League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2015 0-0
2016 0-0
2017 54-66
2018 65-55
2019 38-64
2020 26-76 Taylor Teague Gardner Sánchez Arthur Gardner Newsome Bucknell
2021 0-0 Caraballo Teague Gardner Arthur González Gardner Newsome Bucknell
2022 0-0 Buck Yen González Miller Rivera Alvarado Muñóz Trezza
2023 0-0 Padilla Yen Rivera Parra Gray Maxwell Ritchie Murray
2024 0-0 Buck Drake Trezza Quezada Rivera Sánchez Allaart Delgado
2025 56-46 Cabrera Rivera Trezza Mojica Hayes Ramírez Hanna Morán
2026 58-44 Taylor Rivera Pérez Mojica Gray Allaart Villalba Trezza
2027 0-0 Samurakami Rivera Pérez Mojica Morrow Allaart Allaart Delgado
2028 0-0 Padilla Vanderhoof Gray Mojica Sandoval Sánchez Villalba Allaart
2029 0-0 López Lihalakha Utterback Mojica Sandoval Allaart Trezza Bocanegra
2030 30-72 Dougherty Lihalakha Pérez Zeek Harrell Allaart Morrow Hart
2031 0-0 Dougherty Vallee Montejo Sassetti Sassetti Arnold Montejo Wiley
2032 0-0 Dougherty Vallee Delgadilo Zeek Gardner Arnold Gómez Bocanegra
2033 0-0 Dougherty de Jesus Herrera Delaney Noid Nairn Montejo Arnold
2034 0-0 López de Jesus Montejo Mojica Noid Dollarhide Regan Watkins
2035 0-0 Floyd Hernández Robles Lavado Bancroft Nairn Regan Howard
2036 0-0 Floyd Muinos Robles Gribbins Im Vega Howard Arnold
2037 0-0 Floyd Gillespie Im Gribbins Hernández Miller Howard Arnold
2038 0-0 van de Linde Hernández Lindsey Gribbins Hernández Miller Howard Arnold
2039 0-0 van de Linde Day Torres Gribbins Im Howard Viña Watkins
2040 0-0 Page Schreibvogel Torres Gribbins Lindsey Valentín Lyons MacKim
2041 0-0 Page Muinos Lindsey Gribbins Hernández Kaponianani Lyons Watkins
2042 0-0 van de Linde Day Ortíz Pawlowicz Hernández Sin Kaponianani Vera
2043 0-0 Njongmeta Day Haggard Pawlowicz Ortíz Kaponianani Gatacre Viña
2044 0-0 Portillo Martin Torres Kashani Ortíz Qing Hanson Martin
2045 0-0 San Pedro Scott Calhoun Jobse Nelis Qing Hanson Martin
2046 0-0 San Pedro Scott Calhoun Jobse González Qing Hanson Viña
2047 49-53 Portillo Scott Haggard Ramos Jobse Martin Reed Viña
2048 39-63 Portillo Scott Valdéz Pawlowicz González Haynes Wolfe Martin
34 years 31 players 69 players 64 players 48 players 54 players 79 players 68 players 70 players
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