BNN Stats: Reliever Split Stats Leaders
Monday, December 31st , 2046
Today we look at the top 5 relievers leading the M3L Rookie in strikeouts on the road.
Lee Fortescue, BOM, 52 Jorge Bernard, GF, 49 Alfonso Rojas, CQ, 40 Todd Jackson, WC, 39 Gareth Hammer, MAI, 34
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, December 24th , 2046
Who holds the single season record in the M3L Rookie for strikeouts?
Alfredo Molina, GHW, 223, 2040 Said Akimi, MAI, 189, 2034 Leon Alfons, HUD, 181, 2033 Alfredo Molina, GHW, 175, 2038 Lois Lefebvre, SSZ, 175, 2032
BNN Stats: Size Matters
Monday, December 17th , 2046
Here is a list of the tallest players in the M3L Rookie...
Wan-ling Hui, EI, 6' 11" Andrés Durán, CRO, 6' 9" Tsurayaki Tanaka, MJ, 6' 8" Francisco Martínez, KENT, 6' 8" Yefim Vistunov, MJ, 6' 8"