League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Paul McMahon 356 (.559)
Marcos Alomar 228 (.508)
Ernesto Reyes 208 (.488)
Curtis Lee 198 (.485)
Roberto Valverde 198 (.463)
Davis Burt 194 (.567)
Lendon Tipton 192 (.552)
Hugh Howard 179 (.533)
Kenny Billings 175 (.572)
Hugh Harris 175 (.572)
Sergio Inostrosos 169 (.428)
José Vázquez 168 (.491)
Mark Everhart 162 (.529)
Mike Cunningham 159 (.520)
Manny Ramírez 154 (.503)
Walt Greene 151 (.629)
Ricardo Medina 129 (.597)
Brody Roberts 123 (.569)
Bill Clark 121 (.545)
Cameron Angwin 109 (.505)
George Sanford 106 (.491)
Alfonso Rivera 104 (.510)
Alfonso Barrón 100 (.488)
Pablo Santos 97 (.449)
James Stewart 93 (.467)
Frank Phillips 77 (.377)
Juan Medellín 63 (.583)
Michael Orchard 62 (.517)
John Parkinson 58 (.537)
Al Wilhelm 56 (.519)
Francisco Villanueva 55 (.509)
Timothy Dickerson 52 (.433)
Luis Velásquez 51 (.472)
Rusty Bennett 50 (.490)
José González 45 (.441)
Willis Crawford 42 (.412)
Elliot Rembert 40 (.370)
Javier Romano 39 (.361)
Miguel López 35 (.343)
Ronald Cash 10 (.256)
Bill Russell 1 (1.000)
Name Win%
Bill Russell 1.000 (1-0)
Walt Greene .629 (151-89)
Ricardo Medina .597 (129-87)
Juan Medellín .583 (63-45)
Kenny Billings .572 (175-131)
Hugh Harris .572 (175-131)
Brody Roberts .569 (123-93)
Davis Burt .567 (194-148)
Paul McMahon .559 (356-281)
Lendon Tipton .552 (192-156)
Bill Clark .545 (121-101)
John Parkinson .537 (58-50)
Hugh Howard .533 (179-157)
Mark Everhart .529 (162-144)
Mike Cunningham .520 (159-147)
Al Wilhelm .519 (56-52)
Michael Orchard .517 (62-58)
Alfonso Rivera .510 (104-100)
Francisco Villanueva .509 (55-53)
Marcos Alomar .508 (228-221)
Cameron Angwin .505 (109-107)
Manny Ramírez .503 (154-152)
José Vázquez .491 (168-174)
George Sanford .491 (106-110)
Rusty Bennett .490 (50-52)
Ernesto Reyes .488 (208-218)
Alfonso Barrón .488 (100-105)
Curtis Lee .485 (198-210)
Luis Velásquez .472 (51-57)
James Stewart .467 (93-106)
Roberto Valverde .463 (198-230)
Pablo Santos .449 (97-119)
José González .441 (45-57)
Timothy Dickerson .433 (52-68)
Sergio Inostrosos .428 (169-226)
Willis Crawford .412 (42-60)
Frank Phillips .377 (77-127)
Elliot Rembert .370 (40-68)
Javier Romano .361 (39-69)
Miguel López .343 (35-67)
Ronald Cash .256 (10-29)
Name Losses
Paul McMahon 281 (.559)
Roberto Valverde 230 (.463)
Sergio Inostrosos 226 (.428)
Marcos Alomar 221 (.508)
Ernesto Reyes 218 (.488)
Curtis Lee 210 (.485)
José Vázquez 174 (.491)
Hugh Howard 157 (.533)
Lendon Tipton 156 (.552)
Manny Ramírez 152 (.503)
Davis Burt 148 (.567)
Mike Cunningham 147 (.520)
Mark Everhart 144 (.529)
Kenny Billings 131 (.572)
Hugh Harris 131 (.572)
Frank Phillips 127 (.377)
Pablo Santos 119 (.449)
George Sanford 110 (.491)
Cameron Angwin 107 (.505)
James Stewart 106 (.467)
Alfonso Barrón 105 (.488)
Bill Clark 101 (.545)
Alfonso Rivera 100 (.510)
Brody Roberts 93 (.569)
Walt Greene 89 (.629)
Ricardo Medina 87 (.597)
Javier Romano 69 (.361)
Timothy Dickerson 68 (.433)
Elliot Rembert 68 (.370)
Miguel López 67 (.343)
Willis Crawford 60 (.412)
Michael Orchard 58 (.517)
Luis Velásquez 57 (.472)
José González 57 (.441)
Francisco Villanueva 53 (.509)
Al Wilhelm 52 (.519)
Rusty Bennett 52 (.490)
John Parkinson 50 (.537)
Juan Medellín 45 (.583)
Ronald Cash 29 (.256)
Bill Russell 0 (1.000)
Name W > .500
Paul McMahon 75 (356-281)
Walt Greene 62 (151-89)
Davis Burt 46 (194-148)
Kenny Billings 44 (175-131)
Hugh Harris 44 (175-131)
Ricardo Medina 42 (129-87)
Lendon Tipton 36 (192-156)
Brody Roberts 30 (123-93)
Hugh Howard 22 (179-157)
Bill Clark 20 (121-101)
Mark Everhart 18 (162-144)
Juan Medellín 18 (63-45)
Mike Cunningham 12 (159-147)
John Parkinson 8 (58-50)
Marcos Alomar 7 (228-221)
Alfonso Rivera 4 (104-100)
Michael Orchard 4 (62-58)
Al Wilhelm 4 (56-52)
Manny Ramírez 2 (154-152)
Cameron Angwin 2 (109-107)
Francisco Villanueva 2 (55-53)
Bill Russell 1 (1-0)
Rusty Bennett -2 (50-52)
George Sanford -4 (106-110)
Alfonso Barrón -5 (100-105)
José Vázquez -6 (168-174)
Luis Velásquez -6 (51-57)
Ernesto Reyes -10 (208-218)
Curtis Lee -12 (198-210)
José González -12 (45-57)
James Stewart -13 (93-106)
Timothy Dickerson -16 (52-68)
Willis Crawford -18 (42-60)
Ronald Cash -19 (10-29)
Pablo Santos -22 (97-119)
Elliot Rembert -28 (40-68)
Javier Romano -30 (39-69)
Roberto Valverde -32 (198-230)
Miguel López -32 (35-67)
Frank Phillips -50 (77-127)
Sergio Inostrosos -57 (169-226)

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