Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP John Dempsey
Pitching: RHP John Dempsey
Batting: RHB António Martínez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Ball 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Ball 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB Félix Cruz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Called Strike 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB Salvador Trevino
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 1st over - 0 run(s), 0 hit(s), 0 error(s), 0 left on base; Wizarding 0 - Panama City 0 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Ralph McKinney
Pitching: RHP Ralph McKinney
Batting: RHB Baldomero Avino
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Swinging Strike 2-1: Ball 3-1: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 89M)
Batting: RHB Juan Jose Ayala
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: SINGLE (Line Drive, 4MD)
Batting: RHB Raúl Ortíz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Called Strike 2-1: Called Strike 2-2: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 9LS)
Batting: LHB Jack Sutherland
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Strikes out looking
Bottom of the 1st over - 0 run(s), 1 hit(s), 0 error(s), 1 left on base; Wizarding 0 - Panama City 0 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP John Dempsey
Batting: LHB Nathan Tanner
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Base on Balls
Batting: SHB Fernando Sánchez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: DOUBLE (Groundball, 3L) Nathan Tanner to third Runner from 3rd tries for Home, SAFE, no throw
Batting: LHB José Corona
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Rafael Arredondo
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RM)
Batting: LHB John Brewer
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4)
Top of the 2nd over - 1 run(s), 1 hit(s), 0 error(s), 1 left on base; Wizarding 1 - Panama City 0 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Ralph McKinney
Batting: RHB Fernando Silva
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: DOUBLE (Line Drive, 8RD)
Batting: LHB Robert Adams
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Groundball, 4MD) Fernando Silva to third
Batting: LHB Sergio Muńóz
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Armando Alvarado
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB Tsing Guao
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Base on Balls Robert Adams to second
Batting: RHB Baldomero Avino
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Ball 2-1: Reached on error, E6 (Groundball, 6M) Fernando Silva scores Robert Adams to third Tsing Guao to second
Batting: RHB Juan Jose Ayala
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Fly out, F7 (Flyball, 7LS)
Bottom of the 2nd over - 1 run(s), 2 hit(s), 1 error(s), 3 left on base; Wizarding 1 - Panama City 1 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP John Dempsey
Batting: RHB Ed Whitaker
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Called Strike 2-2: Ball 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8LM)
Batting: RHB António Martínez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: SINGLE (Groundball, 5D)
Pitching: RHP Francisco Barrios
Batting: SHB Félix Cruz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F7 (Flyball, 7LSF)
Batting: SHB Salvador Trevino
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Swinging Strike 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Reached on error, E4 (Groundball, 4) António Martínez to second
Batting: LHB Nathan Tanner
0-0: SINGLE (Line Drive, 56) António Martínez to third Salvador Trevino to second Runner from 3rd tries for Home, throw and OUT!
Top of the 3rd over - 0 run(s), 2 hit(s), 1 error(s), 2 left on base; Wizarding 1 - Panama City 1 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Ralph McKinney
Batting: RHB Raúl Ortíz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Base on Balls
Batting: LHB Jack Sutherland
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Fielders Choice at 2nd, 1-4 (Groundball, 15S)
Batting: RHB Fernando Silva
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Strikes out looking
Batting: LHB Robert Adams
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Bottom of the 3rd over - 0 run(s), 0 hit(s), 0 error(s), 1 left on base; Wizarding 1 - Panama City 1 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP Francisco Barrios
Batting: SHB Fernando Sánchez
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 34D)
Batting: LHB José Corona
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Called Strike 2-2: SINGLE (Line Drive, 4MD)
Batting: RHB Rafael Arredondo
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Flyball, 7LS) José Corona to second
Batting: LHB John Brewer
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Line Drive, 34) José Corona to third Rafael Arredondo to second Runner from 3rd tries for Home, SAFE, no throw
Batting: RHB Ed Whitaker
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Swinging Strike 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB António Martínez
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 4th over - 1 run(s), 3 hit(s), 0 error(s), 2 left on base; Wizarding 2 - Panama City 1 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Ralph McKinney
Batting: LHB Sergio Muńóz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Ball 3-1: Ground out U3 (Groundball, 34S)
Batting: RHB Armando Alvarado
0-0: Ball 1-0: Swinging Strike 1-1: SINGLE (Line Drive, 7S)
Batting: SHB Tsing Guao
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Base on Balls Armando Alvarado to second
Batting: RHB Baldomero Avino
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Fly out, F5 (Popup, 5L)
Batting: RHB Juan Jose Ayala
0-0: SINGLE (Flyball, 9S) Armando Alvarado to third Tsing Guao to second
Batting: RHB Raúl Ortíz
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Fielders Choice at 2nd, 5-4 (Groundball, 56)
Bottom of the 4th over - 0 run(s), 2 hit(s), 0 error(s), 2 left on base; Wizarding 2 - Panama City 1 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP Francisco Barrios
Batting: SHB Félix Cruz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB Salvador Trevino
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Ball 3-2: Base on Balls
Batting: LHB Nathan Tanner
0-0: 2-RUN HOME RUN (Flyball, 7D), Distance : 392 ft
Batting: SHB Fernando Sánchez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: DOUBLE (Flyball, 89D)
Batting: LHB José Corona
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Pitching: RHP Michael Brown
Batting: RHB Rafael Arredondo
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: SINGLE (Flyball, 8LS) Fernando Sánchez to third
Batting: LHB John Brewer
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Ball 3-2: SINGLE (Groundball, 4MD) Fernando Sánchez scores Rafael Arredondo to second Rafael Arredondo to third
Batting: RHB Ed Whitaker
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Called Strike 3-2: Base on Balls John Brewer to second
Batting: RHB António Martínez
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Ball 2-1: Fly out, F5 (Line Drive, 5L)
Top of the 5th over - 3 run(s), 4 hit(s), 0 error(s), 3 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 1 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Ralph McKinney
Pitching: RHP Travis Carson
Batting: LHB Jack Sutherland
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8LM)
Batting: RHB Fernando Silva
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: LHB Robert Adams
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4)
Bottom of the 5th over - 0 run(s), 0 hit(s), 0 error(s), 0 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 1 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP Michael Brown
Batting: SHB Félix Cruz
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ball 3-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Strikes out swinging
Pinch Hitting: LHB Ignacio Medine
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: SINGLE (Flyball, 89S)
Pinch Hitting: LHB David Breitling
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-1: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RS)
Batting: RHB Gonzalo Ángel
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Fielders Choice at 2nd, 4-6 (Groundball, 4)
Top of the 6th over - 0 run(s), 1 hit(s), 0 error(s), 0 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 1 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Travis Carson
Now in LF: Ignacio Medine
Now in RF: David Breitling
Batting: LHB Sergio Muńóz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Fly out, F2 (Popup, 25)
Batting: RHB Armando Alvarado
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Ball 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RM)
Batting: SHB Tsing Guao
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Ball 1-2: Ball 2-2: Ground out U3 (Groundball, 3S)
Bottom of the 6th over - 0 run(s), 0 hit(s), 0 error(s), 0 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 1 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP Michael Brown
Pinch Hitting: RHB Chi-ju Zhang
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ground out 6-3 (Groundball, 56)
Pinch Hitting: LHB Ken Watanabe
0-0: Ball 1-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-1: Ball 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Pinch Hitting: LHB Kyung-chor Pang
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Swinging Strike 0-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 7th over - 0 run(s), 0 hit(s), 0 error(s), 0 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 1 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Travis Carson
Now at SS: Rafael Durango
Now in CF: William Wise
Now in RF: Ken Watanabe
Batting: RHB Baldomero Avino
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Groundball, 56D)
Pinch Hitting: LHB Floyd Long
0-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-1: Ball 1-1: Ball 2-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Pinch Hitting: RHB Rob Gray
0-0: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8LD)
Pinch Hitting: RHB Lorenzo Rosas
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Hit by Pitch Baldomero Avino to second
Pinch Hitting: SHB Marc Talamante
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Line Drive, 8LS) Baldomero Avino to third Lorenzo Rosas to second Runner from 3rd tries for Home, SAFE, throw made home Lorenzo Rosas to third Marc Talamante to second
Pinch Hitting: RHB Cale Sutton
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Ground out 4-3 (Groundball, 4)
Bottom of the 7th over - 1 run(s), 2 hit(s), 0 error(s), 2 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 2 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP Michael Brown
Now at 2B: Bryce Bancroft
Now at 3B: Rob Gray
Now at SS: Lorenzo Rosas
Now in CF: Marc Talamante
Now in RF: JoJo Victory
Pinch Hitting: LHB Júlio Valentín
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Called Strike 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ball 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Pitching: RHP Santiago Paez
Batting: RHB António Martínez
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Swinging Strike 1-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: SHB Félix Cruz
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Ball 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Strikes out swinging
Top of the 8th over - 0 run(s), 0 hit(s), 0 error(s), 0 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 2 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Travis Carson
Now at 2B: Cole Shaffer
Batting: LHB Sergio Muńóz
0-0: Swinging Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: SINGLE (Groundball, 6D)
Batting: LHB António Ramos
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Called Strike 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Fly out, F8 (Flyball, 8RXD)
Batting: SHB Tsing Guao
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Called Strike 2-1: Ball 3-1: Called Strike 3-2: Base on Balls Sergio Muńóz to second
Pitching: RHP Gabe Stephenson
Batting: RHB Baldomero Avino
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 3-2: Fly out, F7 (Line Drive, 7) Lined into DP, 7-4 (Line Drive, 7)
Bottom of the 8th over - 0 run(s), 1 hit(s), 0 error(s), 1 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 2 |
Wizarding Express batting - Pitching for Panama City Piranhas : RHP Santiago Paez
Batting: LHB Ignacio Medine
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: SINGLE (Line Drive, 6MD)
Batting: LHB David Breitling
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-1: Swinging Strike 2-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 2-2: Grounds into double play, 5-4-3 (Groundball, 56)
Batting: RHB Gonzalo Ángel
0-0: Ball 1-0: SINGLE (Groundball, 34D)
Batting: RHB Rafael Durango
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Called Strike 0-2: Foul Ball, location: 2F 0-2: Strikes out looking
Top of the 9th over - 0 run(s), 2 hit(s), 0 error(s), 1 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 2 |
Panama City Piranhas batting - Pitching for Wizarding Express : RHP Gabe Stephenson
Pitching: LHP Dorian Daly
Batting: RHB JoJo Victory
0-0: Ball 1-0: Called Strike 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Strikes out swinging
Batting: RHB Rob Gray
0-0: Ball 1-0: Ball 2-0: Ball 3-0: Called Strike 3-1: Fly out, F9 (Flyball, 9)
Batting: RHB Lorenzo Rosas
0-0: Called Strike 0-1: Ball 1-1: Foul Ball, location: 2F 1-2: Ground out 1-3 (Groundball, 13S)
Bottom of the 9th over - 0 run(s), 0 hit(s), 0 error(s), 0 left on base; Wizarding 5 - Panama City 2 |