League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Rayzor Ray 1258 (.466)
Andrew Schupick 989 (.416)
Mau Delgado 821 (.520)
Tyler Johnson 809 (.535)
Jordan Calhoun 788 (.494)
DAshley GoAs 731 (.520)
John Bosma 646 (.498)
Scott Williams 579 (.536)
TJ Reynolds 557 (.516)
Anthony Yaghmour 552 (.465)
Kyle Norton 538 (.552)
Brian Talamante 483 (.468)
JJ Hoban 448 (.518)
Kerry Hofmeister 422 (.557)
Don Lookingbill 410 (.516)
Erock Genova 364 (.480)
Dan Cahill 316 (.488)
Scott Thompson 307 (.569)
Juan Rodríguez 305 (.602)
Jonathan Gerth 303 (.561)
Chase Sims 301 (.536)
Andy Mayfield 294 (.454)
Jim West 283 (.529)
Matt Hunt 269 (.550)
John Bush 243 (.450)
Alan Starwood 231 (.428)
Imran Baig 229 (.530)
Chris Lau 229 (.530)
Troy Holl 202 (.623)
Andrew Morrison 172 (.531)
Sal Gaudio 169 (.522)
Tom Cook 163 (.503)
Greg Diersing 154 (.475)
Eddie Paxil 148 (.580)
Mark Everhart 146 (.676)
Andy McDonald 145 (.543)
Andrew Powell 140 (.541)
Bill Cheese 132 (.611)
David Krause 132 (.477)
Michael Esposito 131 (.606)
Dean Ashley 127 (.588)
José Dávila 111 (.521)
Rubén Pereira 104 (.479)
Timmy Quigley 104 (.321)
Al Wilhelm 101 (.470)
Alireza Vachnadze 99 (.458)
Yoshida Kobayashi 98 (.454)
José Rosendin 97 (.449)
Andrew Bosco 90 (.417)
Jack Hill 89 (.412)
Name Win%
Scott McMahon .731 (79-29)
James Wilson .711 (64-26)
Arturo Vega .685 (74-34)
Imran Kopitar .676 (73-35)
Mark Everhart .676 (146-70)
Ryan Naylor .630 (68-40)
Brett Reichert .630 (68-40)
Troy Holl .623 (202-122)
Bill Cheese .611 (132-84)
Michael Esposito .606 (131-85)
Juan Rodríguez .602 (305-202)
Beau Carsten .593 (64-44)
Lendon Tipton .592 (71-49)
Dean Ashley .588 (127-89)
Eddie Paxil .580 (148-107)
Joe Koralewski .577 (64-47)
Timothy Dickerson .574 (62-46)
Scott Thompson .569 (307-233)
Jonathan Gerth .561 (303-237)
David Jones .559 (57-45)
Kerry Hofmeister .557 (422-335)
John Ward .556 (60-48)
Kyle Norton .552 (538-436)
Matt Hunt .550 (269-220)
Andy McDonald .543 (145-122)
Andrew Powell .541 (140-119)
Aaron Brown .540 (34-29)
Scott Williams .536 (579-502)
Chase Sims .536 (301-261)
Tyler Johnson .535 (809-703)
Andrew Morrison .531 (172-152)
Chris Lau .530 (229-203)
Imran Baig .530 (229-203)
Jim West .529 (283-252)
Sal Gaudio .522 (169-155)
José Dávila .521 (111-102)
Mau Delgado .520 (821-757)
DAshley GoAs .520 (731-675)
JJ Hoban .518 (448-417)
TJ Reynolds .516 (557-523)
Don Lookingbill .516 (410-385)
Luis Campos .509 (55-53)
Paul Baker .509 (55-53)
Tom Cook .503 (163-161)
John Bosma .498 (646-650)
Jordan Calhoun .494 (788-808)
Dan Cahill .488 (316-332)
Erock Genova .480 (364-394)
Rubén Pereira .479 (104-113)
David Krause .477 (132-145)
Name Losses
Rayzor Ray 1443 (.466)
Andrew Schupick 1388 (.416)
Jordan Calhoun 808 (.494)
Mau Delgado 757 (.520)
Tyler Johnson 703 (.535)
DAshley GoAs 675 (.520)
John Bosma 650 (.498)
Anthony Yaghmour 636 (.465)
Brian Talamante 549 (.468)
TJ Reynolds 523 (.516)
Scott Williams 502 (.536)
Kyle Norton 436 (.552)
JJ Hoban 417 (.518)
Erock Genova 394 (.480)
Don Lookingbill 385 (.516)
Andy Mayfield 354 (.454)
Kerry Hofmeister 335 (.557)
Dan Cahill 332 (.488)
Alan Starwood 309 (.428)
John Bush 297 (.450)
Chase Sims 261 (.536)
Jim West 252 (.529)
Jonathan Gerth 237 (.561)
Scott Thompson 233 (.569)
Matt Hunt 220 (.550)
Timmy Quigley 220 (.321)
Imran Baig 203 (.530)
Chris Lau 203 (.530)
Juan Rodríguez 202 (.602)
Greg Diersing 170 (.475)
Tom Cook 161 (.503)
Sal Gaudio 155 (.522)
Andrew Morrison 152 (.531)
David Krause 145 (.477)
Jack Hill 127 (.412)
Andrew Bosco 126 (.417)
Troy Holl 122 (.623)
Andy McDonald 122 (.543)
Andrew Powell 119 (.541)
José Rosendin 119 (.449)
Yoshida Kobayashi 118 (.454)
Alireza Vachnadze 117 (.458)
Al Wilhelm 114 (.470)
Rubén Pereira 113 (.479)
Eddie Paxil 107 (.580)
José Dávila 102 (.521)
Dean Ashley 89 (.588)
Michael Esposito 85 (.606)
Bill Cheese 84 (.611)
Josh Dunlap 78 (.278)
Name W > .500
Tyler Johnson 106 (809-703)
Juan Rodríguez 103 (305-202)
Kyle Norton 102 (538-436)
Kerry Hofmeister 87 (422-335)
Troy Holl 80 (202-122)
Scott Williams 77 (579-502)
Mark Everhart 76 (146-70)
Scott Thompson 74 (307-233)
Jonathan Gerth 66 (303-237)
Mau Delgado 64 (821-757)
DAshley GoAs 56 (731-675)
Scott McMahon 50 (79-29)
Matt Hunt 49 (269-220)
Bill Cheese 48 (132-84)
Michael Esposito 46 (131-85)
Eddie Paxil 41 (148-107)
Chase Sims 40 (301-261)
Arturo Vega 40 (74-34)
Imran Kopitar 38 (73-35)
Dean Ashley 38 (127-89)
James Wilson 38 (64-26)
TJ Reynolds 34 (557-523)
Jim West 31 (283-252)
JJ Hoban 31 (448-417)
Ryan Naylor 28 (68-40)
Brett Reichert 28 (68-40)
Imran Baig 26 (229-203)
Chris Lau 26 (229-203)
Don Lookingbill 25 (410-385)
Andy McDonald 23 (145-122)
Lendon Tipton 22 (71-49)
Andrew Powell 21 (140-119)
Andrew Morrison 20 (172-152)
Beau Carsten 20 (64-44)
Joe Koralewski 17 (64-47)
Timothy Dickerson 16 (62-46)
Sal Gaudio 14 (169-155)
John Ward 12 (60-48)
David Jones 12 (57-45)
José Dávila 9 (111-102)
Aaron Brown 5 (34-29)
Paul Baker 2 (55-53)
Tom Cook 2 (163-161)
Luis Campos 2 (55-53)
Ben Bhutani 0 (0-0)
Frank Phillips 0 (0-0)
Kevin Hine 0 (0-0)
Santiago Vargas 0 (0-0)
Vaughan Martínez 0 (0-0)
Roger Sánchez 0 (0-0)
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