BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Split Stats Leaders
Monday, December 28th, 2037
Today we look at the top 5 starting pitchers leading the USPL Double A in strikeouts during daytime.
Sergio Gallegos, VIR, 52 Henry Ross, SPR, 50 Wilson Valenzuela, VIR, 43 Kevin Maughan, VIR, 41 Víctor Deleón, NE, 39
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, December 21st, 2037
Who holds the single season record in the USPL Double A for sacrifice flies?
Shigenobu Ohayashi, AKR, 14, 2030 Dave Robertson, KCA, 10, 2022 Sidney Mackell, NE, 9, 2030 Michael Sweeney, LM, 9, 2032 Luis Tapia, DUR, 9, 2022
BNN Stats: Reliever Split Stats Leaders
Monday, December 14th, 2037
Today we look at the top 5 relievers leading the USPL Double A in ERA on the road.
Carlos Cardoso, MI, 0.89 Ricardo Peito, FP, 1.33 Ricardo Ramírez, MIN, 1.74 José Rodríguez, SB, 2.19 Knud Herrewijn, SB, 2.25