Title Captured - Menard's AAA Won By Hialeah
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
While many teams act confident and assured throughout a M3L Triple A season, such is not the case for the Hialeah Dodos, who are now officially the Menard's AAA champions.
"We didn't know if we could get it done and win the division, honestly," said starting pitcher Travis Grant. "Trying to fight self doubt is a big part of it, but credit to the guys, we did enough to wrap this up."
It is the 3rd division title for the team, whose record currently sits at 63-40. They will be vying for the 2nd championship in franchise history.
"Now that we've clinched, I think the confidence is going to through the roof," said team manager Tom Hollingsworth. "I think all the guys know we belong now and have a very real shot at winning this thing."