League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Sal Gaudio 504 (.517)
David Lenlister 345 (.533)
Brett Reichert 339 (.628)
Coleman Webster 278 (.644)
Ánibal Vera 253 (.468)
David Krause 251 (.581)
Imran Kopitar 238 (.551)
Kyle Norton 236 (.439)
Andy Mayfield 235 (.544)
Forrest Bejta 229 (.424)
JJ Hoban 222 (.439)
Peter Robertson 211 (.651)
John Ward 208 (.481)
Tom Hall 195 (.451)
Scott Thompson 178 (.549)
John Reed 172 (.526)
Ian There 125 (.622)
Manolo Gallardo 120 (.556)
Glenn Polyn 118 (.393)
Joe Koralewski 112 (.519)
Manuel Gonzáles 105 (.477)
TJ Reynolds 104 (.488)
José Bello 103 (.477)
James Burton 97 (.449)
Anthony Yaghmour 95 (.440)
Curt Donovan 94 (.435)
Matthew Rubo 92 (.426)
Josh Jackson 91 (.421)
Clifford Peterson 89 (.412)
Bill Cefaratti 88 (.407)
River Davis 88 (.407)
Dani Pérez 82 (.380)
Walt Greene 80 (.678)
Jonathan Gerth 65 (.602)
DAshley GoAs 61 (.565)
Brian Kendall 60 (.556)
Arturo Vega 59 (.546)
Brad Daugherty 55 (.509)
Timmy Quigley 55 (.509)
Scott Williams 54 (.500)
Júlio Castillo 53 (.491)
Mark Hall 53 (.491)
Kerry Hofmeister 53 (.491)
Yoshida Kobayashi 53 (.541)
Dan Cahill 48 (.444)
Jorge Díaz 47 (.435)
Jake Ferrell 44 (.333)
Troy Holl 41 (.380)
Tyler Johnson 39 (.361)
Timothy Dickerson 37 (.343)
Name Win%
Walt Greene .678 (80-38)
Peter Robertson .651 (211-113)
Coleman Webster .644 (278-154)
Brett Reichert .628 (339-201)
Ian There .622 (125-76)
Jonathan Gerth .602 (65-43)
David Krause .581 (251-181)
DAshley GoAs .565 (61-47)
Manolo Gallardo .556 (120-96)
Brian Kendall .556 (60-48)
Imran Kopitar .551 (238-194)
Scott Thompson .549 (178-146)
Arturo Vega .546 (59-49)
Andy Mayfield .544 (235-197)
Yoshida Kobayashi .541 (53-45)
David Lenlister .533 (345-302)
John Reed .526 (172-155)
Joe Koralewski .519 (112-104)
Sal Gaudio .517 (504-470)
Brad Daugherty .509 (55-53)
Timmy Quigley .509 (55-53)
Scott Williams .500 (54-54)
Júlio Castillo .491 (53-55)
Mark Hall .491 (53-55)
Kerry Hofmeister .491 (53-55)
TJ Reynolds .488 (104-109)
John Ward .481 (208-224)
Manuel Gonzáles .477 (105-115)
José Bello .477 (103-113)
Ánibal Vera .468 (253-288)
Tom Hall .451 (195-237)
James Burton .449 (97-119)
Dan Cahill .444 (48-60)
Anthony Yaghmour .440 (95-121)
Kyle Norton .439 (236-301)
JJ Hoban .439 (222-284)
Curt Donovan .435 (94-122)
Jorge Díaz .435 (47-61)
Matthew Rubo .426 (92-124)
Forrest Bejta .424 (229-311)
Josh Jackson .421 (91-125)
Clifford Peterson .412 (89-127)
Bill Cefaratti .407 (88-128)
River Davis .407 (88-128)
Glenn Polyn .393 (118-182)
Dani Pérez .380 (82-134)
Troy Holl .380 (41-67)
Steve Hawkins .362 (21-37)
Tyler Johnson .361 (39-69)
Timothy Dickerson .343 (37-71)
Name Losses
Sal Gaudio 470 (.517)
Forrest Bejta 311 (.424)
David Lenlister 302 (.533)
Kyle Norton 301 (.439)
Ánibal Vera 288 (.468)
JJ Hoban 284 (.439)
Tom Hall 237 (.451)
John Ward 224 (.481)
Brett Reichert 201 (.628)
Andy Mayfield 197 (.544)
Imran Kopitar 194 (.551)
Glenn Polyn 182 (.393)
David Krause 181 (.581)
John Reed 155 (.526)
Coleman Webster 154 (.644)
Scott Thompson 146 (.549)
Dani Pérez 134 (.380)
Bill Cefaratti 128 (.407)
River Davis 128 (.407)
Clifford Peterson 127 (.412)
Josh Jackson 125 (.421)
Matthew Rubo 124 (.426)
Curt Donovan 122 (.435)
Anthony Yaghmour 121 (.440)
James Burton 119 (.449)
Manuel Gonzáles 115 (.477)
Peter Robertson 113 (.651)
José Bello 113 (.477)
TJ Reynolds 109 (.488)
Joe Koralewski 104 (.519)
Manolo Gallardo 96 (.556)
Jake Ferrell 88 (.333)
Ian There 76 (.622)
Kevin Hine 73 (.324)
Timothy Dickerson 71 (.343)
Tyler Johnson 69 (.361)
Troy Holl 67 (.380)
Jorge Díaz 61 (.435)
Dan Cahill 60 (.444)
Júlio Castillo 55 (.491)
Mark Hall 55 (.491)
Kerry Hofmeister 55 (.491)
Scott Williams 54 (.500)
Brad Daugherty 53 (.509)
Timmy Quigley 53 (.509)
Arturo Vega 49 (.546)
Brian Kendall 48 (.556)
DAshley GoAs 47 (.565)
Yoshida Kobayashi 45 (.541)
Jonathan Gerth 43 (.602)
Name W > .500
Brett Reichert 138 (339-201)
Coleman Webster 124 (278-154)
Peter Robertson 98 (211-113)
David Krause 70 (251-181)
Ian There 49 (125-76)
Imran Kopitar 44 (238-194)
David Lenlister 43 (345-302)
Walt Greene 42 (80-38)
Andy Mayfield 38 (235-197)
Sal Gaudio 34 (504-470)
Scott Thompson 32 (178-146)
Manolo Gallardo 24 (120-96)
Jonathan Gerth 22 (65-43)
John Reed 17 (172-155)
DAshley GoAs 14 (61-47)
Brian Kendall 12 (60-48)
Arturo Vega 10 (59-49)
Joe Koralewski 8 (112-104)
Yoshida Kobayashi 8 (53-45)
Brad Daugherty 2 (55-53)
Timmy Quigley 2 (55-53)
Scott Williams 0 (54-54)
Luis Campos 0 (0-0)
Mark Fowler 0 (0-0)
Iban Hulsbos 0 (0-0)
Yoshifumi Kamuta 0 (0-0)
Eric Spence 0 (0-0)
Júlio Castillo -2 (53-55)
Mark Hall -2 (53-55)
Kerry Hofmeister -2 (53-55)
TJ Reynolds -5 (104-109)
Manuel Gonzáles -10 (105-115)
José Bello -10 (103-113)
Dan Cahill -12 (48-60)
Jorge Díaz -14 (47-61)
John Ward -16 (208-224)
Steve Hawkins -16 (21-37)
Dave Hood -18 (10-28)
James Burton -22 (97-119)
Anthony Yaghmour -26 (95-121)
Troy Holl -26 (41-67)
Curt Donovan -28 (94-122)
Tyler Johnson -30 (39-69)
Matthew Rubo -32 (92-124)
Josh Jackson -34 (91-125)
Timothy Dickerson -34 (37-71)
Ánibal Vera -35 (253-288)
Clifford Peterson -38 (89-127)
Kevin Hine -38 (35-73)
Bill Cefaratti -40 (88-128)

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