League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Tony Romero 295 (.512)
Chua-kah Liu 291 (.500)
Javier Trujillo 273 (.565)
Theodore Johnston 208 (.540)
Tommy Wade 192 (.500)
Wilber Moon 190 (.504)
Stanford Saunders 155 (.536)
Eugene Jackson 150 (.519)
Philippe Parmentier 145 (.502)
Scott Alexander 142 (.493)
Augusto González 119 (.617)
César Navejar 115 (.599)
Fernando Mendoza 99 (.516)
Terry Stokes 97 (.503)
William Franklin 89 (.464)
Kyle Myers 87 (.453)
John McGrath 72 (.375)
Noel Ballard 69 (.719)
Brody Roberts 66 (.688)
Lockwood Rose 65 (.339)
Luis González 62 (.646)
Donald Hutchinson 61 (.635)
Sherwood Baker 58 (.604)
Jack Clayton 57 (.594)
Brooks Dempsey 56 (.577)
Luis Díaz 52 (.542)
Jared Gilbert 51 (.531)
Tom Carlson 49 (.510)
Jerome Perry 49 (.485)
Javier Ramos 47 (.490)
Dexter Shannon 45 (.469)
Craig Sunter 44 (.458)
Ramón Pantoja 43 (.448)
Seth Rice 42 (.438)
Jake Jones 41 (.427)
Billy Strauss 41 (.427)
Manny Rodríguez 40 (.417)
Melvin Baldwin 36 (.375)
Lou Cook 32 (.478)
Ralph Wood 31 (.323)
Chris Johnson 30 (.312)
Travis Miller 24 (.250)
Curtis Lee 7 (.368)
Rickey Jones 2 (.500)
Name Win%
Noel Ballard .719 (69-27)
Brody Roberts .688 (66-30)
Luis González .646 (62-34)
Donald Hutchinson .635 (61-35)
Augusto González .617 (119-74)
Sherwood Baker .604 (58-38)
César Navejar .599 (115-77)
Jack Clayton .594 (57-39)
Brooks Dempsey .577 (56-41)
Javier Trujillo .565 (273-210)
Luis Díaz .542 (52-44)
Theodore Johnston .540 (208-177)
Stanford Saunders .536 (155-134)
Jared Gilbert .531 (51-45)
Eugene Jackson .519 (150-139)
Fernando Mendoza .516 (99-93)
Tony Romero .512 (295-281)
Tom Carlson .510 (49-47)
Wilber Moon .504 (190-187)
Terry Stokes .503 (97-96)
Philippe Parmentier .502 (145-144)
Chua-kah Liu .500 (291-291)
Rickey Jones .500 (2-2)
Tommy Wade .500 (192-192)
Scott Alexander .493 (142-146)
Javier Ramos .490 (47-49)
Jerome Perry .485 (49-52)
Lou Cook .478 (32-35)
Dexter Shannon .469 (45-51)
William Franklin .464 (89-103)
Craig Sunter .458 (44-52)
Kyle Myers .453 (87-105)
Ramón Pantoja .448 (43-53)
Seth Rice .438 (42-54)
Jake Jones .427 (41-55)
Billy Strauss .427 (41-55)
Manny Rodríguez .417 (40-56)
John McGrath .375 (72-120)
Melvin Baldwin .375 (36-60)
Curtis Lee .368 (7-12)
Lockwood Rose .339 (65-127)
Ralph Wood .323 (31-65)
Chris Johnson .312 (30-66)
Travis Miller .250 (24-72)
Name Losses
Chua-kah Liu 291 (.500)
Tony Romero 281 (.512)
Javier Trujillo 210 (.565)
Tommy Wade 192 (.500)
Wilber Moon 187 (.504)
Theodore Johnston 177 (.540)
Scott Alexander 146 (.493)
Philippe Parmentier 144 (.502)
Eugene Jackson 139 (.519)
Stanford Saunders 134 (.536)
Lockwood Rose 127 (.339)
John McGrath 120 (.375)
Kyle Myers 105 (.453)
William Franklin 103 (.464)
Terry Stokes 96 (.503)
Fernando Mendoza 93 (.516)
César Navejar 77 (.599)
Augusto González 74 (.617)
Travis Miller 72 (.250)
Chris Johnson 66 (.312)
Ralph Wood 65 (.323)
Melvin Baldwin 60 (.375)
Manny Rodríguez 56 (.417)
Jake Jones 55 (.427)
Billy Strauss 55 (.427)
Seth Rice 54 (.438)
Ramón Pantoja 53 (.448)
Jerome Perry 52 (.485)
Craig Sunter 52 (.458)
Dexter Shannon 51 (.469)
Javier Ramos 49 (.490)
Tom Carlson 47 (.510)
Jared Gilbert 45 (.531)
Luis Díaz 44 (.542)
Brooks Dempsey 41 (.577)
Jack Clayton 39 (.594)
Sherwood Baker 38 (.604)
Donald Hutchinson 35 (.635)
Lou Cook 35 (.478)
Luis González 34 (.646)
Brody Roberts 30 (.688)
Noel Ballard 27 (.719)
Curtis Lee 12 (.368)
Rickey Jones 2 (.500)
Name W > .500
Javier Trujillo 63 (273-210)
Augusto González 45 (119-74)
Noel Ballard 42 (69-27)
César Navejar 38 (115-77)
Brody Roberts 36 (66-30)
Theodore Johnston 31 (208-177)
Luis González 28 (62-34)
Donald Hutchinson 26 (61-35)
Stanford Saunders 21 (155-134)
Sherwood Baker 20 (58-38)
Jack Clayton 18 (57-39)
Brooks Dempsey 15 (56-41)
Tony Romero 14 (295-281)
Eugene Jackson 11 (150-139)
Luis Díaz 8 (52-44)
Fernando Mendoza 6 (99-93)
Jared Gilbert 6 (51-45)
Wilber Moon 3 (190-187)
Tom Carlson 2 (49-47)
Terry Stokes 1 (97-96)
Philippe Parmentier 1 (145-144)
Chua-kah Liu 0 (291-291)
Tommy Wade 0 (192-192)
Rickey Jones 0 (2-2)
Javier Ramos -2 (47-49)
Jerome Perry -3 (49-52)
Lou Cook -3 (32-35)
Scott Alexander -4 (142-146)
Curtis Lee -5 (7-12)
Dexter Shannon -6 (45-51)
Craig Sunter -8 (44-52)
Ramón Pantoja -10 (43-53)
Seth Rice -12 (42-54)
Billy Strauss -14 (41-55)
William Franklin -14 (89-103)
Jake Jones -14 (41-55)
Manny Rodríguez -16 (40-56)
Kyle Myers -18 (87-105)
Melvin Baldwin -24 (36-60)
Ralph Wood -34 (31-65)
Chris Johnson -36 (30-66)
Travis Miller -48 (24-72)
John McGrath -48 (72-120)
Lockwood Rose -62 (65-127)
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