League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2020 0-0 Davis Martínez Gutiérrez Burnett Rodríguez Hardy Trujillo Ortega
2021 0-0 van Enk Davis Cantrell De La Hoya Rodríguez Little Burton Martínez
2022 43-53 Sánchez Davis Adams Trujillo Little Nagel Carson Hernández
2023 49-47 Cunningham Sánchez Gross Johnston Han Nagel Pérez Gómez
2024 35-61 Delgado Vázquez Cantrell Winston Lamora Yun Walls Burton
2025 52-44 Barrón Lumsden Valéncia Watts Rosales Justice Bishara Koch
2026 59-38 French Lumsden Singletary Cate Rosales Heard Bishara Koch
2027 65-31 French Pérez Alfaro Watts Shaw Clutch Bishara Balerio
2028 0-0 Márquez Pugiev Alfaro Tellado Dean Rohrs Khan Kelley
2029 0-0 Grant McMillan Bendixen Boston Cantrell Kelley Rohrs Pugiev
2030 0-0 Grant Alvarado McMillan Albright Maroto Khan Riikonen McCoy
2031 46-50 Grant Funnell McMillan Albright Maroto Chávez Rohrs Harith
2032 0-0 Alvarado Choung Shaw Funnell Shaw Venegas Elzey Cleveland
2033 0-0 Reyes Hines Bray Funnell Maroto Venegas Harith Cleveland
2034 0-0 Reyes Ulderink Shufflebotham Bray Maroto Choung Harith Quesada
2035 39-57 O'Halloran Serano Kwan Mortimer Clifton Moore Bush Sutinen
2036 40-56 O'Halloran Alfonso Bañuelos Japón Clements Morán Linen Small
2037 0-0 Potter Haley Méndez Edwards Conley Chong Small Wallace
2038 0-0 Potter Haley Hendrickson Neuvel Wang Argelander Argelander Castro
2039 0-0 Hewitt Johnstone Gallardo Alcabú Barbaran Threlfall Quick Pliego
2040 0-0 Hewitt Johnstone Gallardo Neuvel Rankin Noonkester Quick Pliego
2041 0-0 Shepard Sullivan Biggs Bacon Rankin Adams Chittick Knight
2042 0-0 Hewitt Lumme Solís Bacon Gallardo Bruce Espinoza Litten
2043 0-0 Hewitt Simmons Rankin Stafford Reynoud Martínez Litten Mullins
2044 56-41 Cortéz Yi Hall Moreno Reynoud Thomas Tsou Warren
2045 39-57 Gonzalez Powell Yi Moreno Warren Thomas Gómez Day
2046 42-54 Yamasaki Dale Hall Booth Booth Baker Younger Medrano
27 years 37 players 66 players 61 players 65 players 66 players 93 players 81 players 84 players
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