League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2015 0-0
2016 0-0
2017 0-0
2018 0-0
2019 0-0
2020 0-0 Watson Quintana Moody O'Dell Moody Pérez Reed Williams
2021 0-0 Prost Randall Moody O'Dell Lewis Pérez Rodríguez O'Neal
2022 0-0 Baxter Randall Brown Murdoch Moody Catuncan Rodríguez Quintana
2023 0-0 Baxter Randall Martínez Callison Moody Williams Reed Quintana
2024 0-0 Richardson Sánchez Wilson Williams Brown Stewart Stewart Quintana
2025 0-0 Richardson Loong Brown O'Bryan Miller Greene Thrash Greene
2026 0-0 Prost Quintana Guerrero Williams Fuentes Rodríguez Pizarro Greene
2027 0-0 Prost Witt Guerrero Barrowcliff McCloud Rodríguez Reed Greene
2028 0-0 Pak Michel Guerrero Strickland Cruz Rodríguez Hrnjak Greene
2029 0-0 Pak Dodman Vega Baeza Cabana Hrnjak Yates Kashani
2030 0-0 Pak Michel Atkins Baeza Waldrip Hunter Vega Adams
2031 0-0 Krog Arce Atkins Alfaro Waldrip Rúbio Iwasaki McNally
2032 0-0 Moring Robledo Bailey Lovell Waldrip Rúbio Walker McNally
2033 0-0 Moring Robledo Bailey Lovell Waldrip Walton Rohrs McNally
2034 0-0 Morín Robledo Bailey Lovell Waldrip Rúbio Oostermeer Griffith
2035 0-0 Moring Noonan Bailey Alfaro Dis Walton Yates Valentín
2036 0-0 Moring Duval Valentín Costa Dis Rúbio Oostermeer Walker
2037 0-0 Elías Duval Valentín Ringor Dis Rúbio Oostermeer Rodríguez
2038 0-0 Elías Baeza Valentín Chodorow Dis Oostermeer Brown Gotaas
2039 0-0 Perkins Randall Márquez Valentín Einarsson Oostermeer Dixon Gotaas
2040 0-0 Williamson Mayo Márquez Bojórquez Huang Oostermeer Kafengauz Valentín
2041 0-0 Williamson Krutsinger Whitehead Valentín Whitehead Edwards García Jasso
2042 0-0 Elías Krutsinger Huang Bojórquez Whitehead Bigbie Hickford Valentín
2043 0-0 Henson Quintanilla Valentín Bojórquez Rojas Edwards Washington Hancock
2044 0-0 Henson Weber Valentín Bojórquez Rojas Bei Gracía Kline
2045 0-0 Henson Gray van Capelleveen Watanabe Rojas Bigbie Huband Kline
2046 0-0 Chesire Renninger Monks Watanabe Rojas Montés Montés Kline
2047 0-0 Henson Weber Davis Watanabe Estrada Díaz Montés Reynolds
2048 0-0 Reynolds Brown Davis Núñez Rojas Clark Kawaguchi Reynolds
2049 0-0 Reynolds Renninger Brown Núñez Estrada White Kawaguchi Reynolds
2050 0-0 Bravo Robinson Brown Smith Montgomery Salazar Rico Clark
2051 0-0 Reynolds Tacod Brown Smith O'Rorke Salazar Townsend Reynolds
2052 54-48 Ingleby Brown Umlaut Núñez Ko Salazar Rico Clark
2053 58-44 Hicks Umlaut Smith Ryan Whitaker Salazar Cartledge Roberson
2054 74-28 Hicks Wirth Lee Ryan Archer Ward Rico Roberson
40 years 51 players 109 players 112 players 99 players 91 players 118 players 101 players 110 players
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