League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Jesús Román 580 (.632)
Kelly Flint 562 (.550)
José Reyes 478 (.521)
Zach King 476 (.583)
Hugh Howard 410 (.502)
Ricardo Betancourt 383 (.485)
John Bush 378 (.529)
James Wheeler 366 (.598)
John Williams 364 (.591)
Pedro Orozco 329 (.439)
Culley Adjeng 329 (.460)
George Sanford 324 (.500)
Rusty Bennett 319 (.437)
Juan López 298 (.487)
Coy Knight 296 (.484)
Steve Duncan 284 (.556)
John McGrath 280 (.458)
John Brown 260 (.510)
Junior Benítez 238 (.567)
Pierre Muller 227 (.556)
Enrique Castro 226 (.623)
Henry Henderson 226 (.442)
Miguel Ocampo 225 (.550)
Nathan Austin 223 (.523)
Daniel Edwards 222 (.543)
Roland Sutton 215 (.484)
Sancho Tornero 208 (.509)
José Gonzáles 208 (.680)
Arturo Chávez 201 (.491)
Lou Cook 198 (.647)
Gonzalo Velásquez 191 (.468)
Gary Logan 191 (.624)
Alfred Roberts 191 (.468)
John Carney 191 (.624)
Jack Clayton 180 (.441)
Billy Strauss 175 (.429)
Chris Drew 174 (.569)
Erwin Chapman 174 (.569)
Jamal Titmuss 173 (.506)
Ramón Pantoja 171 (.559)
Fred Leos 168 (.547)
Curt Kenney 168 (.549)
Elliott Taylor 160 (.523)
António Macías 160 (.521)
Manuel Hernández 157 (.513)
Sixto Palaeios 155 (.507)
Marshall Edwards 155 (.507)
Darryl Gordon 155 (.507)
Juan Rodríguez 152 (.451)
Roy Clay 151 (.493)
Name WIN%
José Feliciano .725 (148-56)
José Gonzáles .680 (208-98)
Lou Cook .647 (198-108)
Jesús Román .632 (580-338)
John Carney .624 (191-115)
Gary Logan .624 (191-115)
Enrique Castro .623 (226-137)
Thomas Kemp .613 (125-79)
Manuel Romo .605 (26-17)
David Lundy .604 (134-88)
José González .599 (127-85)
James Wheeler .598 (366-246)
Howard Martínez .597 (129-87)
Bryant Neal .592 (71-49)
John Williams .591 (364-252)
Ricardo Medina .588 (120-84)
Terrence Mitchell .583 (49-35)
Zach King .583 (476-340)
Jorge Villanueva .578 (59-43)
Will Thomas .578 (59-43)
Frank Phillips .577 (30-22)
Erwin Chapman .569 (174-132)
Chris Drew .569 (174-132)
Junior Benítez .567 (238-182)
Wilson Alvarado .566 (82-63)
Allen Bartlett .564 (115-89)
Bobby Buck .561 (115-90)
Ramón Pantoja .559 (171-135)
Enrique Zumaya .559 (57-45)
Pierre Muller .556 (227-181)
Steve Duncan .556 (284-227)
Rich Harris .554 (113-91)
Kelly Flint .550 (562-460)
Miguel Ocampo .550 (225-184)
Nacho Rivero .549 (112-92)
Curt Kenney .549 (168-138)
Rudy Hankins .549 (56-46)
Fred Leos .547 (168-139)
Daniel Edwards .543 (222-187)
Henry Russell .539 (55-47)
Kenny Billings .537 (116-100)
Decheng Sun .534 (109-95)
Marcos Costa .534 (109-95)
António Sáenz .533 (128-112)
Francisco Bernal .532 (118-104)
John Bush .529 (378-336)
Nathan Austin .523 (223-203)
Elliott Taylor .523 (160-146)
José Rodríguez .522 (94-86)
José Reyes .521 (478-440)
Name Losses
Kelly Flint 460 (.550)
José Reyes 440 (.521)
Pedro Orozco 421 (.439)
Rusty Bennett 411 (.437)
Ricardo Betancourt 407 (.485)
Hugh Howard 406 (.502)
Culley Adjeng 386 (.460)
Zach King 340 (.583)
Jesús Román 338 (.632)
John Bush 336 (.529)
John McGrath 332 (.458)
George Sanford 324 (.500)
Coy Knight 316 (.484)
Juan López 314 (.487)
Henry Henderson 285 (.442)
John Williams 252 (.591)
John Brown 250 (.510)
James Wheeler 246 (.598)
Billy Strauss 233 (.429)
Roland Sutton 229 (.484)
Jack Clayton 228 (.441)
Steve Duncan 227 (.556)
Brian Atkins 220 (.281)
Gonzalo Velásquez 217 (.468)
Alfred Roberts 217 (.468)
Arturo Chávez 208 (.491)
Nathan Austin 203 (.523)
Sancho Tornero 201 (.509)
Daniel Edwards 187 (.543)
Juan Rodríguez 185 (.451)
Miguel Ocampo 184 (.550)
Junior Benítez 182 (.567)
Pierre Muller 181 (.556)
Jamal Titmuss 169 (.506)
Gabriel Madrigal 168 (.451)
Wes Murray 167 (.449)
Josh Jackson 167 (.456)
Jim Thornton 165 (.461)
Thomas Campbell 164 (.464)
Micheal Garren 163 (.403)
Félix Jiménez 159 (.480)
Roy Clay 155 (.493)
Roberto Martínez 154 (.493)
Marshall Edwards 151 (.507)
Sixto Palaeios 151 (.507)
Darryl Gordon 151 (.507)
Manuel Hernández 149 (.513)
Wynn Burton 147 (.358)
António Macías 147 (.521)
Elliott Taylor 146 (.523)
Name W > .500
Jesús Román 242 (580-338)
Zach King 136 (476-340)
James Wheeler 120 (366-246)
John Williams 112 (364-252)
José Gonzáles 110 (208-98)
Kelly Flint 102 (562-460)
José Feliciano 92 (148-56)
Lou Cook 90 (198-108)
Enrique Castro 89 (226-137)
John Carney 76 (191-115)
Gary Logan 76 (191-115)
Steve Duncan 57 (284-227)
Junior Benítez 56 (238-182)
Pierre Muller 46 (227-181)
David Lundy 46 (134-88)
Thomas Kemp 46 (125-79)
Howard Martínez 42 (129-87)
Chris Drew 42 (174-132)
Erwin Chapman 42 (174-132)
José González 42 (127-85)
John Bush 42 (378-336)
Miguel Ocampo 41 (225-184)
José Reyes 38 (478-440)
Ramón Pantoja 36 (171-135)
Ricardo Medina 36 (120-84)
Daniel Edwards 35 (222-187)
Curt Kenney 30 (168-138)
Fred Leos 29 (168-139)
Allen Bartlett 26 (115-89)
Bobby Buck 25 (115-90)
Rich Harris 22 (113-91)
Bryant Neal 22 (71-49)
Nathan Austin 20 (223-203)
Nacho Rivero 20 (112-92)
Wilson Alvarado 19 (82-63)
Kenny Billings 16 (116-100)
António Sáenz 16 (128-112)
Jorge Villanueva 16 (59-43)
Will Thomas 16 (59-43)
Elliott Taylor 14 (160-146)
Terrence Mitchell 14 (49-35)
Francisco Bernal 14 (118-104)
Marcos Costa 14 (109-95)
Decheng Sun 14 (109-95)
António Macías 13 (160-147)
Enrique Zumaya 12 (57-45)
Rudy Hankins 10 (56-46)
John Brown 10 (260-250)
Manuel Romo 9 (26-17)
Frank Phillips 8 (30-22)
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