BNN Stats: Active Career Pitching Leaders
Monday, December 26th, 2039
Which active pitchers are leading the USSL Double A in career losses?
José Correa, PHXY, 37 Kliment Spirk, VIR, 36 Ken French, ALL, 34 Ralph DePalma, THB, 26 Mark Garrett, YAK, 26
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, December 19th, 2039
Who holds the single season record in the USSL Double A for RBI?
Ron Lawrence, VB, 105, 2038 Myron Rosenbalm, IRV, 105, 2030 Ik-jun Cho, NE, 102, 2038 Keith Pick, VB, 96, 2038 Alfredo López, AKR, 95, 2016
BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Rookie Leaders
Monday, December 12th, 2039
So, which rookie starting pitchers are leading the USSL Double A in fielding independent pitching (FIP)?
Driscoll Craft, PLY, 3.81 Júlio Rosales, WES, 3.91 Luis Matos, ITH, 3.93 Arvid Alberink, VB, 4.10 Maximiano Agostinho, LAN, 4.23