League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2015 0-0
2016 0-0
2017 0-0
2018 0-0
2019 0-0
2020 49-53 Hines López Daniels Mateo Carveth Manuel Mathes Sánchez
2021 0-0 Castillo Hemming Romero Daniels González Cruz Manuel Maestas
2022 0-0 Hines Hemming Daniels Daniels Allen Cruz Manuel Salcido
2023 0-0 Castillo Alvarado Daniels Rodríguez Camacho Alvarado Salcido Alvarado
2024 50-52 Long Alvarado Moore Rodríguez Rodríguez Whorton Whorton Whorton
2025 0-0 Rodríguez Long Alvarado Hall Flores Whorton Lehman Pueblo
2026 0-0 Rodríguez Trujillo Correa Lynch Flores Whorton Lehman Pérez
2027 50-52 Costello Silva Correa Cates Flores Whorton Lehman Knight
2028 52-50 González Bone Flores Aguirre Boyd Marken Lehman Alicea
2029 47-55 González Barnett Silander Aguirre Flores Gant Tineo Hudgins
2030 0-0 González Barnett Silander Aguirre Wheeler Tineo N'Dir Chiang
2031 0-0 Yandell Palledorous St. Brown Perkins Patterson Geertsen N'Dir Case
2032 43-59 Palledorous Morishita Chávez Wheeler Rodríguez Aquilera Bothof Mawdesley
2033 54-48 Palledorous Morishita Perkins Wheeler Rodríguez Aquilera Bothof Mawdesley
2034 0-0 Palledorous Morishita Colwill Wheeler Perkins Aquilera Sandoval Mawdesley
2035 0-0 Carrillo Givens Wheeler Bailey Acevedo Tineo Hudgins Mawdesley
2036 0-0 O'Neil Washington Hall Bailey Acevedo Fitzgerald Song Chávez
2037 46-56 O'Neil Washington Colwill Murphy Acevedo Geertsen Song Fitzgerald
2038 50-52 Ramírez Boyle Harper Kent Pinto Salas Zijm Song
2039 0-0 Ramírez Acosta Ferede Kent Pinto Boyle Álvarez Fitzgerald
2040 0-0 Pérez Patton Pinto Biele Ohashi bin Sayyid Padoga Lee
2041 37-65 Kent Ikenaki Pinto Rangel Penning bin Sayyid Haavisto Olvera
2042 34-68 Sainz Ikenaki García Yip Penning Olvera Chicote Bickerton
2043 47-55 Suárez Acosta García Polkinghorne Westoby López Padoga Bickerton
2044 43-59 Kun Ikenaki Coello Rangel Dattachaudhuri Baring García Olvera
2045 47-55 Marmolejo Moore Coello Shaw Westoby García García Rawnsley
31 years 47 players 64 players 56 players 50 players 52 players 56 players 58 players 67 players
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