CF Ramón 'Turk' Rodríguez #68
Age: 41 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 5 5 4 5
Gap 6 7 6 6
Power 6 6 6 6
Eye 7 8 7 7
Avoid K's 6 6 5 6
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 5 6
Errors: - 7 7
Arm: 1 7 5
Turn DP: - 7 -
Ability: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: 2
Catcher: - Left Field: 7
1st Base: - Center Field: 3
2nd Base: 1 Right Field: 5
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 2
Stealing Ability: 3
Baserunning Inst.: 4
Sacrifice Bunt: 3
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
Ramón plays with reckless abandon.
Personality Class: Sparkplug
High: Adaptability, Work Ethic, Intelligence
Born in:Cruces, CIE
Height:6' 0"
Weight:200 lbs
Local Popularity:Insignificant
National Pop.:Insignificant
Signed Through:-
Major Service:13 Years, None
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:13 Years, None
Pro Service:12 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
StatsPlus Player Page
2032 Chicago - SL 27 64 242 66 6 3 8 32 27 32 2 2 32 3 1 .273 .360 .421 .781 122 118 2.2
2033 Chicago - PL 28 105 405 124 22 1 15 55 63 38 7 2 74 1 3 .306 .374 .477 .850 138 142 3.8
2034 Chicago - PL 29 106 404 109 23 1 13 44 53 53 3 0 62 3 1 .270 .359 .428 .787 115 117 3.2
2035 Chicago - PL 30 21 75 13 2 0 3 4 5 5 1 0 21 0 0 .173 .235 .320 .555 56 50 -0.2
2035 Vancouver - PL 30 84 283 60 13 1 8 24 33 37 5 1 47 0 0 .212 .313 .350 .663 90 85 1.1
2035 Total - PL 30 105 358 73 15 1 11 28 38 42 6 1 68 0 0 .204 .297 .344 .641 83 78 0.9
2036 Vancouver - PL 31 84 320 72 12 0 20 47 53 34 5 1 53 0 1 .225 .308 .450 .758 107 106 1.4
2037 Ft. Worth - 3L 32 107 412 102 25 6 13 63 56 50 3 2 81 1 0 .248 .332 .432 .764 108 110 2.8
2038 Ft. Worth - 3L 33 39 139 37 8 1 7 22 28 24 2 2 32 0 0 .266 .377 .489 .866 130 133 1.5
2039 Hollywood - PL 34 108 407 111 22 2 19 57 65 44 7 3 76 0 1 .273 .351 .477 .828 128 132 3.9
2040 Hollywood - PL 35 60 212 36 13 0 3 9 19 25 4 1 51 0 0 .170 .269 .274 .542 48 52 -0.8
2041 Hollywood - PL 36 86 298 76 11 1 14 52 34 31 5 7 63 1 0 .255 .328 .440 .768 108 109 1.4
2042 Hollywood - PL 37 104 389 108 15 0 14 67 40 51 4 3 96 2 1 .278 .365 .424 .789 117 123 3.0
2043 Hollywood - PL 38 50 151 36 11 1 8 23 30 19 4 2 33 1 0 .238 .335 .483 .819 116 117 0.8
2044 Vancouver - 3L 39 39 112 26 7 0 4 22 17 16 1 2 24 0 0 .232 .328 .402 .730 90 86 0.1
Total PL 808 2944 745 144 7 117 382 395 337 45 20 576 8 7 .253 .337 .426 .763 110 112 17.6
Total SL 64 242 66 6 3 8 32 27 32 2 2 32 3 1 .273 .360 .421 .781 122 118 2.2
Total 3L 185 663 165 40 7 24 107 101 90 6 6 137 1 0 .249 .341 .439 .780 110 111 4.5
2032 Baltimore - AAA 27 9 33 13 4 0 2 9 7 4 0 0 3 0 0 .394 .459 .697 1.156 204 210 0.7
2036 Calgary - AAA 31 3 15 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 .133 .188 .200 .388 9 -24 -0.1
2038 Tortolita - AAA 33 16 59 18 5 1 1 6 10 10 0 1 12 0 0 .305 .400 .475 .875 136 141 1.0
2040 Sacramento - AAA 35 8 24 6 1 0 3 6 6 6 0 1 1 0 0 .250 .387 .667 1.054 174 154 0.4
Total 3AAA 16 59 18 5 1 1 6 10 10 0 1 12 0 0 .305 .400 .475 .875 136 141
Total PAAA 11 39 8 2 0 3 7 8 7 0 1 4 0 0 .205 .319 .487 .806 118 93
Total SAAA 9 33 13 4 0 2 9 7 4 0 0 3 0 0 .394 .459 .697 1.156 204 210
2032 Chicago - SL 27 9 34 6 1 0 2 7 5 9 0 0 5 0 0 .176 .349 .382 .731 108 84 0.7
2032 Chicago - PL 27 2 11 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .273 .333 .455 .788 122 124 0.1
2032 Total - PL 27 11 45 9 3 0 2 7 5 10 0 0 6 0 0 .200 .345 .400 .745 111 92 0.8
2033 Chicago - 3L 28 2 7 1 0 1 0 4 1 2 0 0 4 0 0 .143 .333 .429 .762 107 109 0.0
2033 Chicago - SL 28 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 .667 .750 1.000 1.750 386 388 0.2
2033 Chicago - PL 28 11 43 9 2 1 0 6 2 3 0 1 7 0 1 .209 .255 .302 .558 57 54 0.1
2033 Total - PL 28 14 53 12 3 2 0 10 4 5 1 1 11 0 1 .226 .300 .358 .658 86 85 0.3
2034 Chicago - 3L 29 1 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .250 .400 .500 .900 150 154 0.0
2034 Chicago - PL 29 8 35 13 1 0 1 3 5 1 0 0 3 1 0 .371 .389 .486 .875 139 144 1.2
2034 Total - PL 29 9 39 14 2 0 1 4 5 2 0 0 4 1 0 .359 .390 .487 .877 140 145 1.2
2035 Vancouver - 3L 30 3 11 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 .273 .273 .273 .545 48 45 -0.0
2035 Vancouver - SL 30 3 11 4 0 0 1 3 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 .364 .462 .636 1.098 216 223 0.2
2035 Chicago - PL 30 4 14 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 .214 .312 .429 .741 108 113 0.1
2035 Vancouver - PL 30 11 35 11 0 0 1 5 5 7 0 0 7 0 0 .314 .429 .400 .829 140 137 0.9
2035 Total - PL 30 21 71 21 0 0 3 9 9 11 0 0 17 0 0 .296 .390 .423 .813 134 133 1.1
2036 Vancouver - SL 31 4 14 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 .286 .333 .286 .619 76 80 0.0
2036 Vancouver - PL 31 12 48 11 0 0 3 8 6 2 1 1 13 0 1 .229 .269 .417 .686 86 84 -0.2
2036 Total - PL 31 16 62 15 0 0 3 9 7 2 2 1 13 0 1 .242 .284 .387 .671 84 83 -0.2
2037 Ft. Worth - 3L 32 15 55 18 1 0 4 14 8 7 1 0 9 0 0 .327 .413 .564 .976 165 171 1.5
2037 Ft. Worth - SL 32 2 9 3 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 .333 .400 .444 .844 130 137 0.1
2037 Ft. Worth - PL 32 7 24 2 0 1 0 1 0 4 1 0 5 0 0 .083 .241 .167 .408 15 23 -0.3
2037 Total - PL 32 24 88 23 2 1 4 17 9 12 2 0 17 0 0 .261 .363 .443 .806 119 125 1.3
2038 Ft. Worth - 3L 33 14 53 14 3 1 1 5 5 3 1 1 6 0 0 .264 .310 .415 .725 92 92 0.5
2039 Hollywood - PL 34 11 47 9 1 0 2 4 7 2 0 0 10 0 0 .191 .224 .340 .565 54 54 0.4
2040 Hollywood - PL 35 4 13 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 .231 .231 .308 .538 44 41 -0.2
2041 Hollywood - 3L 36 1 6 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 .500 .500 .667 1.167 212 225 0.1
2041 Hollywood - SL 36 1 5 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .400 .400 .400 .800 110 116 0.0
2041 Hollywood - PL 36 12 43 12 2 0 4 5 6 5 1 0 5 0 0 .279 .367 .605 .972 159 164 0.3
2041 Total - PL 36 14 54 17 3 0 4 7 7 5 1 0 7 0 0 .315 .383 .593 .976 160 167 0.5
2042 Hollywood - 3L 37 2 7 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 .143 .333 .143 .476 33 51 -0.0
2042 Hollywood - PL 37 12 38 7 2 0 3 7 6 1 0 1 6 0 0 .184 .200 .474 .674 76 75 0.5
2042 Total - PL 37 14 45 8 2 0 3 8 6 3 0 1 8 0 0 .178 .224 .422 .647 69 70 0.4
2043 Hollywood - SL 38 3 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .200 .200 .400 .600 60 57 -0.0
2043 Hollywood - PL 38 8 20 2 1 0 0 2 3 3 1 0 4 0 0 .100 .250 .150 .400 13 22 -0.4
2043 Total - PL 38 11 25 3 2 0 0 3 3 3 1 0 5 0 0 .120 .241 .200 .441 21 28 -0.4
2044 Vancouver - 3L 39 3 13 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 .154 .267 .231 .497 32 34 -0.2
Total PL 102 371 85 12 2 15 42 42 31 4 3 67 1 2 .229 .293 .394 .687 88 89
Total SL 23 81 22 4 0 3 16 10 12 2 0 12 0 0 .272 .379 .432 .811 130 121
Total 3L 41 156 43 7 2 5 25 15 17 2 1 32 0 0 .276 .352 .442 .795 114 117
2032 Chicago - MLB 2B 4 0 0 3 0 3 0 1.000 10.2 2.53 +0.0 1.006
2032 Chicago - MLB LF 2 2 8 0 0 8 0 1.000 17.0 4.24 +0.9 1.171
2032 Baltimore - AAA CF 2 2 5 1 0 6 0 1.000 18.0 3.00 +0.2 1.058
2032 Chicago - MLB RF 62 62 118 3 1 122 1 .992 532.2 2.04 +8.1 1.109
2032 Baltimore - AAA RF 7 7 15 0 0 15 0 1.000 62.2 2.15 +0.7 1.066
2033 Chicago - MLB 2B 21 18 35 45 19 84 4 .952 163.1 4.41 -1.6 .933
2033 Chicago - MLB 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2033 Chicago - MLB SS 78 77 76 241 46 325 8 .975 680.0 4.20 -0.5 .996
2033 Chicago - MLB LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2033 Chicago - MLB CF 10 9 23 0 0 23 0 1.000 80.0 2.59 +0.8 1.049
2033 Chicago - MLB RF 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 8.2 1.04 +0.0 1.024
2034 Chicago - MLB 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2034 Chicago - MLB SS 59 59 89 187 50 283 7 .975 526.0 4.72 -0.7 .992
2034 Chicago - MLB LF 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 3.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2034 Chicago - MLB CF 25 23 58 1 0 59 0 1.000 206.1 2.57 +2.5 1.064
2034 Chicago - MLB RF 26 24 61 4 0 65 0 1.000 212.1 2.76 +4.4 1.120
2035 Vancouver - MLB 3B 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2035 Chicago - MLB SS 21 21 30 66 13 99 3 .970 185.0 4.67 -0.9 .974
2035 Vancouver - MLB SS 5 0 1 2 1 3 0 1.000 7.0 3.86 -0.0 .989
2035 Vancouver - MLB CF 84 84 174 9 4 184 1 .995 725.1 2.27 +3.6 1.029
2036 Vancouver - MLB 2B 4 3 5 7 1 13 1 .923 26.1 4.10 -0.6 .904
2036 Vancouver - MLB SS 46 46 38 126 18 170 6 .965 406.2 3.63 -4.2 .928
2036 Calgary - AAA SS 3 3 3 18 1 21 0 1.000 37.0 5.11 +0.4 1.047
2036 Vancouver - MLB LF 5 5 11 1 0 12 0 1.000 44.2 2.42 +0.4 1.066
2036 Vancouver - MLB CF 31 30 83 1 1 85 1 .988 268.0 2.82 +0.3 1.006
2037 Ft. Worth - MLB CF 107 107 323 4 1 330 3 .991 955.0 3.08 +6.6 1.028
2038 Tortolita - AAA SS 7 6 12 23 2 35 0 1.000 58.2 5.37 +1.6 1.073
2038 Ft. Worth - MLB CF 39 39 106 0 0 107 1 .991 330.0 2.89 +2.4 1.036
2038 Tortolita - AAA CF 10 9 28 0 0 28 0 1.000 84.0 3.00 +0.9 1.013
2038 Tortolita - AAA RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2039 Hollywood - MLB 3B 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 7.0 0.00 -0.4 .000
2039 Hollywood - MLB LF 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 11.0 0.82 +0.0 .976
2039 Hollywood - MLB CF 107 107 303 6 1 309 0 1.000 917.0 3.03 +2.9 1.000
2040 Hollywood - MLB SS 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 1.000 6.0 3.00 -1.4 .257
2040 Hollywood - MLB LF 29 27 52 0 0 52 0 1.000 252.2 1.85 +1.2 1.031
2040 Sacramento - AAA LF 8 8 22 2 0 24 0 1.000 68.0 3.18 +1.2 1.082
2040 Hollywood - MLB CF 6 2 8 0 0 9 1 .889 23.0 3.13 -0.2 .976
2040 Hollywood - MLB RF 22 22 40 4 0 44 0 1.000 195.1 2.03 +1.1 1.034
2041 Hollywood - MLB LF 21 18 28 0 0 28 0 1.000 160.1 1.57 +1.1 1.056
2041 Hollywood - MLB CF 7 5 9 0 0 10 1 .900 43.2 1.85 -0.6 .980
2041 Hollywood - MLB RF 62 62 119 5 0 126 2 .984 546.1 2.04 +2.1 1.006
2042 Hollywood - MLB LF 92 92 167 2 1 172 3 .983 819.1 1.86 +5.9 1.044
2042 Hollywood - MLB CF 13 10 30 1 0 31 0 1.000 103.1 2.70 +0.7 .984
2042 Hollywood - MLB RF 2 2 7 0 0 7 0 1.000 17.0 3.71 +1.5 1.735
2043 Hollywood - MLB LF 17 15 23 0 0 23 0 1.000 137.0 1.51 +0.2 .992
2043 Hollywood - MLB CF 4 0 7 0 0 7 0 1.000 9.1 6.75 +0.4 .999
2043 Hollywood - MLB RF 27 27 40 1 0 42 1 .976 246.2 1.50 -1.3 .969
2044 Vancouver - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2044 Vancouver - MLB SS 3 0 2 4 1 6 0 1.000 9.1 5.79 +0.0 1.054
2044 Vancouver - MLB LF 5 2 4 1 0 5 0 1.000 27.0 1.67 -0.0 .991
2044 Vancouver - MLB CF 1 1 4 1 0 5 0 1.000 9.0 5.00 -0.3 1.001
2044 Vancouver - MLB RF 27 24 42 2 0 46 2 .957 211.2 1.87 -0.1 .989
TOTAL 2B 29 21 40 55 20 100 5 .950 200.1 4.27 -2.1 .933
TOTAL 3B 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 10.0 0.00 -0.4 .000
TOTAL SS 224 212 252 668 132 944 24 .975 1915.2 4.32 -5.7 .978
TOTAL LF 186 169 316 6 1 325 3 .991 1540.0 1.88 +11.0 1.044
TOTAL CF 446 428 1161 24 7 1193 8 .993 3772.0 2.83 +20.0 1.020
TOTAL RF 240 230 443 19 1 468 6 .987 2033.1 2.04 +16.6 1.054
01/01/2032 Entered the Menard's Third League as a free agent from Cuba.
01/16/2032 Signed a 6-year contract worth a total of $112,000,000 with the Chicago Gold Sox organization.
05/21/2032 Injured (Strained triceps), out for 5-6 weeks.
06/01/2032 Wins the SL SL Rookie of the Month Award.
08/12/2032 Injured (Intercostal strain), out for 2 days.
09/05/2032 Injured (Oblique strain), out for 2 weeks.
09/27/2032 Wins the 2032 United States Silver League Championship with the Chicago Gold Sox.
11/01/2032 Finished 3rd in 2032 SL SL Newcomer of the Year Award voting.
01/01/2033 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
01/01/2034 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
07/26/2034 Injured (Dead arm), out for 3 days.
01/01/2035 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
06/02/2035 Was traded by the Chicago Gold Sox to the Vancouver Grey Wolves, along with $15,000,000, in exchange for 1B Lauren Hilfiker, 2B Germán Gracía, SS Carlos Martínez, CF Esteban Piñeiro, $2.
06/26/2035 Injured (Bruised foot), day-to-day for 4 days.
01/01/2036 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (8); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
05/26/2036 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
06/01/2036 Wins the PL PL Batter of the Month Award.
07/26/2036 Injured (Elbow strain), out for 4 weeks.
10/25/2036 Declined his contract option.
11/14/2036 Was not offered arbitration and became a free agent.
01/01/2037 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
01/16/2037 Signed a 3-year contract worth a total of $43,500,000 with the Ft. Worth Cattlemen organization.
05/16/2037 Injured (Back tightness), day-to-day for 6 days.
10/12/2037 Injured (Shoulder inflammation), out for 5 weeks.
01/01/2038 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
05/10/2038 Wins the 3L 3L Player of the Week Award.
05/12/2038 Injured (Bone marrow edema (wrist)), out for 5-6 weeks.
07/10/2038 Injured (Back tightness), day-to-day for 1 day.
07/16/2038 Injured (Elbow strain), out for 4-5 weeks.
09/26/2038 Wins the 2038 M3L Triple A 3L AAA Championship with the Tortolita Drummers!
10/21/2038 Declined his contract option.
01/01/2039 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 6 (7); Eye: 6 (6).
01/02/2039 Became a free agent.
03/25/2039 Signed a 4-year contract worth a total of $55,000,000 with the Hollywood Shredders organization.
07/25/2039 Wins the PL PL Player of the Week Award.
09/22/2039 Injured (Back tightness), day-to-day for 1 day.
10/25/2039 Exercised his contract opt-out.
10/29/2039 Signed a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $30,000,000 with the Hollywood Shredders organization.
11/04/2039 Wins the 2039 PL PL Platinum Stick Award at CF.
01/01/2040 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
05/24/2040 Injured (Back spasms), day-to-day for 5 days.
11/07/2040 Signed a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $9,200,000 with the Hollywood Shredders organization.
01/01/2041 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
04/23/2041 Injured (Earache), day-to-day for 2 days.
08/24/2041 Injured (Partially torn labrum), out for 5-6 weeks.
10/19/2041 Has met the vesting criteria in his contract.
01/01/2042 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 6 (7).
06/10/2042 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $1,800,000 with the Hollywood Shredders organization.
01/01/2043 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 7 (7).
06/02/2043 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $800,000 with the Hollywood Shredders organization.
10/08/2043 Injured (Back tightness), day-to-day for 1 day.
01/01/2044 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (6); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 7 (7).
01/30/2044 Was traded by the Hollywood Shredders to the Vancouver Grey Wolves in exchange for CF Ramón Cervantes.
10/24/2044 Retired from professional baseball.
Year GS Rank
2037 107 6
2039 107 7
Year PA Rank
2039 461 10
Year 3B Rank
2037 6 3
Year R Rank
2039 65 8
Year BB Rank
2039 44 7
2042 51 9
Year SF Rank
2041 7 2
Year RC Rank
2039 69.30 9
Year WAR Rank
2039 4.0 10
Wednesday, July 27th , 2022 - OOTP Baseball 22.12 Build 89