .695 1.231 234 233 1.5
2039 Bakersfield - AAA 19 57 239 79 13 5 8 31 46 24 0 1 25 24 10 .331 .390 .527 .917 144 135 2.1
2046 Bakersfield - AAA 26 18 65 18 1 0 2 9 12 16 0 0 2 13 1 .277 .420 .385 .804 119 125 0.6
2047 Bakersfield - AAA 27 42 159 51 5 1 7 35 31 30 3 1 14 20 8 .321 .435 .497 .932 155 161 1.9
2048 Bakersfield - AAA 28 23 76 28 8 2 4 20 18 16 0 0 10 6 0 .368 .478 .684 1.162 215 219 1.7
2049 Bakersfield - AAA 29 31 109 46 1 2 4 17 32 25 2 1 11 16 2 .422 .533 .578 1.111 208 212 2.8
Total PAAA 140 539 176 27 8 21 95 107 86 3 2 51 63 19 .327 .421 .523 .944 154 154
Total SAAA 31 109 46 1 2 4 17 32 25 2 1 11 16 2 .422 .533 .578 1.111 208 212
Total PAA 30 122 41 8 1 2 16 26 16 1 1 22 16 4 .336 .414 .467 .881 140 142
Total PA 49 191 69 20 4 2 29 28 12 2 2 37 18 8 .361 .401 .539 .940 185 190
Total PA- 19 77 31 7 1 3 15 13 5 1 0 14 4 2 .403 .446 .636 1.082 218 220
2040 Boston - SL 20 1 4 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 .750 .800 1.250 2.050 445 438 0.2
2040 Boston - PL 20 15 71 21 3 1 1 8 10 3 0 0 12 11 4 .296 .324 .408 .733 100 101 0.5
2040 Total - PL 20 16 75 24 3 2 1 8 11 4 0 0 12 11 5 .320 .354 .453 .808 121 122 0.7
2041 Boston - PL 21 19 81 33 8 1 6 13 23 11 0 0 7 9 6 .407 .478 .753 1.231 233 231 2.2
2042 Boston - 3L 22 1 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .125 .222 .125 .347 -3 -55 -0.1
2042 Boston - SL 22 2 11 4 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 .364 .364 .636 1.000 156 159 0.1
2042 Boston - PL 22 20 78 31 3 3 4 9 17 11 0 0 9 15 4 .397 .472 .667 1.139 213 212 1.4
2042 Total - PL 22 23 97 36 4 4 4 9 19 12 0 0 10 16 5 .371 .440 .619 1.059 189 184 1.4
2043 Boston - PL 23 16 63 18 1 0 2 9 6 8 0 1 8 12 1 .286 .361 .397 .758 106 110 -0.1
2044 Boston - SL 24 3 12 5 2 0 2 3 4 3 0 0 1 3 0 .417 .533 1.083 1.617 316 310 0.5
2044 Boston - PL 24 24 87 27 3 0 4 15 18 24 0 1 12 21 2 .310 .455 .483 .938 157 157 1.2
2044 Total - PL 24 27 99 32 5 0 6 18 22 27 0 1 13 24 2 .323 .465 .556 1.020 176 175 1.7
2045 Boston - SL 25 2 9 4 2 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 1 3 0 .444 .545 .889 1.434 280 233 0.2
2045 Boston - PL 25 17 63 15 3 1 3 7 11 9 0 0 6 11 5 .238 .333 .460 .794 113 109 0.1
2045 Total - PL 25 19 72 19 5 2 3 7 15 11 0 0 7 14 5 .264 .361 .514 .875 135 126 0.3
2046 Boston - 3L 26 3 11 3 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 3 0 .273 .333 .364 .697 87 91 0.1
2046 Boston - PL 26 16 64 16 2 0 2 7 12 7 0 0 1 5 2 .250 .324 .375 .699 91 94 -0.9
2046 Total - PL 26 19 75 19 3 0 2 9 15 8 0 0 2 8 2 .253 .325 .373 .699 90 94 -0.8
2047 Boston - PL 27 7 26 5 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 7 3 0 .192 .250 .231 .481 34 34 -0.5
2048 Boston - PL 28 9 34 10 2 0 3 9 8 7 0 0 3 5 2 .294 .415 .618 1.032 180 183 0.2
2049 Boston - 3L 29 2 10 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 .300 .364 .300 .664 84 45 -0.0
2049 Boston - SL 29 8 30 10 2 1 0 3 5 2 1 0 7 3 0 .333 .394 .467 .861 152 141 0.1
2049 Boston - PL 29 2 8 2 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 .250 .333 .500 .833 118 116 0.0
2049 Total - PL 29 12 48 15 2 2 0 4 8 4 1 0 10 4 1 .312 .377 .438 .815 132 117 0.1
2050 Boston - 3L 30 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 -100 -122 -0.1
2050 Boston - SL 30 8 38 17 0 0 2 5 6 3 0 0 6 0 0 .447 .488 .605 1.093 232 243 0.5
2050 Boston - PL 30 4 14 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 3 0 0 .143 .278 .143 .421 28 32 -0.1
2050 Total - PL 30 13 56 19 0 0 2 6 8 6 0 1 11 0 0 .339 .397 .446 .843 153 159 0.3
2051 Baltimore - SL 31 12 42 13 3 0 2 3 6 6 1 0 12 3 1 .310 .408 .524 .932 171 181 0.8
2051 Baltimore - PL 31 2 7 3 1 0 1 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 .429 .556 1.000 1.556 334 338 0.3
2051 Total - PL 31 14 49 16 4 0 3 5 8 8 1 0 14 3 1 .327 .431 .592 1.023 196 206 1.1
Total PL 151 596 183 27 7 26 83 113 88 0 3 71 93 27 .307 .394 .507 .901 146 147
Total SL 36 146 56 10 4 6 14 28 17 2 0 27 13 3 .384 .455 .630 1.085 210 210
Total 3L 7 33 7 1 0 0 2 4 3 0 0 6 3 0 .212 .278 .242 .520 42 17
2037 Fort Knox - S A 3B 7 7 3 12 0 15 0 1.000 62.0 2.18 +0.7 1.072
2038 Mercer Island - AA 3B 13 13 4 22 2 30 4 .867 117.2 1.99 -1.5 .910
2038 South Beach - A 3B 47 47 28 67 9 99 4 .960 411.1 2.08 +0.0 .973
2038 Fort Knox - S A 3B 12 12 2 27 0 32 3 .906 107.2 2.42 +0.1 .964
2038 South Beach - A RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2039 Boston - MLB 1B 8 8 66 3 2 70 1 .986 69.0 9.00 -0.6 .865
2039 Bakersfield - AAA 1B 39 39 323 13 28 339 3 .991 343.0 8.82 +0.3 1.017
2039 Boston - MLB 3B 17 17 6 24 0 32 2 .938 150.1 1.80 -0.4 .965
2039 Bakersfield - AAA 3B 18 18 7 36 4 43 0 1.000 161.0 2.40 +1.2 1.044
2039 Mercer Island - AA 3B 8 8 5 21 3 28 2 .929 70.0 3.34 +0.4 .998
2040 Boston - MLB 1B 1 0 10 0 0 10 0 1.000 9.0 10.00 0.0 .000
2040 Boston - MLB 3B 99 99 55 165 6 233 13 .944 887.1 2.23 +1.0 .984
2040 Boston - MLB LF 9 9 15 0 0 15 0 1.000 76.0 1.78 -0.7 .908
2041 Boston - MLB 1B 37 37 314 12 15 328 2 .994 330.1 8.88 +2.5 1.060
2041 Boston - MLB 3B 70 70 37 122 11 163 4 .975 635.2 2.25 +2.6 1.022
2042 Boston - MLB 1B 66 65 540 34 39 578 4 .993 592.2 8.72 +2.4 1.038
2042 Boston - MLB 3B 44 42 20 63 4 87 4 .954 369.2 2.02 -1.4 .989
2043 Boston - MLB 1B 42 42 368 11 32 381 2 .995 381.1 8.94 +1.3 1.027
2043 Boston - MLB 2B 18 18 35 62 17 99 2 .980 161.0 5.42 -3.3 .881
2043 Boston - MLB 3B 39 39 19 64 4 90 7 .922 343.1 2.18 -0.2 .986
2044 Boston - MLB 1B 99 99 826 46 58 878 6 .993 890.2 8.81 +5.0 1.064
2044 Boston - MLB 3B 9 9 7 15 1 22 0 1.000 79.1 2.50 +0.7 1.043
2045 Boston - MLB 1B 49 49 471 29 36 504 4 .992 444.0 10.14 +1.3 1.021
2045 Boston - MLB 3B 53 53 25 95 9 127 7 .945 475.1 2.27 -0.2 1.013
2046 Boston - MLB C 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1.000 5.0 7.20 -0.7 .000 3 0 0 0.0
2046 Boston - MLB 1B 35 34 310 11 27 328 7 .979 312.0 9.26 -2.8 .905
2046 Bakersfield - AAA 1B 12 12 91 3 5 95 1 .989 105.0 8.06 -0.2 .958
2046 Boston - MLB 3B 2 2 0 5 0 7 2 .714 20.0 2.25 -1.0 .734
2046 Bakersfield - AAA 3B 6 6 4 17 0 23 2 .913 53.0 3.57 +0.7 .979
2047 Boston - MLB 1B 1 1 11 1 0 12 0 1.000 8.0 13.50 +0.1 1.032
2047 Bakersfield - AAA 1B 30 30 231 10 18 243 2 .992 251.2 8.62 +0.3 1.011
2047 Bakersfield - AAA 2B 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 3.0 3.00 +0.0 1.022
2047 Bakersfield - AAA 3B 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 10.0 0.90 -0.2 1.028
2048 Boston - MLB 1B 40 40 349 25 30 379 5 .987 355.1 9.47 -0.8 .981
2048 Bakersfield - AAA 1B 14 14 124 8 10 133 1 .992 137.0 8.67 +0.4 1.039
2048 Bakersfield - AAA 2B 6 0 1 1 0 2 0 1.000 13.0 1.38 -0.2 1.039
2048 Bakersfield - AAA 3B 2 2 1 3 1 5 1 .800 18.0 2.00 -0.4 .774
2049 Boston - MLB 1B 16 16 140 5 4 147 2 .986 147.0 8.88 -0.3 .944
2049 Bakersfield - AAA 1B 31 31 232 19 16 253 2 .992 261.1 8.64 +1.7 1.075
2049 Boston - MLB 3B 20 20 6 33 2 40 1 .975 176.0 1.99 +0.6 1.039
2049 Bakersfield - AAA 3B 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 6.0 1.50 +0.0 1.035
2050 Boston - MLB 1B 23 23 194 17 10 211 0 1.000 205.0 9.26 +2.8 1.060
2050 Boston - MLB 2B 2 2 3 6 1 9 0 1.000 17.0 4.76 -0.3 .881
2050 Boston - MLB 3B 49 47 17 87 7 112 8 .929 438.0 2.14 -1.1 .982
2051 Baltimore - MLB 1B 33 0 50 4 2 54 0 1.000 62.0 7.84 +0.6 1.062
2051 Baltimore - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2051 Baltimore - MLB 3B 106 104 33 162 19 203 8 .961 873.2 2.01 +0.0 1.006
TOTAL C 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1.000 5.0 7.20 -0.7 .000 3 0 0 0.0
TOTAL 1B 576 540 4650 251 332 4943 42 .992 4904.1 8.99 +13.8 1.020
TOTAL 2B 28 20 39 70 18 111 2 .982 194.0 5.06 -3.9 .887
TOTAL 3B 629 615 279 1042 82 1393 72 .948 5465.1 2.18 +1.7 .994
TOTAL LF 9 9 15 0 0 15 0 1.000 76.0 1.78 -0.7 .908
TOTAL RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
01/30/2036 Entered the Menard's Third League as an international amateur free agent from Dominican Republic.
02/04/2036 Signed a minor league contract ($5,560,000 bonus) out of Dominican Republic with the Boston Patriots organization.
05/01/2036 Named the #6 prospect in the PL
01/01/2037 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 2 (9); Power: 4 (9); Eye: 1 (7).
05/01/2037 Named the #14 prospect in the PL
01/01/2038 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 4 (9); Power: 3 (9); Eye: 1 (7).
05/01/2038 Named the #9 prospect in the PL
05/10/2038 Wins the PR PR Player of the Week Award.
09/28/2038 Wins the 2038 USPL Double A PL AA Championship with the Mercer Island Screaming Eagles!
01/01/2039 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (9); Power: 5 (9); Eye: 1 (7).
05/01/2039 Named the #6 prospect in the PL
05/07/2039 Goes 5-5 against the San Bernardino Grasshoppers, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 2 RBI and 4 R.
09/25/2039 Wins the 2039 USPL Double A PL AA Championship with the Mercer Island Screaming Eagles!
09/26/2039 Wins the 2039 USPL Triple A PL AAA Championship with the Bakersfield Nobles!
01/01/2040 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (9); Power: 6 (8); Eye: 4 (7).
01/02/2040 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $280,000 through automatic renewal.
09/27/2040 Wins the 2040 United States Premier League Championship with the Boston Patriots.
10/31/2040 Wins the 2040 PL PL Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
01/01/2041 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
01/02/2041 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $280,000 through automatic renewal.
05/27/2041 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
10/29/2041 Finished 3rd in 2041 PL PL Gold Bat voting.
10/29/2041 Wins the 2041 PL PL Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
01/01/2042 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 7 (7).
01/02/2042 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $280,000 through automatic renewal.
07/18/2042 Goes 0-4 against the St. Louis Coeur, ending his hitting streak at 20 games.
10/25/2042 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $9,840,000 with the Boston Patriots organization.
01/01/2043 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (8).
06/15/2043 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
09/26/2043 Wins the 2043 United States Premier League Championship with the Boston Patriots.
10/22/2043 Won the 2043 United States Baseball Association Tournament of Champions with the Boston Patriots!
10/27/2043 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $14,210,000 with the Boston Patriots organization.
11/02/2043 Finished 3rd in 2043 PL PL Gold Bat voting.
01/01/2044 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 8 (8).
05/19/2044 Goes 0-5 against the Charleston Battery, ending his hitting streak at 25 games.
07/18/2044 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
08/08/2044 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
08/15/2044 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
10/23/2044 Won the 2044 United States Baseball Association Tournament of Champions with the Boston Patriots!
10/28/2044 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $24,230,000 with the Boston Patriots organization.
11/01/2044 Wins the 2044 PL Gold Bat.
11/01/2044 Wins the 2044 PL Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
01/01/2045 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 8 (8).
11/05/2045 Finished 2nd in 2045 PL Gold Bat voting.
11/05/2045 Wins the 2045 PL Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
01/01/2046 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 8 (8).
01/02/2046 Became a free agent.
01/17/2046 Signed a 6-year contract worth a total of $199,200,000 with the Boston Patriots organization.
09/26/2046 Wins the 2046 United States Premier League Championship with the Boston Patriots.
09/26/2046 Wins the 2046 USPL Triple A PL AAA Championship with the Bakersfield Nobles!
10/23/2046 Won the 2046 United States Baseball Association Tournament of Champions with the Boston Patriots!
01/01/2047 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 8 (8).
08/07/2047 Suspended 3 games after ejection following a brawl.
09/09/2047 Wins the PAAA Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2048 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 8 (8).
01/01/2049 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 7 (8).
08/02/2049 Suspended 5 games after ejection following a brawl.
09/23/2049 Wins the 2049 USSL Triple A SL AAA Championship with the Bakersfield Nobles!
01/01/2050 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 8 (8).
06/06/2050 Wins the SL Player of the Week Award.
07/25/2050 Wins the SL Player of the Week Award.
09/26/2050 Wins the 2050 United States Silver League Championship with the Boston Patriots.
10/21/2050 Declined his contract option.
10/31/2050 Finished 3rd in 2050 SL Outstanding Hitter Award voting.
01/01/2051 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 8 (8).
01/02/2051 Became a free agent.
04/23/2051 Signed a 1-year contract worth a total of $15,000,000 with the Baltimore Bullets organization.
11/03/2051 Wins the 2051 SL Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
Year GS Rank
2040 108 2
2041 107 9
2043 108 1
2044 108 1
Year PA Rank
2040 505 3
2041 495 2
2042 505 2
2043 485 10
2044 491 9
2045 489 2
Year AB Rank
2040 455 3
2041 429 5
2044 436 10
2045 423 9
Year H Rank
2040 145 3
2041 131 4
2042 129 10
2043 144 3
2044 162 2
2045 135 2
Year TB Rank
2040 245 3
2041 213 9
2043 228 9
2044 269 1
2045 230 4
2050 165 9
Year 2B Rank
2044 38 1
Year 3B Rank
2040 12 1
2041 5 9
2043 10 1
Year HR Rank
2045 22 9
Year SB Rank
2040 60 1
2041 61 1
2042 51 1
2043 40 2
2044 59 1
2045 62 1
2046 39 7
Year RBI Rank
2043 80 6
Year R Rank
2040 90 2
2041 93 1
2042 87 2
2043 97 1
2044 101 1
2045 101 1
2050 63 2
2051 65 2
Year BB Rank
2040 47 6
2041 61 2
2042 85 1
2043 54 5
2044 51 6
2045 62 3
2046 51 7
2050 64 2
2051 54 9
Year IBB Rank
2040 4 5
2043 3 9
2044 5 4
2045 3 7
2050 6 2
Year SF Rank
2042 4 9
2043 5 6
Year EBH Rank
2040 54 3
2044 62 2
2050 37 7
Year AVG Rank
2040 .319 6
2041 .305 7
2042 .311 6
2043 .340 1
2044 .372 1
2045 .319 2
2050 .282 8
Year OBP Rank
2040 .386 5
2041 .398 2
2042 .426 1
2043 .414 1
2044 .440 1
2045 .405 1
2046 .402 2
2050 .400 1
2051 .361 5
Year SLG Rank
2040 .538 10
2043 .539 8
2044 .617 2
2045 .544 7
2050 .474 3
Year RC Rank
2040 104.42 2
2041 96.19 2
2042 98.98 6
2043 107.27 1
2044 128.75 1
2045 106.27 2
2050 72.11 2
2051 65.28 6
Year RC/27 Rank
2040 8.76 5
2041 8.30 6
2042 8.82 6
2043 10.02 2
2044 12.03 1
2045 9.47 2
2046 7.77 7
2050 7.58 2
2051 5.82 6
Year ISO Rank
2044 .245 7
2050 .193 9
Year wOBA Rank
2040 .383 7
2041 .382 6
2042 .382 8
2043 .395 4
2044 .431 1
2045 .396 2
2046 .375 8
2050 .377 2
2051 .348 9
Year OPS Rank
2040 .925 7
2041 .894 9
2042 .900 9
2043 .953 5
2044 1.057 2
2045 .949 3
2046 .883 9
2050 .874 2
2051 .786 10
Year WAR Rank
2040 5.3 4
2041 6.1 1
2042 5.3 3
2043 5.1 2
2044 7.1 1
2045 5.7 2
2050 4.9 3
2051 4.3 3
Friday, July 7th , 2023 - OOTP Baseball 23.10 Build 110