League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
BB | CQ | CH | EI | FLI | FF | LAD | LID | MAI | MJ | NTB | WC
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2032 62-34 Coffin Manlulu Lung Wa López Torres Marcelo Ito
2033 43-53 Torres Manlulu Smelcer Adkins Hernández Bregonzi Adkison Montoya
2034 40-56 Herries Byrum Hernández Guerrero Campbell Bregonzi Caldwell Cedeño
2035 57-40 Hernández González Precious Quezada Guerrero Montoya Bregonzi Myers
2036 0-0 Jones Sánchez Allison Quezada Watson Heida Myers Montoya
2037 0-0 Johnson Wilson Watson Tappman Aang Inoue Sánchez Cani
2038 0-0 Price Sánchez Huff Rasgado Leppert Bell Inoue Cani
2039 0-0 Lane Kim Morris Heredice de Jong Leurink Thomas Criado
2040 0-0 Jongenelen Neal Morris Berganza Miller MacBrayne Estrada Reed
2041 49-47 Broadus Liñares McDermott Neal Miller Estrada Johnson Reed
2042 44-52 Broadus Joyner McDermott Neal Johnson Romero Johnson Gomez
2043 48-48 Cruz Bass McDermott Steele Miller Holman Johnson Yun
2044 47-49 Chávez Galloway McDermott Maldonado George Gaines Loong Walekino
2045 52-44 Alomar Maldonado Khalifa Khoo Gledhill Donovan Devigorerrazuriz Velásquez
2046 51-45 García Khu Gledhill Dooley Manning Donovan Loong Velásquez
2047 39-57 Mancíto Loong Mun Dooley Manning Donovan Blanchard Johnson
2048 62-34 Mancíto Pinalez Mun Norona Jaramillo Donovan Vargas Dooley
2049 47-49 Yoshida Pinalez Jaramillo Llanet Popovic Teunisz Vargas Stenis
2050 55-41 Kam Cabiles Brigatti Hacking Holland Domínguez Pisano González
19 years 42 players 56 players 49 players 50 players 51 players 75 players 55 players 64 players
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