BNN Stats: Career Pitching Leaders
Monday, December 29th, 2025
Which pitchers are leading the United States Silver League in career ERA?
John Wilkins, AUS, 2.67 Gavin Blackburn, NA, 2.69 Javier Mora, PHX, 2.73 Pedro Valdéz, PHX, 2.79 Wes Hamm, PHX, 2.84
SL News: Draft Pool Revealed
Saturday, December 27th, 2025
Scouts have begun to salivate. The list of players for the first-year player draft has been released by the league office and speculation is already beginning about who will end up as the first pick. The list has been posted under the transaction section of the BNN site and will be there for the next 30 days leading up to draft day.
Teams now have a chance to scout the draft pool 65 days before the draft is held.
The top players available (in no particular order) seem to be: 1. Jeff Simpson, 19 year-old CF out of high-school. 2. Aydin Aragvsky, 23 year-old RHP out of college. 3. Walt Casey, 22 year-old LHP out of college. 4. Mitchell Jones, 22 year-old RHP out of college. 5. Richard Hopper, 21 year-old CF out of college. 6. Andrew Bennett, 20 year-old RHP out of college. 7. Elroy Thompkins, 20 year-old RHP out of college. 8. Ralph Morgan, 21 year-old CF out of college. 9. Alfredo Fuentes, 23 year-old CF out of college. 10. Ralph Cox, 19 year-old RHP out of high-school.
You can find the draft pool in the league transactions screen (league menu).
BNN Stats: Batting Leaders at Catcher
Monday, December 22nd, 2025
Check out who leads the United States Silver League in home runs while playing Catcher!
Enrique Pérez, TOL, 17 Randy Rehling, PHX, 17 Gustavo Cortéz, DET, 16 Félix López, NA, 16 Jason Alexander, HOU, 13