League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
A Miguel Aguilar, Greg Ayala, Ed Alexander, Art Adams, Ed Adams B Scott Beavis, John Ball, Will Blalock, Daryl Benstead, Mike Brandner
C Norberto Concepción, Tomás Costello, Roy Clay, Luis Concepción, Pedro Colón D Francisco Díaz, Scott Donlan, Raffaello Dichio, Ralph DePalma, Pancho De La Rosa
E Anastasio Enríquez, António Escobeda, Allen Edwards, Jon Ellender, Alfredo Escalante F Roberto Fierro, Ken French, Scott French, Pepe Fontirroig, Mike Foltynewicz
G César González, Carlos González, Spartak Gonjarov, Dale Goodman, Mark Garrett H Pat Hunt, Joe Holland, Chad Holland, Bruce Hunt, Kevin Hamm
I Junji Ito, Enrique Ibarra, Hori Ikenaki, Eisaku Ishikawa, Shoichi Iwata J Alex Johnston, Miguel Juárez, Domingo Jones, Ralph Johnston, Teddy Jones
K Carroll Kline, Franck Kooijmans, Hirokichi Kichida, Hank Kenney, Vincent Klein L Aurelio López, Ánibal Leobardo, José Leyva, Felipe López, Calle Lagerkvist
M Charles MacMurdo, Alex Maxwell, Gong Mao, Santiago Miranda, Jeff Morehead N Dewey Nauss, Mareka Naidoo, Mathieu Neri, Jim Nasium, Stu Noble
O Aurelio Ortíz, Ezequiel Oacia, Pedro Ortega, Ramón Ocegueda, Doruk Oyan P Keith Pick, Paul Pitts, Mitchell Pate, Juan Pérez, Manuel Pérez
Q António Quintero, Tsu-wee Qi, Jeff Quesenberry, Guillermo Quiñones, Jorge Quilez R Byron Rosebotham, Myron Rosenbalm, Foeke Reus, Pedro Reynoso, Alfredo Ríos
S Osiris St. Brown, Chandler Schroeder, Arthur Stevenson, Lawrence Swift, Alejandro Sánchez T Gaberiela Tatafu, Isuru Tanaka, Wilson Tamayo, Bill Tennant, Pi-ao Tsao
U Fernando Urby, António Uribe, Shojiro Ueda, Kunimatsu Uchida, Glenn Underwood V Loeck Visser, Leonardo Valdéz, Paul Vereen, Santo Velazco, Júlio Villegas
W Stanley Williams, Mike Williams, Brenton Winston, Riley Walker, Cody Wilson X Hang-fu Xiong, Wiley Q. Xavier, Su-wu Xiao, José Xirau
Y Neung-uk Yi, Rich Young, Takayuki Yoshikawa, Raúl Yánez, Allen Yohemas Z Renato Zuvic, Octávio Zúñiga, Mo Zhou, Mang Zhong, Dario Zorander
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