BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Split Stats Leaders
Monday, December 28th, 2026
Today we look at the top 5 starting pitchers leading the USSL Double A in strikeouts per 9 innings at night.
Mack MacDonald, DUR, 11.73 Manny Benavides, BETH, 10.32 John Ball, PHXY, 8.57 Anthony Snyder, CAS, 8.46 Kyle Lucas, LAN, 8.39
BNN Stats: Active Career Batting Leaders
Monday, December 21st, 2026
So, who is the active leader in the USSL Double A in career sacrifice flies?
Sal Haynes, MB, 19 Ken Miller, -, 17 Micah Miller, -, 17 Keith Alexander, TRE, 15 Thomas Campbell, TRE, 14
BNN Stats: Active Career Batting Leaders
Monday, December 14th, 2026
So, who is the active leader in the USSL Double A in career runs?
Francisco García, TRE, 259 Mike Peterson, -, 259 Keith Alexander, TRE, 249 David Morales, -, 244 Bob Curry, PHR, 240