League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2015 68-40
2016 61-47
2017 62-58
2018 64-56
2019 43-59
2020 48-54 Mercado Holliday Erickson López Templeman Pérez Curtis Sharp
2021 36-66 Neal Holliday Pagán López Sharp Pérez Ríos Curtis
2022 41-61 Neal Holliday Toro Horton Welch Daniel Bernard Schiffer
2023 47-55 Dolenian O'Brien Morales Pagán Rojas Ríos Pierce Sharp
2024 41-61 Dolenian May Erickson Bernard Pierce Daniel Trujillo Rojas
2025 38-64 Clark Soto Erickson Hodnett Hunt Bernard Trujillo Mann
2026 37-65 Icaza Sullivan Rojas Sánchez Sharp Mo Cardenas Mann
2027 52-50 Marrero Blair Erickson Pagán Fuentes Flores Yim Mann
2028 39-63 Marrero Anderson González Pagán Fuentes Yim Campbell Mann
2029 46-56 Marrero Soto Delaney Pagán Fuentes Martin Yim Mann
2030 31-71 Wells Soto Thompson Gómez Wills Rodríguez Martin Stroud
2031 30-72 Wells Soto Thompson Gómez Delaney Rodríguez Martin Stroud
2032 32-70 Marrero Willis Thompson Gómez Serrato Rodríguez Martin Stroud
2033 42-60 Marrero Willis Wills Scott Amberezzio Rodríguez Martin Robles
2034 44-58 Marrero Gómez Rodríguez Fuentes Bermúdez McLean Martin Robles
2035 27-75 Ford Gómez Rodríguez Fuentes Bermúdez Rodríguez Martin McLean
2036 43-59 Ford Shaw McGhee Mizuno Mizuno Rodríguez Martin Wills
2037 46-56 Pak Shaw Rodríguez Simonse Mizuno Rodríguez Martin Robles
2038 30-72 Pak Hakoda McGhee Serrato Amberezzio Shaw Bumgarnor Robles
2039 38-64 Ben Shaw McGhee Bailey Vroonland Robles Mills Robles
2040 47-55 Goodwin McSriff Bailey Rowland Oram Powell McLean Moreno
2041 32-70 Goodwin McSriff Collins Rowland Oram Powell Mizuno Moreno
2042 0-0 Goodwin McSriff Auer Collins Collier Powell Shannon Moreno
2043 0-0 Goodwin Baars Auer Collier Oram Powell de Regt Moreno
2044 0-0 Goodwin Romero Hall Collier Oram Powell Reese Ramos
2045 0-0 West Baars Auer Yani Collier Loposer Reese Ramos
2046 41-61 West Baars Dixon Collier Oram Nelis Reese Ramos
2047 60-43 Nadeem Baars Curtis Gutiérrez Yani Rogers Reese Ramos
33 years 37 players 58 players 51 players 55 players 53 players 64 players 65 players 68 players
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