BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Rookie Leaders
Monday, December 28th, 2015
So, which rookie starting pitchers are leading the M3L Double A in K/BB?
Luis Fernández, GUR, 2.96 Alonso Rodríguez, GLE, 2.88 Morris Nicholson, ELE, 2.21 Alfredo Torres, GLE, 2.14 Ramón Molina, SB, 2.13
BNN Stats: Batting Leaders
Monday, December 21st, 2015
So, who leads the M3L Double A in triples?
Tom Escamilla, VB, 6 Víctor Cedeño, CS, 5 Terry Conley, MAR, 5 Ed Lee, CHH, 5 Barton McCann, SB, 5
BNN Stats: Batting Leaders at Catcher
Monday, December 14th, 2015
Check out who leads the M3L Double A in on-base percentage while playing Catcher!
Ken Mullins, SB, .359 Vincent Parker, SP, .332 Charles Harris, NEW, .324 Nectanebos Dolenian, SA, .317