Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : RHP Dylan Grandjean
Pitching: RHP Dylan Grandjean
Batting: SHB John Hawley
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: LHB Henry Buckley
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out looking
Batting: LHB Jeff Hershberger
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F9 (Line Drive, 9D, EV 101.9 MPH)
Top of the 1st over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Calgary 0 - Milton 0 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : RHP José García
Pitching: RHP José García
Batting: RHB William Penn
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Hit by Pitch
Batting: RHB Tyler Marés
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: SINGLE (Groundball, 34D, EV 97.5 MPH) William Penn to second Runner from 2nd tries for 3rd, SAFE, throw by RF made to third
Batting: RHB Colton Pennington
0-0: Fly out, F3 (Popup, 3SF, EV 84.4 MPH)
Batting: RHB Virgil Guldenmond
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RD, EV 100.6 MPH) Runner from 3rd tags up, SCORES, no throw by CF
Batting: RHB Bobby Norris
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 56S, EV 64.4 MPH)
Bottom of the 1st over - 1 run, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 0 - Milton 1 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : RHP Dylan Grandjean
Batting: SHB Abraham In de Boomgaert
0-0: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4S, EV 83.8 MPH)
Batting: RHB Jihan Tuah
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Fly out, F6 (Popup, 6S, EV 78.1 MPH)
Batting: RHB Tobias Valencia
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ground out 1-3 (Groundball, 15, EV 73.1 MPH)
Top of the 2nd over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Calgary 0 - Milton 1 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : RHP José García
Batting: RHB Anthony Hollis
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 78S, EV 85.0 MPH)
Batting: RHB Arnie Taylor
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Swinging Strike 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Cédric Causse
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: SINGLE (Groundball, 34D, EV 106.9 MPH)
Batting: RHB Troy Flynn
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 56, EV 88.8 MPH)
Bottom of the 2nd over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 0 - Milton 1 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : RHP Dylan Grandjean
Batting: RHB Isagani Gorre
0-0: Fly out, F7 (Flyball, 78D, EV 91.2 MPH)
Batting: SHB Jim Santos
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Called Strike 2-1: Called Strike 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: Base on Balls
Batting: RHB Anthon Oort
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: SINGLE (Line Drive, 7S, EV 110.0 MPH) Jim Santos to second
Batting: SHB John Hawley
0-0: SINGLE (Flyball, 9S, EV 90.6 MPH) Jim Santos to third Anthon Oort to second
Batting: LHB Henry Buckley
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RD, EV 86.2 MPH) Runner from 3rd tags up, SCORES, throw by CF Anthon Oort to third
Batting: LHB Jeff Hershberger
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: SINGLE (Flyball, 9LM, EV 101.2 MPH) Anthon Oort scores John Hawley to second
Batting: SHB Abraham In de Boomgaert
0-0: Fly out, F4 (Line Drive, 4, EV 72.5 MPH)
Top of the 3rd over - 2 runs, 3 hits, 0 errors, 2 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 1 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : RHP José García
Batting: RHB William Penn
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 5, EV 89.4 MPH)
Batting: RHB Tyler Marés
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: DOUBLE (Line Drive, 8RXD, EV 101.9 MPH)
Batting: RHB Colton Pennington
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 56, EV 104.4 MPH)
Batting: RHB Virgil Guldenmond
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: DOUBLE (Groundball, 5L, EV 103.8 MPH) Tyler Marés scores
Batting: RHB Bobby Norris
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6, EV 83.8 MPH)
Bottom of the 3rd over - 1 run, 2 hits, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 2 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : RHP Dylan Grandjean
Batting: RHB Jihan Tuah
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Fly out, F4 (Popup, 34S, EV 86.9 MPH)
Batting: RHB Tobias Valencia
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Strikes out looking
Batting: RHB Isagani Gorre
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Strikes out looking
Top of the 4th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 2 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : RHP José García
Batting: RHB Anthony Hollis
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6, EV 91.9 MPH)
Batting: RHB Arnie Taylor
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 56, EV 106.9 MPH)
Batting: RHB Cédric Causse
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: DOUBLE (Flyball, 8LXD, EV 92.5 MPH)
Batting: RHB Troy Flynn
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Fly out, F7 (Flyball, 7S, EV 90.6 MPH)
Bottom of the 4th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 2 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : RHP Dylan Grandjean
Batting: SHB Jim Santos
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4, EV 90.6 MPH)
Batting: RHB Anthon Oort
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB John Hawley
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Strikes out looking
Top of the 5th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 2 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : RHP José García
Batting: RHB William Penn
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Tyler Marés
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Called Strike 2-1: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4, EV 103.1 MPH)
Batting: RHB Colton Pennington
0-0: DOUBLE (Line Drive, 78D, EV 108.1 MPH)
Batting: RHB Virgil Guldenmond
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6, EV 83.8 MPH)
Bottom of the 5th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 2 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : RHP Dylan Grandjean
Batting: LHB Henry Buckley
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Base on Balls
Batting: LHB Jeff Hershberger
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Swinging Strike 2-1: Ball 3-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Fly out, F8 (Line Drive, 8LM, EV 106.9 MPH)
Batting: SHB Abraham In de Boomgaert
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Ball 2-1: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8LXD, EV 103.1 MPH)
Batting: RHB Jihan Tuah
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Strikes out looking
Top of the 6th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 2 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : RHP José García
Pitching: LHP Ricardo Ramírez
Batting: RHB Bobby Norris
0-0: Ball 1-0: DOUBLE (Flyball, 8RXD, EV 101.9 MPH) - OUT at third base trying to stretch hit.
Batting: RHB Anthony Hollis
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Ground out U3 (Groundball, 3, EV 86.2 MPH)
Batting: RHB Arnie Taylor
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Called Strike 3-2: SINGLE (Line Drive, 9S, EV 101.2 MPH)
Batting: RHB Cédric Causse
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Fielders Choice at 2nd, 6-4 (Groundball, 6, EV 100.6 MPH)
Bottom of the 6th over - 0 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 2 - Milton 2 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : RHP Dylan Grandjean
Batting: RHB Tobias Valencia
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Ball 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Ball 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Base on Balls
Batting: RHB Isagani Gorre
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB Jim Santos
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: DOUBLE (Flyball, 7LD, EV 91.2 MPH) Tobias Valencia to third
Pitching: LHP Poto Boldrini
Batting: RHB Anthon Oort
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Fly out, F7 (Flyball, 7, EV 90.6 MPH) Runner from 3rd tags up, SCORES, throw by LF
Batting: SHB John Hawley
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Base on Balls
Batting: LHB Henry Buckley
0-0: SINGLE (Groundball, 4MD, EV 98.1 MPH) Jim Santos to third John Hawley to second Runner from 3rd tries for Home, SAFE, throw by CF to home
Batting: LHB Jeff Hershberger
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 7th over - 2 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors, 2 left on base; Calgary 4 - Milton 2 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : LHP Ricardo Ramírez
Batting: RHB Troy Flynn
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Strikes out looking
Batting: RHB William Penn
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 56S, EV 81.2 MPH)
Batting: RHB Tyler Marés
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Base on Balls
Batting: RHB Colton Pennington
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: SINGLE (Groundball, 56D, EV 101.9 MPH) Tyler Marés to second
Batting: RHB Virgil Guldenmond
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Strikes out looking
Bottom of the 7th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 2 left on base; Calgary 4 - Milton 2 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : LHP Poto Boldrini
Batting: SHB Abraham In de Boomgaert
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 78D, EV 84.4 MPH)
Batting: RHB Jihan Tuah
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6, EV 98.1 MPH)
Batting: RHB Tobias Valencia
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6, EV 82.5 MPH)
Top of the 8th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Calgary 4 - Milton 2 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : LHP Ricardo Ramírez
Batting: RHB Bobby Norris
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Fly out, F8 (Line Drive, 8LD, EV 93.8 MPH)
Batting: RHB Anthony Hollis
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 9, EV 86.2 MPH)
Batting: RHB Arnie Taylor
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Swinging Strike 2-1: Ball 3-1: Called Strike 3-2: Base on Balls
Pitching: RHP Haweeyo Nasteexo
Batting: RHB Cédric Causse
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Fly out, F8 (Line Drive, 8LD, EV 90.6 MPH)
Bottom of the 8th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Calgary 4 - Milton 2 |
Calgary Lynx batting - Pitching for Milton Dogfish Head : LHP Poto Boldrini
Pitching: RHP Sergio Tacuri
Batting: RHB Isagani Gorre
0-0: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RD, EV 86.9 MPH)
Batting: SHB Jim Santos
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: SINGLE (Line Drive, 4D, EV 96.9 MPH)
Batting: RHB Anthon Oort
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Swinging Strike 2-1: SINGLE (Groundball, 5D, EV 96.2 MPH) Jim Santos to second
Batting: SHB John Hawley
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Fielders Choice at 2nd, 1-6 (Groundball, P, EV 68.1 MPH) Jim Santos to third
Batting: LHB Henry Buckley
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: DOUBLE (Line Drive, 89D, EV 103.1 MPH) Jim Santos scores John Hawley to third John Hawley scores
Batting: LHB Jeff Hershberger
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: DOUBLE (Flyball, 89XD, EV 107.5 MPH) Henry Buckley scores
Batting: SHB Abraham In de Boomgaert
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Base on Balls
Batting: RHB Jihan Tuah
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 56S, EV 69.4 MPH)
Top of the 9th over - 3 runs, 4 hits, 0 errors, 2 left on base; Calgary 7 - Milton 2 |
Milton Dogfish Head batting - Pitching for Calgary Lynx : RHP Haweeyo Nasteexo
Batting: RHB Troy Flynn
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: Base on Balls
Batting: RHB William Penn
0-0: Ball 1-0: Grounds into double play, 6-4-3 (Groundball, 6, EV 80.0 MPH)
Batting: RHB Tyler Marés
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6, EV 87.5 MPH)
Bottom of the 9th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Calgary 7 - Milton 2 |