Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP António Fernández
Pitching: RHP António Fernández
Batting: RHB Tony Martínez
0-0: Fly out, F3 (Popup, 34S)
Batting: RHB Lev Migranov
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Moriz Ayushiev
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 1st over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 0 - Grim 0 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Franklin Camarena
Pitching: RHP Franklin Camarena
Batting: RHB Askari bin Idris
0-0: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6)
Batting: RHB Huai-yi Yang
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Called Strike 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Milos Jaksch
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Groundball, 6MD)
Batting: RHB Manuel Estrada
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 89M)
Bottom of the 1st over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Galesburg 0 - Grim 0 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP António Fernández
Batting: LHB Henk van Aardschot
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Bastiaan Pieterse
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Fly out, F3 (Popup, 23F)
Batting: RHB Manny Diéguez
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 2nd over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 0 - Grim 0 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Franklin Camarena
Batting: RHB Qwuntrezz Knight
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Bartolo Hernández
0-0: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 9S)
Batting: RHB Joe Rodgers
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Swinging Strike 2-1: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4)
Bottom of the 2nd over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 0 - Grim 0 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP António Fernández
Batting: RHB Jeremy Migliorati
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Base on Balls
Batting: RHB Pacu Martic
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Fly out, F6 (Flyball, 56D)
Batting: SHB Louie Vipont
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F7 (Flyball, 7)
Batting: RHB Tony Martínez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: SINGLE (Groundball, 6MD) Jeremy Migliorati to second
Batting: RHB Lev Migranov
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Groundball, 23) (infield hit) Jeremy Migliorati to third Tony Martínez to second
Batting: RHB Moriz Ayushiev
0-0: Hit by Pitch Jeremy Migliorati scores Tony Martínez to third Lev Migranov to second
Batting: LHB Henk van Aardschot
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F8 (Line Drive, 8RM)
Top of the 3rd over - 1 run, 2 hits, 0 errors, 3 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 0 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Franklin Camarena
Batting: RHB Brandon Palmer
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: SINGLE (Groundball, 34D)
Batting: RHB Geoff May
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Strikes out looking
Batting: RHB Askari bin Idris
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Called Strike 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Huai-yi Yang
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: 2-RUN HOME RUN (Flyball, 7LD), Distance : 361 ft
Batting: RHB Milos Jaksch
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4M)
Bottom of the 3rd over - 2 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP António Fernández
Batting: RHB Bastiaan Pieterse
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Manny Diéguez
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Jeremy Migliorati
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 4th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Franklin Camarena
Batting: RHB Manuel Estrada
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 5S)
Batting: RHB Qwuntrezz Knight
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: SINGLE (Groundball, 6MD)
Batting: RHB Bartolo Hernández
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Grounds into double play, 6-4-3 (Groundball, 6M)
Bottom of the 4th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP António Fernández
Batting: RHB Pacu Martic
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Ball 2-1: Called Strike 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB Louie Vipont
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4)
Batting: RHB Tony Martínez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Called Strike 3-2: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 89S)
Top of the 5th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Franklin Camarena
Batting: RHB Joe Rodgers
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Brandon Palmer
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: DOUBLE (Flyball, 89D)
Batting: RHB Geoff May
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 9LM) Runner from 2nd tags up, SAFE at 3rd with throw
Batting: RHB Askari bin Idris
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Bottom of the 5th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP António Fernández
Batting: RHB Lev Migranov
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: SINGLE (Line Drive, 4MD)
Batting: RHB Moriz Ayushiev
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: LHB Henk van Aardschot
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Bastiaan Pieterse
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball Lev Migranov steals 2nd base 2-1: Ball 3-1: Called Strike 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 5)
Top of the 6th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Franklin Camarena
Batting: RHB Huai-yi Yang
0-0: DOUBLE (Line Drive, 9LM)
Batting: RHB Milos Jaksch
0-0: Intentional Walk
Batting: RHB Manuel Estrada
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: SINGLE (Line Drive, 56) Huai-yi Yang to third Milos Jaksch to second
Batting: RHB Qwuntrezz Knight
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Bartolo Hernández
0-0: Grounds into double play, 4-6-3 (Groundball, 34)
Bottom of the 6th over - 0 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors, 2 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP António Fernández
Batting: RHB Manny Diéguez
0-0: SINGLE (Line Drive, 34)
Pitching: RHP Finley Berose
Batting: RHB Jeremy Migliorati
0-0: Sac Bunt - play at first, batter OUT! 1-4 Manny Diéguez to second
Batting: RHB Pacu Martic
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging, 2-3 out at first.
Pinch Hitting: RHB Karl Wade
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 7th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Franklin Camarena
Pitching: RHP Miguel Padilla
Now in RF: Andre González
Batting: RHB Joe Rodgers
0-0: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 6)
Batting: RHB Brandon Palmer
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Geoff May
0-0: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4)
Bottom of the 7th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP Finley Berose
Batting: RHB Tony Martínez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Swinging Strike 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Lev Migranov
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Swinging Strike 3-2: Strikes out looking
Batting: RHB Moriz Ayushiev
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Base on Balls
Pitching: RHP Manny Sandoval
Pinch Runner at 1st Ángelo Corona:
Batting: LHB Henk van Aardschot
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Strikes out looking
Top of the 8th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Grim Reapers batting - Pitching for Galesburg Guzzlers : RHP Miguel Padilla
Now at 2B: Ángelo Corona
Batting: RHB Askari bin Idris
0-0: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 56S)
Batting: RHB Huai-yi Yang
0-0: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RD)
Batting: RHB Milos Jaksch
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F4 (Popup, 4)
Bottom of the 8th over - 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |
Galesburg Guzzlers batting - Pitching for Grim Reapers : RHP Manny Sandoval
Pitching: RHP Archie Hodges
Batting: RHB Bastiaan Pieterse
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Fly out, F7 (Line Drive, 7D)
Pinch Hitting: LHB Abiram Wahine
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4)
Batting: RHB Jeremy Migliorati
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Swinging Strike 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: SINGLE (Flyball, 7S)
Pinch Runner at 1st Mei Kim:
Batting: RHB Pacu Martic
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ground out 5-3 (Groundball, 56)
Top of the 9th over - 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on base; Galesburg 1 - Grim 2 |