BNN Index
League History Index
| Leaders
Jared Gilbert
754 (.567)
Juan Padilla
424 (.518)
Brendan Andrews
378 (.529)
Gary Logan
357 (.565)
Wes Murray
356 (.494)
John Anderson
355 (.580)
Ernesto Reyes
320 (.523)
José Moncibas
316 (.506)
Omer van Osch
285 (.559)
Jacob Green
281 (.545)
Ramón Pantoja
272 (.532)
Brody Roberts
272 (.532)
Culley Adjeng
262 (.514)
Rickey Burrell
250 (.490)
Richard Weaver
246 (.482)
Stephen Barton
237 (.556)
Júlio Barrón
206 (.490)
Sandy Hampton
204 (.500)
Jesús Román
201 (.657)
Joe Richard
199 (.580)
George Sanford
187 (.458)
Curt Donovan
186 (.455)
Juan López
171 (.557)
Decheng Sun
171 (.419)
Juan Sánchez
167 (.546)
Justin Palmer
162 (.500)
Kelly Flint
159 (.515)
Leo Sargent
158 (.516)
Barry Embling
155 (.507)
Juan Ruíz
154 (.484)
Emílio Sáenz
150 (.489)
Nacho Rivero
149 (.487)
James Stewart
147 (.454)
Burton Storey
145 (.474)
Pablo Hernández
136 (.428)
David Márquez
136 (.443)
Justin Saginov
129 (.629)
Ismael González
124 (.463)
Junior Benítez
121 (.395)
Harris Bailey
119 (.389)
Altti Salo
119 (.367)
Andha Gangulee
118 (.578)
Ronaldo Rodríguez
116 (.537)
Tim Wilson
114 (.373)
William Franklin
112 (.421)
Craig Walters
110 (.539)
Alfonso Rodríguez
110 (.507)
Glenn Draper
107 (.525)
Hugh Howard
106 (.505)
Kenny Billings
105 (.515)
Pedro Gonzáles
.694 (75-33)
Harris Harden
.686 (70-32)
Jesús Román
.657 (201-105)
António Molina
.657 (67-35)
David Lundy
.639 (94-53)
Marshall Edwards
.637 (65-37)
Justin Saginov
.629 (129-76)
Ezequiel Chosson
.606 (77-50)
Joe Richard
.580 (199-144)
John Anderson
.580 (355-257)
Andha Gangulee
.578 (118-86)
Bobby Robinson
.578 (59-43)
Jared Gilbert
.567 (754-575)
Gary Logan
.565 (357-275)
César Ramírez
.559 (57-45)
Omer van Osch
.559 (285-225)
Juan Medellín
.559 (57-45)
Juan López
.557 (171-136)
Stephen Barton
.556 (237-189)
José Vázquez
.556 (60-48)
Wynn Burton
.549 (56-46)
Will Thomas
.549 (56-46)
Juan Sánchez
.546 (167-139)
Jacob Green
.545 (281-235)
Craig Walters
.539 (110-94)
Ronaldo Rodríguez
.537 (116-100)
Leslie Brooks
.535 (23-20)
Jerry Moore
.535 (54-47)
Brody Roberts
.532 (272-239)
Ramón Pantoja
.532 (272-239)
Brendan Andrews
.529 (378-336)
Glenn Draper
.525 (107-97)
Chip Bishop
.524 (76-69)
Ernesto Reyes
.523 (320-292)
Hugh Harris
.520 (53-49)
Jamie Randall
.520 (53-49)
Juan Padilla
.518 (424-394)
Leo Sargent
.516 (158-148)
Kenny Billings
.515 (105-99)
Kelly Flint
.515 (159-150)
Culley Adjeng
.514 (262-248)
Cedric Fields
.513 (102-97)
Ricardo Betancourt
.510 (104-100)
John Roberts
.509 (55-53)
Alfonso Rodríguez
.507 (110-107)
Barry Embling
.507 (155-151)
José Moncibas
.506 (316-308)
Hugh Howard
.505 (106-104)
Sandy Hampton
.500 (204-204)
Justin Palmer
.500 (162-162)
Jared Gilbert
575 (.567)
Juan Padilla
394 (.518)
Wes Murray
364 (.494)
Brendan Andrews
336 (.529)
José Moncibas
308 (.506)
Ernesto Reyes
292 (.523)
Gary Logan
275 (.565)
Richard Weaver
264 (.482)
Rickey Burrell
260 (.490)
John Anderson
257 (.580)
Culley Adjeng
248 (.514)
Brody Roberts
239 (.532)
Ramón Pantoja
239 (.532)
Decheng Sun
237 (.419)
Jacob Green
235 (.545)
Omer van Osch
225 (.559)
Curt Donovan
223 (.455)
George Sanford
221 (.458)
Júlio Barrón
214 (.490)
Altti Salo
205 (.367)
Sandy Hampton
204 (.500)
Tim Wilson
192 (.373)
Stephen Barton
189 (.556)
Harris Bailey
187 (.389)
Junior Benítez
185 (.395)
Pablo Hernández
182 (.428)
James Stewart
177 (.454)
David Márquez
171 (.443)
Juan Ruíz
164 (.484)
Justin Palmer
162 (.500)
Burton Storey
161 (.474)
Nacho Rivero
157 (.487)
Emílio Sáenz
157 (.489)
William Franklin
154 (.421)
Barry Embling
151 (.507)
Kelly Flint
150 (.515)
Leo Sargent
148 (.516)
Joe Richard
144 (.580)
Ismael González
144 (.463)
Juan Sánchez
139 (.546)
Lou Boone
139 (.319)
Juan López
136 (.557)
Luis Díaz
126 (.323)
Allen Evans
126 (.382)
Miguel López
122 (.402)
Martin Stewart
122 (.402)
James Wheeler
121 (.455)
Clarence Davis
117 (.443)
Bill Clark
116 (.431)
Allen Bartlett
110 (.461)
W > .500
Jared Gilbert
179 (754-575)
John Anderson
98 (355-257)
Jesús Román
96 (201-105)
Gary Logan
82 (357-275)
Omer van Osch
60 (285-225)
Joe Richard
55 (199-144)
Justin Saginov
53 (129-76)
Stephen Barton
48 (237-189)
Jacob Green
46 (281-235)
Pedro Gonzáles
42 (75-33)
Brendan Andrews
42 (378-336)
David Lundy
41 (94-53)
Harris Harden
38 (70-32)
Juan López
35 (171-136)
Ramón Pantoja
33 (272-239)
Brody Roberts
33 (272-239)
António Molina
32 (67-35)
Andha Gangulee
32 (118-86)
Juan Padilla
30 (424-394)
Ernesto Reyes
28 (320-292)
Marshall Edwards
28 (65-37)
Juan Sánchez
28 (167-139)
Ezequiel Chosson
27 (77-50)
Bobby Robinson
16 (59-43)
Craig Walters
16 (110-94)
Ronaldo Rodríguez
16 (116-100)
Culley Adjeng
14 (262-248)
César Ramírez
12 (57-45)
Juan Medellín
12 (57-45)
José Vázquez
12 (60-48)
Leo Sargent
10 (158-148)
Will Thomas
10 (56-46)
Wynn Burton
10 (56-46)
Glenn Draper
10 (107-97)
Kelly Flint
9 (159-150)
José Moncibas
8 (316-308)
Jerry Moore
7 (54-47)
Chip Bishop
7 (76-69)
Kenny Billings
6 (105-99)
Cedric Fields
5 (102-97)
Ricardo Betancourt
4 (104-100)
Hugh Harris
4 (53-49)
Barry Embling
4 (155-151)
Jamie Randall
4 (53-49)
Leslie Brooks
3 (23-20)
Alfonso Rodríguez
3 (110-107)
John Roberts
2 (55-53)
Hugh Howard
2 (106-104)
José Vázquez
0 (0-0)
Sandy Hampton
0 (204-204)
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