League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Manager Years From-To G W L WPct Best Finish Worst Finish Playoff App Championships
Brendan Andrews 5 2018-2022 516 316 200 .612 1st 4th 3 3
Paul Baker 3 2017-2021 216 116 100 .537 3rd 6th 0 0
Jack Barnes 3 2024-2027 306 152 154 .497 3rd 9th 0 0
Alfonso Barrón 3 2016-2018 324 163 161 .503 2nd 8th 1 0
Bill Beasley 2 2013-2015 108 56 52 .519 1st 6th 0 0
Junior Benítez 1 2026-2026 102 56 46 .549 3rd 3rd 0 0
Francisco Bernal 2 2015-2016 199 75 124 .377 10th 10th 0 0
Rickey Burrell 1 2024-2024 102 51 51 .500 6th 6th 0 0
Steve Carpenter 1 2023-2023 102 50 52 .490 5th 5th 0 0
Bill Christensen 3 2017-2019 318 164 154 .516 3rd 8th 0 0
Bill Clark 1 2026-2026 102 54 48 .529 4th 4th 0 0
Wesley Ellis 1 2025-2025 102 49 53 .480 6th 6th 0 0
Mark Everhart 3 2025-2027 306 173 133 .565 1st 6th 2 2
José Flores 1 2027-2027 102 53 49 .520 4th 4th 0 0
William Franklin 3 2021-2027 307 150 157 .489 1st 10th 1 1
Júlio García 1 2023-2023 102 49 53 .480 6th 6th 0 0
Jacob Green 1 2022-2022 102 55 47 .539 3rd 3rd 0 0
Ramiro Guzmán 5 2013-2017 324 147 177 .454 1st 10th 0 0
Sandy Hampton 1 2020-2020 102 48 54 .471 8th 8th 0 0
Mark Harrison 2 2013-2015 108 59 49 .546 1st 3rd 0 0
Matt Helsley 9 2018-2026 887 471 416 .531 1st 10th 3 1
Josh Jackson 1 2016-2016 108 57 51 .528 4th 4th 0 0
Coy Knight 1 2025-2025 77 39 38 .506 6th 6th 0 0
António Macías 1 2023-2023 102 52 50 .510 5th 5th 0 0
David Márquez 2 2025-2026 204 111 93 .544 5th 5th 0 0
Cristo Martínez 1 2022-2022 102 60 42 .588 3rd 3rd 0 0
Ron Mathews 1 2024-2024 102 43 59 .422 10th 10th 0 0
Juan Medellín 2 2019-2020 204 104 100 .510 5th 5th 0 0
Raúl Méndez 3 2022-2024 306 163 143 .533 2nd 11th 1 1
Pete Millchamp 4 2018-2018 108 62 46 .574 4th 4th 0 0
Terrence Mitchell 3 2021-2023 306 149 157 .487 2nd 9th 1 0
José Moncibas 4 2017-2020 420 198 222 .471 2nd 9th 1 1
Pierre Muller 1 2023-2023 102 56 46 .549 3rd 3rd 0 0
Wes Murray 1 2025-2025 102 62 40 .608 2nd 2nd 1 0
Pedro Orozco 2 2015-2016 203 95 108 .468 2nd 9th 1 0
Bartolo Padilla 1 2023-2023 102 39 63 .382 10th 10th 0 0
John Parkinson 5 2024-2027 408 192 216 .471 2nd 9th 1 0
Ricky Patterson 1 2021-2021 102 50 52 .490 8th 8th 0 0
Scott Pierce 1 2023-2023 102 38 64 .373 10th 10th 0 0
Fabián Pineda 1 2027-2027 103 62 41 .602 2nd 2nd 1 0
César Ramírez 1 2021-2021 102 57 45 .559 5th 5th 0 0
Jamie Randall 1 2025-2025 102 56 46 .549 2nd 2nd 1 0
Nacho Rivero 4 2017-2020 420 194 226 .462 1st 10th 1 0
Brody Roberts 5 2020-2027 509 263 246 .517 2nd 8th 1 1
Júlio Robles 4 2017-2020 318 157 161 .494 4th 7th 0 0
Alfonso Rodríguez 1 2019-2019 102 38 64 .373 10th 10th 0 0
Juan Ruíz 5 2015-2025 471 243 228 .516 2nd 9th 1 1
António Sáenz 2 2019-2020 204 89 115 .436 4th 10th 0 0
Juan Sánchez 2 2026-2027 204 87 117 .426 7th 10th 0 0
José Santos 1 2022-2022 102 49 53 .480 5th 5th 0 0
Marcos Serrano 3 2015-2021 315 169 146 .537 1st 8th 1 1
Eric Spence 1 2020-2020 94 60 34 .638 2nd 2nd 1 1
Cal Thornton 3 2013-2016 216 88 128 .407 1st 9th 0 0
Nate Turner 1 2024-2024 102 50 52 .490 7th 7th 0 0
Steve Vance 1 2027-2027 102 41 61 .402 10th 10th 0 0
José Vázquez 2 2025-2026 127 66 61 .520 4th 8th 0 0
Jeff Walsh 1 2025-2025 102 28 74 .275 10th 10th 0 0
Mark Watson 2 2013-2015 108 66 42 .611 1st 1st 1 1
Enrique Zumaya 11 2013-2024 1044 538 506 .515 1st 10th 3 0
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