Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Atlantic City Sonics Brad Jacobson 1st Brad Jacobson 11th 10th
Billings Polar Bears Al Thomas 2nd Dao-zi Dai 3rd 3rd
Tacoma Fur Traders Ronald Hines 3rd Mario Castillo 1st 1st
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Ted Hansen Tied for 4th Steven Grant 7th 6th
San Antonio BC Orlando Padilla Tied for 4th Orlando Padilla 2nd 2nd
Lancaster Farmers Alan Potts 6th John Townsend 5th 5th
Ottawa Nationals Jesús Soto 7th Jesús Soto 4th 4th
Belvedere Park Rawhides Dinis Marcha 8th Dinis Marcha 6th 7th
Nortonville Cherokees Bill Manning 9th Gonzalo Valentín 8th 8th
Battle Ground Aeros Artie Miller 10th Artie Miller 10th 11th
Yakima Hops Chris Robinson 11th Miguel Torres 9th 9th
Salem Misfits 12th 12th 12th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Nortonville Cherokees Claudio Torres 1st Claudio Torres 5th 1st
Salem Misfits Júlio Valentín 2nd Júlio Valentín 8th 6th
Billings Polar Bears Mario Cruz 3rd Mario Cruz 4th 3rd
Lancaster Farmers Ricardo Pacheco Tied for 4th Ricardo Pacheco 1st 2nd
Ottawa Nationals Jack O'Brien Tied for 4th Tied for 10th 10th
Belvedere Park Rawhides Christian Blair 6th Christian Blair 3rd 5th
Atlantic City Sonics Kip Burks 7th David Snyder 2nd 4th
San Antonio BC Alfredo Rivera 8th Alfredo Rivera 6th 7th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Clark Calhoun 9th Clark Calhoun 9th 9th
Yakima Hops Burton Storey 10th Burton Storey 7th 8th
Battle Ground Aeros Tied for 11th Tied for 10th Tied for 11th
Tacoma Fur Traders Tied for 11th Tied for 10th Tied for 11th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Tacoma Fur Traders Tony Romero 1st Tony Romero 1st 1st
Ottawa Nationals Ernie McPherson 2nd Francisco Morales 6th 4th
Yakima Hops Carlos Sánchez 3rd Edgar García 3rd 2nd
Lancaster Farmers Eric Howard 4th Janghyun Sam 2nd 3rd
Salem Misfits Alonso Márquez 5th Alonso Márquez 4th 5th
Nortonville Cherokees Miguel Ramírez 6th Tied for 8th 7th
Billings Polar Bears Félix Aguilar 7th Félix Aguilar 5th 6th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Armando Olvera 8th Armando Olvera 7th 8th
Atlantic City Sonics Tied for 9th Tied for 8th Tied for 9th
Battle Ground Aeros Tied for 9th Tied for 8th Tied for 9th
Belvedere Park Rawhides Tied for 9th Tied for 8th Tied for 9th
San Antonio BC Tied for 9th Tied for 8th Tied for 9th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Atlantic City Sonics Bartolo Morales 1st Bartolo Morales 1st 1st
Belvedere Park Rawhides Tom Strickland 2nd Justin Miles 2nd 2nd
Lancaster Farmers Bennett Bates 3rd Bennett Bates 3rd 3rd
San Antonio BC Paul Arthur 4th Tied for 4th 4th
Battle Ground Aeros Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Billings Polar Bears Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Nortonville Cherokees Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Ottawa Nationals Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Salem Misfits Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Tacoma Fur Traders Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Yakima Hops Tied for 5th Tied for 4th Tied for 5th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Nortonville Cherokees David Sánchez 1st David Sánchez 8th 4th
Belvedere Park Rawhides Enrique Pimentel 2nd Enrique Pimentel 4th 2nd
Tacoma Fur Traders Cristo González 3rd Cristo González 10th 9th
San Antonio BC Xavier Vásquez 4th Xavier Vásquez 2nd 3rd
Battle Ground Aeros Jorge Rivera 5th Jorge Rivera 1st 1st
Ottawa Nationals Héctor Rojas 6th Dan Bernard 7th 6th
Atlantic City Sonics Robbie Chambers 7th Robbie Chambers 5th 7th
Billings Polar Bears Eduardo Sánchez 8th Eduardo Sánchez 6th 8th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Iván Hernández 9th Iván Hernández 11th 11th
Lancaster Farmers Carlos Santos 10th Jim Henderson 3rd 5th
Yakima Hops Esteban Lugo 11th Esteban Lugo 9th 10th
Salem Misfits 12th 12th 12th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Lancaster Farmers Keith Fish 1st Keith Fish 4th 2nd
Salem Misfits Micheal Garren 2nd Micheal Garren 6th 5th
Atlantic City Sonics Mark Evans 3rd Martín Álvarez 1st 1st
Yakima Hops Cal Jackson 4th Cal Jackson 2nd 3rd
Belvedere Park Rawhides Travis Brumback 5th Travis Brumback 7th 7th
Billings Polar Bears Jeremy Murphy 6th Jeremy Murphy 5th 6th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Héctor López 7th Héctor López 8th 8th
San Antonio BC Enrique Sánchez 8th Enrique Sánchez 3rd 4th
Ottawa Nationals Jerry Burnett 9th Jerry Burnett 9th 9th
Nortonville Cherokees Tom Tracy 10th Tied for 10th 10th
Battle Ground Aeros Tied for 11th Tied for 10th Tied for 11th
Tacoma Fur Traders Tied for 11th Tied for 10th Tied for 11th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Lancaster Farmers Brent Ryan 1st Brent Ryan 7th 4th
Salem Misfits Jay Parker 2nd Jay Parker 8th 5th
Billings Polar Bears Randy Tucker 3rd Randy Tucker 1st 1st
Nortonville Cherokees Víctor López 4th Edén Mont 3rd 2nd
Atlantic City Sonics Stephen Blair 5th Stephen Blair 10th 10th
Yakima Hops William Gaines 6th José Cervantes 6th 6th
Belvedere Park Rawhides Ralph McKnight 7th Ralph McKnight 9th 9th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Tommy Stanley 8th Tommy Stanley 5th 7th
Ottawa Nationals Ben Daniel 9th Ben Daniel 4th 8th
San Antonio BC Albert Delgado 10th Albert Delgado 2nd 3rd
Tacoma Fur Traders Gonzalo Manuel 11th Tied for 11th 11th
Battle Ground Aeros 12th Tied for 11th 12th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Atlantic City Sonics Héctor Torres 1st Héctor Torres 3rd 3rd
Salem Misfits Steve Duncan 2nd Steve Duncan 5th 4th
Lancaster Farmers Rob Wilson 3rd Rob Wilson 2nd 2nd
Billings Polar Bears Will Robinson 4th Nick Miller 1st 1st
Belvedere Park Rawhides Phil Moore 5th Phil Moore 4th 5th
San Antonio BC Michael Bucknell 6th Mike Peña 6th 6th
Ottawa Nationals Paul Johnson 7th Tied for 7th 7th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks José López 8th Tied for 7th 8th
Nortonville Cherokees Jafar Taha 9th Tied for 7th 9th
Battle Ground Aeros Tied for 10th Tied for 7th Tied for 10th
Tacoma Fur Traders Tied for 10th Tied for 7th Tied for 10th
Yakima Hops Tied for 10th Tied for 7th Tied for 10th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Billings Polar Bears José Campos 1st Yusuke Chikafuji 2nd 2nd
Salem Misfits Ming-jiang Wu 2nd Ming-jiang Wu 1st 1st
Atlantic City Sonics Jeff Schneider 3rd Bernardo Valdés 5th 4th
Battle Ground Aeros Dominic Parker 4th Ángel Rivera 4th 3rd
Lancaster Farmers Alberto Robles 5th Bayram Tanaoglu 3rd 5th
Nortonville Cherokees Tom Hernández 6th Tom Hernández 8th 7th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Júlio Palácios 7th Júlio Palácios 9th 9th
San Antonio BC Shawn Arnold 8th Júlio Rodríguez 6th 6th
Yakima Hops Carlos Martínez 9th Cisco Flores 7th 8th
Belvedere Park Rawhides John Willis 10th Thad Floyd 10th 10th
Tacoma Fur Traders Jeff Lee 11th Jeff Lee 11th 11th
Ottawa Nationals Aurélien Godet 12th King Fletcher 12th 12th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Yakima Hops José Caballero 1st José Caballero 1st 1st
Nortonville Cherokees Roberto Cabrera 2nd Roberto Cabrera 10th 5th
Belvedere Park Rawhides Tyler Rodríguez 3rd Tyler Rodríguez 3rd 2nd
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Johnny Allen 4th Johnny Allen 4th 3rd
San Antonio BC Loren Beckham 5th Stanton Miranda 11th 9th
Battle Ground Aeros Jen-djieh Si 6th Jen-djieh Si 9th 8th
Atlantic City Sonics Rob Smith 7th Miguel Canó 2nd 4th
Ottawa Nationals Júlio Villegas 8th Zach Walter 12th 12th
Lancaster Farmers Rafael Rodríguez 9th Rafael Rodríguez 6th 7th
Billings Polar Bears Teddy Perkins 10th Teddy Perkins 5th 6th
Tacoma Fur Traders Steve Adkins 11th Steve Adkins 8th 10th
Salem Misfits Sean LeBlanc 12th Sean LeBlanc 7th 11th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Yakima Hops José Caballero 1st José Caballero 1st 1st
Nortonville Cherokees Roberto Cabrera 2nd Roberto Cabrera 6th 6th
Ft. Polk South Thunder Hawks Johnny Allen 3rd Johnny Allen 4th 4th
Belvedere Park Rawhides Tyler Rodríguez 4th Tyler Rodríguez 2nd 2nd
Battle Ground Aeros Will Benton 5th Jen-djieh Si 5th 5th
Atlantic City Sonics Bernardo Valdés 6th Bernardo Valdés 3rd 3rd
Ottawa Nationals Albert Días 7th Albert Días 11th 8th
Lancaster Farmers Brad Wilson 8th Rafael Rodríguez 7th 7th
Tacoma Fur Traders Steve Adkins 9th Steve Adkins 10th 9th
Billings Polar Bears Cor Snel 10th Cor Snel 9th 11th
Salem Misfits Sid Brown 11th Sid Brown 8th 10th
San Antonio BC Stanton Miranda 12th Stanton Miranda 12th 12th
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Friday, January 22nd, 2016 - OOTP Baseball 16.9 Build 39