League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
AWH | BB | CQ | CH | CRO | EI | FF | LI | MAI | MJ | NTB | SUR
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2032 0-0 Doney Valentín Rodríguez Di Padilla Shmerkin Hughes Serna
2033 0-0 Valentín Decker Qing Di Rodríguez Bruce O'Brian Serna
2034 0-0 Gielens Sandoval Qing Chávez Rodríguez Kattenberg O'Brian Serna
2035 0-0 McElroy Mateo Braz Wilson Saavedra Oríz Kovacs Mireles
2036 0-0 Villacrés Taati Braz Mastache Saavedra Mireles Kovacs Rivera
2037 0-0 Miyake Taati Womack Menéndez Furuya Oríz Vázquez Tatum
2038 0-0 Manohoran Miyake Hill Vansant Hastings Miranda Kirk Grant
2039 0-0 Chesire Shannon Ibison Joly Lugo Ibison O'Quigley Kim
2040 0-0 Navia Medellín Watson Joly Brantley Harding Birand Overdevest
2041 0-0 Walker Kennedy Perales Bagdasaroff Hudson Reizenstein Watson Utjesenovic
2042 0-0 Sandoval Johns Carr Ayala Holmes McQueen Martínez Scott
2043 37-59 Greenwood Smith Wright Sánchez Kishore Martínez Howard Talamante
2044 48-48 Barrón Connor Velthuizen Sánchez Holmes Howard Prado Rodríguez
2045 60-36 Ramos Martínez Velthuizen Mun Tamayo Matthews Smith Rodríguez
2046 35-61 Flores Marbibi U Gonzáles George Allora Díaz Jiménez
2047 42-54 Flores Ricardo Sosa Hogan Grimsey van Driel Ramírez Ito
2048 45-51 Johnson Parker O Marbibi Flemate May Allen Ramírez
17 years 37 players 43 players 47 players 42 players 45 players 59 players 42 players 49 players
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