League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2020 58-38 Porter Greene Benítez Vanali Morales Álvarez MacKey Scott
2021 45-51 Shearman Vanali Avilés Castillo Cordero Figueroa Escues Scott
2022 56-40 Shearman Rivera Avilés Scott Cordero Figueroa Vega Greene
2023 53-43 Rodríguez Rivera Avilés Águila Cordero Alfonso Pond Greene
2024 42-54 Rodríguez Hanneman Blumer Monachino Salimbeni Alfonso Wilberfoss López
2025 72-24 Rodríguez Popoff Quint Alfonso Vega Rodríguez Pond Satyavrat
2026 46-50 Malone Barclay García Sánchez Blumer Wilberfoss Grinter García
2027 53-43 Rodríguez Son Yamasaki Moore Wooderson Sheffield Ledezma Inman
2028 51-45 Hund Sachs Yamasaki Willoughby Haataja Inman Guzmán Abbott
2029 62-34 Cameros Abood Garmendia Willoughby Haataja Inman Abbott Guzmán
2030 54-42 Kreijling Abood Yamasaki Rivera Tang Reed Castillo Pate
2031 47-49 Olthof Abood Trinidad Mendoza Quesenberry Drumgoole Liao Bonzalez
2032 60-36 Irwin Abood Liao Mendoza Quesenberry Drumgoole Jenkins Jenkins
2033 49-47 Olthof Bonzalez Ramírez Mendoza Ortíz Fornasari Casas Gonzáles
2034 47-49 Olthof Bonzalez Ramírez Mendoza Salazar Simmons Flores Gonzáles
2035 47-49 Olthof Hancox Derringer Hernández Rodríguez Simmons Anderson Gonzáles
2036 41-55 de Gilde Gonzáles Cadiou Derringer Rodríguez Flores Flores Stanton
2037 46-50 van Grootveld Gonzáles Cadiou Boele Parker Clements Srivastav Norris
2038 50-46 van Grootveld González Cadiou Perrin Parker Clements Méndez Norris
2039 35-61 Guth Grant Márquez Boele Batkin Johnson Srivastav Scott
2040 61-35 Guth Terry David Zhang Ferreira Namaes Force Scott
2041 44-52 Lucciardi Concepción Ferreira Schock Zhang López Wheeler Reed
2042 56-40 Lucciardi Concepción Zambrano Schock Tejano Schroeder Wheeler Dodson
23 years 36 players 55 players 62 players 58 players 60 players 83 players 56 players 72 players
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