a - J. Rodríguez pinch hit for J. Castillo in the 7th
b - E. Torres substituted for J. Rodríguez in the 7th
c - K. Sandoval pinch hit for C. Gridley in the 8th
d - T. Sherman substituted for K. Sandoval in the 8th
e - L. Michel pinch hit for L. McCloud in the 9th
f - K. Otani pinch hit for R. Hrnjak in the 9th
g - L. Lockheart pinch hit for C. Hoover in the 9th
h - S. Crouch substituted for L. Michel in the 9th
C. Hoover
(4, 8th Inning off L. Ortíz, 0 on, 0 outs)
L. Michel
(3, 9th Inning off A. Lubbers, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Hirschovits
C. Hoover
E. Torres
L. Michel
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Hoover
G. Guerrero
R. Hrnjak
V. Vega
Sac Bunt:
J. Alfiche
Team LOB:
Double Plays:
2 (Guerrero-McCloud-Alfiche, Alfiche-McCloud-Mena)