League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
KC24 | CT | CUT | EUG | HHC | IFC | LEA | LAR | MBS | SMH
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2020 0-0 Castillo Otero Bothof Fiadeiro Sims Quintero Tamayo González
2021 0-0 Castillo Broekhuizen Fiadeiro Vela Sánchez Church Quintero Pérez
2022 0-0 Levick Rutherford García Flores Stephens Aguirre Quintero Jelarde
2023 0-0 Acosta Broekhuizen Wilson Vela Bailey Álvarez Stephens Freidricks
2024 0-0 Acosta Becerra Sullivan Wilson Hill Janousek Álvarez Freidricks
2025 0-0 Estrada Álvarez Nasution Burnett Delaney Crosby Pittman Dudash
2026 0-0 Henshaw-Jacobs Aguilar Pittman Nasution Spiers Simpson Karpinen Dudash
2027 0-0 de Maria Aguilar McManus McCool Díaz Simpson Karpinen Medellín
2028 0-0 Bonner Rivera Pagnotta McCool MacIntosh González Karpinen Rivera
2029 0-0 Bonner McCool Ibarra Byrd Díaz Bracamonte Karpinen Rivera
2030 0-0 Scott Deal Yee Byrd Ibarra Franco Helminen Miles
2031 0-0 Scott Drenth Buckner Byrd Ibarra Gaoteote Grant Gaoteote
2032 0-0 Guangorena Scott Ibarra Byrd Yee Gaoteote Buckner Gaoteote
2033 0-0 Dansen Scott Ibarra Byrd Yee Green Tate Bell
2034 0-0 Scott Deal Yee Lawrence Helminen Grant Tate MacKim
2035 0-0 Elliott Gómez Cardona Muljana San Martín Patriarche Miles Rodríguez
2036 0-0 Elliott Rodríguez Pick Rodríguez San Martín Head Edwards Neef
2037 0-0 Long Head Pick Gómez San Martín Bigbie Edwards Neef
2038 0-0 Long Gibbs Pitts Gómez Yi Boreland Bakker Neef
2039 0-0 Long Alohalani Pitts Yi Ragland Chapman de Meij Ruah
2040 0-0 Rey Oleastro Ragland Yi Cardozo Sifuentes Ruah Walker
2041 0-0 Lourenço Yi Gibbs Maxwell Ragland MacKinder Jensen de Meij
2042 0-0 Lourenço Yi de Meij Maxwell Turner Beavis Iolana Jensen
2043 0-0 Sanders Sullivan Jones Gómez Turner Parker Leroux McLean
2044 0-0 Koraltan Gómez Turner Davis Soto Orozco Jones Leroux
2045 0-0 Hawkins Soto Clark Gómez Jones Leroux Hernández McLean
2046 51-45 Vincent Saikawa Montgomery Chappell Soto Jones Dacanay Collazo
2047 0-0 Vincent Saikawa Arredondo Chappell Melanson Valdéz Leroux Collazo
2048 55-41 Bonkski Saikawa Arredondo Chappell Soto Valdéz Clark Banks
2049 52-44 Wright Martínez Johns Vega Chipley Cruz Joseph Teijer
2050 45-51 Bonkski Martínez Hayagawa Gambill Gambill Crawford Willis Moore
31 years 53 players 80 players 89 players 78 players 79 players 100 players 81 players 99 players
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