League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Sal Gaudio 828 (.498)
Brett Reichert 515 (.591)
Scott Thompson 509 (.524)
Bill Cefaratti 487 (.477)
David Lister 473 (.548)
Andy Mayfield 458 (.530)
Scott Williams 411 (.475)
Imran Kopitar 403 (.533)
David Krause 360 (.556)
JJ Hoban 347 (.481)
Jonathan Gerth 322 (.596)
TJ Reynolds 291 (.505)
DAshley GoAs 290 (.536)
Kyle Norton 281 (.436)
Coleman Webster 278 (.644)
Dan Cahill 277 (.513)
Ánibal Vera 253 (.468)
Matt Hunt 237 (.439)
Forrest Bejta 229 (.424)
Joe Koralewski 228 (.528)
John Reed 225 (.517)
Troy Holl 213 (.493)
Peter Robertson 211 (.651)
John Ward 208 (.481)
Michael Esposito 201 (.620)
Tyler Johnson 196 (.454)
Tom Hall 195 (.451)
Mau Delgado 188 (.435)
Greg Diersing 173 (.534)
Jordan Calhoun 151 (.466)
Anthony Yaghmour 142 (.438)
Matthew Rubo 140 (.432)
Imran Baig 132 (.579)
Ian There 125 (.622)
Manolo Gallardo 120 (.556)
Glenn Polyn 118 (.393)
Brian Talamante 107 (.495)
Manuel Gonzáles 105 (.477)
José Bello 103 (.477)
Kerry Hofmeister 99 (.458)
James Burton 97 (.449)
Curt Donovan 94 (.435)
Josh Jackson 91 (.421)
Clifford Peterson 89 (.412)
River Davis 88 (.407)
Dani Pérez 82 (.380)
Walt Greene 80 (.678)
Josh Swain 79 (.494)
Ryan Naylor 73 (.435)
Mark Ligi 73 (.442)
Name Win%
Walt Greene .678 (80-38)
Peter Robertson .651 (211-113)
Coleman Webster .644 (278-154)
Ian There .622 (125-76)
Michael Esposito .620 (201-123)
Jonathan Gerth .596 (322-218)
Brett Reichert .591 (515-357)
Adam Vocalino .588 (50-35)
Imran Baig .579 (132-96)
David Krause .556 (360-288)
Manolo Gallardo .556 (120-96)
David Lister .548 (473-390)
Arturo Vega .546 (59-49)
Yoshida Kobayashi .541 (53-45)
DAshley GoAs .536 (290-251)
Greg Diersing .534 (173-151)
Imran Kopitar .533 (403-353)
Andy Mayfield .530 (458-406)
Joe Koralewski .528 (228-204)
Scott Thompson .524 (509-463)
Francis Bova .519 (56-52)
John Reed .517 (225-210)
Dan Cahill .513 (277-263)
Timmy Quigley .509 (55-53)
Brad Daugherty .509 (55-53)
TJ Reynolds .505 (291-285)
Sal Gaudio .498 (828-834)
Brian Talamante .495 (107-109)
Josh Swain .494 (79-81)
Troy Holl .493 (213-219)
Mark Hall .491 (53-55)
Júlio Castillo .491 (53-55)
John Ward .481 (208-224)
JJ Hoban .481 (347-375)
Bill Cefaratti .477 (487-533)
Manuel Gonzáles .477 (105-115)
José Bello .477 (103-113)
Scott Williams .475 (411-455)
Ánibal Vera .468 (253-288)
Jordan Calhoun .466 (151-173)
Kerry Hofmeister .458 (99-117)
Tyler Johnson .454 (196-236)
Tom Hall .451 (195-237)
James Burton .449 (97-119)
Mark Ligi .442 (73-92)
Matt Hunt .439 (237-303)
Anthony Yaghmour .438 (142-182)
Kyle Norton .436 (281-364)
Mau Delgado .435 (188-244)
Curt Donovan .435 (94-122)
Name Losses
Sal Gaudio 834 (.498)
Bill Cefaratti 533 (.477)
Scott Thompson 463 (.524)
Scott Williams 455 (.475)
Andy Mayfield 406 (.530)
David Lister 390 (.548)
JJ Hoban 375 (.481)
Kyle Norton 364 (.436)
Brett Reichert 357 (.591)
Imran Kopitar 353 (.533)
Forrest Bejta 311 (.424)
Matt Hunt 303 (.439)
David Krause 288 (.556)
Ánibal Vera 288 (.468)
TJ Reynolds 285 (.505)
Dan Cahill 263 (.513)
DAshley GoAs 251 (.536)
Mau Delgado 244 (.435)
Tom Hall 237 (.451)
Tyler Johnson 236 (.454)
John Ward 224 (.481)
Troy Holl 219 (.493)
Jonathan Gerth 218 (.596)
John Reed 210 (.517)
Joe Koralewski 204 (.528)
Matthew Rubo 184 (.432)
Glenn Polyn 182 (.393)
Anthony Yaghmour 182 (.438)
Jordan Calhoun 173 (.466)
Coleman Webster 154 (.644)
Greg Diersing 151 (.534)
Dani Pérez 134 (.380)
River Davis 128 (.407)
Clifford Peterson 127 (.412)
Josh Jackson 125 (.421)
Michael Esposito 123 (.620)
Curt Donovan 122 (.435)
James Burton 119 (.449)
Kerry Hofmeister 117 (.458)
Manuel Gonzáles 115 (.477)
José Bello 113 (.477)
Peter Robertson 113 (.651)
Brian Talamante 109 (.495)
Imran Baig 96 (.579)
Manolo Gallardo 96 (.556)
Ryan Naylor 95 (.435)
Mark Ligi 92 (.442)
Jake Ferrell 88 (.333)
Josh Swain 81 (.494)
Ian There 76 (.622)
Name W > .500
Brett Reichert 158 (515-357)
Coleman Webster 124 (278-154)
Jonathan Gerth 104 (322-218)
Peter Robertson 98 (211-113)
David Lister 83 (473-390)
Michael Esposito 78 (201-123)
David Krause 72 (360-288)
Andy Mayfield 52 (458-406)
Imran Kopitar 50 (403-353)
Ian There 49 (125-76)
Scott Thompson 46 (509-463)
Walt Greene 42 (80-38)
DAshley GoAs 39 (290-251)
Imran Baig 36 (132-96)
Joe Koralewski 24 (228-204)
Manolo Gallardo 24 (120-96)
Greg Diersing 22 (173-151)
John Reed 15 (225-210)
Adam Vocalino 15 (50-35)
Dan Cahill 14 (277-263)
Arturo Vega 10 (59-49)
Yoshida Kobayashi 8 (53-45)
TJ Reynolds 6 (291-285)
Francis Bova 4 (56-52)
Timmy Quigley 2 (55-53)
Brad Daugherty 2 (55-53)
Iban Hulsbos 0 (0-0)
Whet Smith 0 (0-0)
Mark Fowler 0 (0-0)
Luis Campos 0 (0-0)
Eric Spence 0 (0-0)
Yoshifumi Kamuta 0 (0-0)
Júlio Castillo -2 (53-55)
Mark Hall -2 (53-55)
Brian Talamante -2 (107-109)
Josh Swain -2 (79-81)
Sal Gaudio -6 (828-834)
Troy Holl -6 (213-219)
José Bello -10 (103-113)
Manuel Gonzáles -10 (105-115)
Don Lookingbill -11 (29-40)
Jorge Díaz -14 (47-61)
John Ward -16 (208-224)
Steve Hawkins -16 (21-37)
Dave Hood -18 (10-28)
Bill Cheese -18 (26-44)
Kerry Hofmeister -18 (99-117)
Mark Ligi -19 (73-92)
Jordan Calhoun -22 (151-173)
Ryan Naylor -22 (73-95)
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