League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
ALA | BEL | CRR | EUG | GF | GRR | HH | HOG | IFC | MV | MBS | PH21
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2020 42-54 Baca Klein Garza Allen Blackford Breia Garza Allen
2021 52-44 Dávila Windsor Anderson Blanco Delgado Breia Osorio Allen
2022 46-50 Klein Díaz López Anderson Díaz Allen Rodríguez Allen
2023 52-44 Moreno Arredondo Rodríguez Alba Winnfield Morales Allen Godron
2024 45-51 Moreno Arredondo Canales Alba Winnfield Morales Rodríguez Godron
2025 47-49 Méndez Moreno Montoya Costillo Chávez Gonzáles Vater Kirkendall
2026 64-32 Moreno Roa Costello Costillo Hopkins Gonzáles Sienna Aristizabal
2027 50-46 Rodríguez Evangelho Costello Congdon Sexton Aristizabal Vázquez Masters
2028 62-34 Hernández Pagán Koo Thien Hernández Ji Kouda Masters
2029 61-35 Mata Zhang Head Congdon King Jaksch Kouda Masters
2030 46-50 Law Rodgers Head Congdon King Jaksch bin Idris Mixon
2031 53-43 Law Rodgers Jaksch Yang Calleson Yacoobi bin Idris Rodgers
2032 41-55 Iese Estrada Jaksch Yang Jaksch Yacoobi Palmer Thompson
2033 49-47 Iese Hoaloha Wang Yang Hayagawa Yacoobi Glenn Ye
2034 46-50 Yamashita Hoaloha Rodgers Yacoobi Hirano Hayagawa Goleta Mun
2035 53-43 Ross Strickland Rutherford Goleta Hirano Bates Monroe Mun
16 years 31 players 34 players 44 players 47 players 51 players 44 players 44 players 45 players
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