League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
BB | CQ | CH | EI | FF | LID | MAI | MJ | NTB | SSZ | SUR | WC
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2032 43-53 Kiyomizu Rivera Buonaiuti Jae-Wook Florencio Chua Witteman Balfakir
2033 0-0 Bird Rivera Pak Jae-Wook Florencio Puri Witteman Rivera
2034 0-0 Wen Buonaiuti Pak Flores González Viceronte Colombo Chen
2035 0-0 van de Linde Pittman Scribbner Kila González Moreno Colombo Booty
2036 0-0 Wen Tshering Scribbner de Nooyer González Bigbie Colombo Cani
2037 0-0 Campbell Arroyo Schneider Enríques Powell Havermeyer Capitanio Tshering
2038 41-55 Campbell Arroyo Wells Castillo Joyner Callahan Kisiner Gerkis
2039 0-0 Fernández Santángel Vautrin Ru Romulo Withey Kisiner Rocha
2040 0-0 Haylock Fagliano Rodríguez Ru Vautrin Withey Janero Cornwell
2041 0-0 Haylock Fagliano Jackson Ru Rodríguez Moore White Cornwell
2042 0-0 Rodríguez Moya Steeneveld Greene Rodríguez Edney White Jackson
2043 0-0 Moore Moya Norman Moore Jans Rey Edney Fulton
2044 52-44 Moore Mohala Lanyon Lanyon Jans Edwards Edney Boskovic
2045 44-52 Armstrong Moya Norman Moore García Rogers Taniguchi Hollands
2046 41-55 Jenkin Ventura Edwards Ávila Edwards Rogers Picot Zha
2047 44-52 Seymour Ackland Pereira Penni Park Barnes Picot Eiriz
2048 36-60 Márquez O'Reilly Pedreiro Penni Sato Hor Myers Smith
2049 53-43 Colón O'Reilly Pedreiro González Sato Hor Dorantes Merced
18 years 40 players 45 players 39 players 37 players 29 players 55 players 45 players 59 players
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