Moyer Crafts 2-0 Shutout
Friday, August 20th , 2055
It wasn't easy but Brandon Moyer made it look that way.
Moyer silenced the Cut Off Crawdads, 2-0, in a South Beach Blaze triumph at Crawdads Field today. Despite the appearance of dominance, Moyer said later that he felt like he was struggling all game. He gave up no walks and 1 hit.
"It didn't feel quite right today, but I made the decision to bear down and work through it," he said. "I made a few mistakes but it goes to show what you can do with grit and not much else."
To date this season Moyer is 7-8 with 18 starts and an ERA of 3.06 with 102 strikeouts in 97 innings.
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