Thursday, October 22nd, 2037
Ogallala Octopi: Manager Soseki Matsunaga leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Ogallala Octopi: Pitching Coach Carlos Méndez leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Ogallala Octopi: Hitting Coach Rick Pierce leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Surprise Shockers: Pitching Coach Ju-hyung O leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Valley View Cougars: Manager Will Thomas leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Valley View Cougars: Pitching Coach Joaquín Costello leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Valley View Cougars: Hitting Coach Jorge Lucero leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Crowley Cajuns: Pitching Coach Jorge Álvarez leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.
Indiana Lead Sox: Pitching Coach Paul Abbott leaves the team, his contract was not renewed.