League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2015 59-49
2016 54-54
2017 51-57
2018 65-43
2019 59-43
2020 50-52 Prost Estrada Wells Reynolds Peterson Brumback Varela Akers
2021 49-53 Roberts Estrada Callison Mosca Vázquez Brumback Varela Hurlson
2022 40-62 Pak Estrada Callison Guerrero Ortega Hurlson Peterson Miller
2023 54-48 Pak Sánchez Guerrero Barrowcliff Cruz Hurlson Ballina Varela
2024 0-0 Barr Peterson Guerrero Hernández Cruz Rodríguez Ballina Greene
2025 0-0 Prost Michel Lockheart Vega Cruz Pineda Hrnjak Rodríguez
2026 45-57 Hoover Michel Guerrero Vega McCloud Gridley Yates Hirschovits
2027 53-49 Gazivoda Alfiche Vargas Alfaro Esquivel Yates Hirschovits Hrnjak
2028 0-0 Krog Chávez Palácios Alfaro Cabana Hirschovits Yates Vargas
2029 0-0 Socorro Scantlebury Atkins Alfaro Waldrip Pineda McNally Durán
2030 0-0 Morín Sarkar Bailey Lovell Nolan Durán McNally Durán
2031 0-0 Moring Scantlebury Bailey Valentín Dis van Lochem Walker Durán
2032 0-0 Morín Durán Valdéz MacRach Dis van Lochem Oostermeer Valentín
2033 0-0 Serres Costa Ángel MacRach Dis Griffith Oostermeer Valentín
2034 0-0 Bechtel Duval Valdéz Luo Calhoun Nutall Oostermeer Valentín
2035 41-61 Morín Duval Valdéz Kim Rowe Gudmestad Chávez Worley
2036 45-57 Calabaa Kim Valdéz Passell Penaligan Varela Hopkins Luo
2037 33-69 Calabaa Márquez Smith Passell Penaligan Randall Dixon Gotaas
2038 0-0 Williamson Kim Márquez Passell Einarsson Anderson Hopkins Serna
2039 0-0 Williamson Krutsinger Huang Passell Juanda Hopkins Clark Serna
2040 0-0 Byeon Krutsinger Valdéz Layug Robinson Washington Edwards Hancock
2041 0-0 Henson Porter Valdéz Rodríguez Montés Bigbie Hancock Santos
2042 0-0 Dávalos Porter Salas Watanabe Rojas Rogers Díaz Santos
2043 0-0 Williamson Weber Salas Baker Dumas Dettori Gracía Santos
2044 0-0 King Quintanilla van Capelleveen van Capelleveen Dumas Bigbie Salas Santos
2045 0-0 Reynolds Quintanilla Monks Smith Brown White Goff Reynolds
2046 0-0 Reynolds Fernández Caldwell Núñez O'Rorke White Kawaguchi Reynolds
2047 0-0 Ingleby Fernández Caldwell Smith O'Rorke Clark Kawaguchi Núñez
2048 0-0 King Fernández Caldwell Smith O'Rorke Medina Rico Williams
2049 0-0 Ingleby Evans Lewis Smith Caldwell Medina D'antonio Williams
2050 0-0 Ingleby Lewis Ledesma Cervantes O'Rorke Knoppert D'antonio Goff
2051 47-55 Ingleby Alevina Ledesma Ryan Dalusag Heathershaw Crawford Roberson
37 years 42 players 71 players 78 players 69 players 91 players 90 players 76 players 90 players
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