League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
AKR | ASH | BS | BPB | CAS | CC | IRV | ITH | LM | LAN | OTT | YAK
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2015 0-0
2016 0-0
2017 0-0
2018 0-0
2019 0-0
2020 0-0 Kerstens Juárez Johnson Young Robinson Rodríguez García Torres
2021 0-0 Kim Díaz Robinson Young Jones Johnson García Davis
2022 0-0 Baker Díaz Rodríguez Young Robinson Kerstens García Davis
2023 0-0 Appleby Coffman Ruíz De La Cruz Díaz Robinson Walker Davis
2024 0-0 Appleby Coffman Ramos Young Robinson Rodríguez Mann Carmona
2025 0-0 Appleby Coffman Ramos Young Cardenas Cruz Mann Maltby
2026 0-0 Appleby Coffman Farkas Cardenas Altuve Davis Cook Maltby
2027 50-52 Appleby Hatsutori Ramos De La Cruz Robinson Sentell Valéncia Maltby
2028 50-52 Thomas Coffman Robinson De La Cruz Jost Snow Díaz Maltby
2029 48-54 Appleby Bangert Weber Hernández Córdova Anderson Díaz Phillips
2030 39-63 Appleby De La Cruz Weber Si Córdova Anderson Baxter Phillips
2031 40-62 Appleby Martínez Weber Hernández Córdova Anderson Ríos Cook
2032 48-54 Morín Agramónte Weber Córdova Harrell Anderson Kiyomizu Mouton
2033 0-0 Kiyomizu Pacheco Loyen Maksimenov de Senna Fernandes Anderson Prokop Phillips
2034 0-0 Kiyomizu Pacheco Weber Maksimenov Reyes Shill Prokop Mouton
2035 0-0 Kiyomizu Witteman Weber Maksimenov Reyes Puri Prokop Mouton
2036 0-0 Kiyomizu Witteman Ríos Barrera Florencio Puri Godard Holte
2037 0-0 van der Veen Witteman Guerra Castro Campos Puri Godard Holte
2038 41-61 Lissenberg Pak Scribbner Chin Florencio Moreno Colombo Mehoff
2039 0-0 Lumsden Pak Schneider Castro Florencio Tshering Capitanio Mehoff
2040 0-0 Lumsden Bisseling Pak Castro Barrón Booty Florencio Callahan
2041 0-0 Fernández Gerkis Pak Joyner Romulo Tshering Janero Kisiner
2042 0-0 Campbell Gerkis Pak Castillo Wells Havermeyer Tshering Booty
2043 0-0 Jusino Fagliano García Richards Wells Havermeyer Tshering Ureña
2044 61-41 Haylock Fagliano Jackson Wells Rodríguez Tshering Vélez Havermeyer
2045 50-52 Amano Moya Colmenaris Greene Rodríguez Rey Edney Cornwell
2046 48-54 Amano Moya Colmenaris Ru Jackson Rivera Edney Rey
32 years 35 players 47 players 42 players 47 players 48 players 47 players 46 players 49 players
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