League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Kenny Billings 417 (.501)
Dan Joseph 339 (.504)
Jacob Curtis 289 (.501)
Justin Trewhells 271 (.563)
Manuel Hernández 235 (.490)
Rafael Clemente 207 (.539)
Juan Medellín 204 (.530)
Arturo Chávez 198 (.516)
Lockwood Rose 166 (.576)
José Vázquez 156 (.540)
Bill Beasley 156 (.540)
Bill Russell 154 (.535)
Joe Richard 148 (.514)
Bobby Robinson 147 (.510)
Francisco Fernández 146 (.380)
Coy Knight 131 (.455)
Paul Watts 129 (.672)
Howard Martínez 126 (.438)
Jared Gilbert 117 (.565)
Dale Wolfe 115 (.599)
Vicente Presilla 108 (.560)
Allen Davis 107 (.557)
Rickey Burrell 98 (.510)
John Hill 98 (.510)
Stanford Saunders 96 (.416)
Bill Callahan 94 (.490)
David Márquez 91 (.474)
Manny Sánchez 87 (.613)
Tim Nelson 81 (.422)
Chad Hess 80 (.417)
Juan Sánchez 78 (.406)
Jeremy Alexander 78 (.406)
Fernando Gonzáles 76 (.396)
Melvin Baldwin 68 (.356)
Pierre Muller 66 (.688)
Pedro Ritodíaz 66 (.695)
Raúl Aguilar 65 (.670)
José Vázquez 60 (.465)
George Sanford 59 (.444)
Greg Keys 58 (.604)
Alfonso Rodríguez 58 (.475)
George Willis 58 (.604)
Wes Murray 58 (.604)
Nacho Rivero 55 (.573)
Dave Ross 52 (.338)
Tim Wilson 52 (.542)
Leo Sargent 50 (.521)
Willis Crawford 49 (.510)
Jamie Randall 49 (.510)
Frank Jackson 48 (.500)
Name Win%
Pedro Ritodíaz .695 (66-29)
Pierre Muller .688 (66-30)
Paul Watts .672 (129-63)
Raúl Aguilar .670 (65-32)
Manny Sánchez .613 (87-55)
Greg Keys .604 (58-38)
Wes Murray .604 (58-38)
George Willis .604 (58-38)
Dale Wolfe .599 (115-77)
Tony Hernández .595 (22-15)
Lockwood Rose .576 (166-122)
Nacho Rivero .573 (55-41)
Jared Gilbert .565 (117-90)
Justin Trewhells .563 (271-210)
Vicente Presilla .560 (108-85)
Allen Davis .557 (107-85)
Walt Greene .544 (31-26)
Tim Wilson .542 (52-44)
Bill Beasley .540 (156-133)
José Vázquez .540 (156-133)
Rafael Clemente .539 (207-177)
Bill Russell .535 (154-134)
Juan Medellín .530 (204-181)
Leo Sargent .521 (50-46)
Arturo Chávez .516 (198-186)
Joe Richard .514 (148-140)
Rickey Burrell .510 (98-94)
Bobby Robinson .510 (147-141)
Willis Crawford .510 (49-47)
John Hill .510 (98-94)
Jamie Randall .510 (49-47)
Kane Shoemaker .505 (46-45)
Dan Joseph .504 (339-333)
Kenny Billings .501 (417-415)
Jacob Curtis .501 (289-288)
Craig Walters .500 (48-48)
Frank Jackson .500 (48-48)
Barry Embling .500 (48-48)
Jorge Díaz .500 (48-48)
Manuel Hernández .490 (235-245)
Bill Callahan .490 (94-98)
Kyle Holman .490 (47-49)
Alfonso Rodríguez .475 (58-64)
David Márquez .474 (91-101)
Rick Nash .469 (45-51)
José Vázquez .465 (60-69)
Coy Knight .455 (131-157)
George Sanford .444 (59-74)
Howard Martínez .438 (126-162)
Bob Cowan .438 (42-54)
Name Losses
Kenny Billings 415 (.501)
Dan Joseph 333 (.504)
Jacob Curtis 288 (.501)
Manuel Hernández 245 (.490)
Francisco Fernández 238 (.380)
Justin Trewhells 210 (.563)
Arturo Chávez 186 (.516)
Juan Medellín 181 (.530)
Rafael Clemente 177 (.539)
Howard Martínez 162 (.438)
Coy Knight 157 (.455)
Bobby Robinson 141 (.510)
Joe Richard 140 (.514)
Stanford Saunders 135 (.416)
Bill Russell 134 (.535)
Bill Beasley 133 (.540)
José Vázquez 133 (.540)
Melvin Baldwin 123 (.356)
Lockwood Rose 122 (.576)
Fernando Gonzáles 116 (.396)
Jeremy Alexander 114 (.406)
Juan Sánchez 114 (.406)
Chad Hess 112 (.417)
Tim Nelson 111 (.422)
Dave Ross 102 (.338)
David Márquez 101 (.474)
Bill Callahan 98 (.490)
John Hill 94 (.510)
Rickey Burrell 94 (.510)
Jared Gilbert 90 (.565)
Allen Davis 85 (.557)
Vicente Presilla 85 (.560)
Dale Wolfe 77 (.599)
George Sanford 74 (.444)
Davis Burt 72 (.250)
José Vázquez 69 (.465)
Alfonso Rodríguez 64 (.475)
Paul Watts 63 (.672)
Wilson Alvarado 60 (.375)
Craig Sunter 58 (.396)
Marcus Terry 57 (.406)
Taylor Whitney 56 (.417)
Manny Sánchez 55 (.613)
Joseph Fish 55 (.427)
Bob Cowan 54 (.438)
Rick Nash 51 (.469)
Kyle Holman 49 (.490)
Craig Walters 48 (.500)
Frank Jackson 48 (.500)
Barry Embling 48 (.500)
Name W > .500
Paul Watts 66 (129-63)
Justin Trewhells 61 (271-210)
Lockwood Rose 44 (166-122)
Dale Wolfe 38 (115-77)
Pedro Ritodíaz 37 (66-29)
Pierre Muller 36 (66-30)
Raúl Aguilar 33 (65-32)
Manny Sánchez 32 (87-55)
Rafael Clemente 30 (207-177)
Jared Gilbert 27 (117-90)
Juan Medellín 23 (204-181)
Bill Beasley 23 (156-133)
José Vázquez 23 (156-133)
Vicente Presilla 23 (108-85)
Allen Davis 22 (107-85)
George Willis 20 (58-38)
Bill Russell 20 (154-134)
Wes Murray 20 (58-38)
Greg Keys 20 (58-38)
Nacho Rivero 14 (55-41)
Arturo Chávez 12 (198-186)
Tim Wilson 8 (52-44)
Joe Richard 8 (148-140)
Tony Hernández 7 (22-15)
Dan Joseph 6 (339-333)
Bobby Robinson 6 (147-141)
Walt Greene 5 (31-26)
Rickey Burrell 4 (98-94)
John Hill 4 (98-94)
Leo Sargent 4 (50-46)
Kenny Billings 2 (417-415)
Jamie Randall 2 (49-47)
Willis Crawford 2 (49-47)
Jacob Curtis 1 (289-288)
Kane Shoemaker 1 (46-45)
Francisco Bernal 0 (0-0)
Craig Walters 0 (48-48)
Frank Jackson 0 (48-48)
Barry Embling 0 (48-48)
Jorge Díaz 0 (48-48)
Ánibal Vera 0 (0-0)
Juan Villarreal 0 (0-0)
José Bello 0 (0-0)
Jacob Green 0 (0-0)
River Davis 0 (0-0)
Curt Donovan 0 (0-0)
Tom Plummer 0 (0-0)
Tom Hall 0 (0-0)
James Burton 0 (0-0)
Jack Clayton 0 (0-0)
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