Reyes Smacks 5 Hits for Nobles
Sunday, June 19th , 2044
Bakersfield defeated Norfolk today at Jerome Grounds. The star of the game for the Nobles was left fielder Domingo Reyes. His hitting heroics included a 5-for-5 day, paving the way for Bakersfield's 16-6 triumph over the Pajaritos. Domingo Reyes hit an RBI single in the 1st, hit an RBI single in the 2nd, singled in the 4th, hit a two-run double in the 5th and hit a three-run home run off Georges Cormier in the 7th.
Reyes is hitting at a .273 mark this season. His stats show 3 home runs, 22 RBIs and 12 runs scored. He has played 14 games for the Nobles.
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