League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
AUS | DET | LV | LEX | NA | NV | PHX | RC | RM | VAN
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year W L WPct Finish GB Exp Rec Diff Avg ERA BABIP Playoffs Champion Attendance Payroll Balance
2013 56 52 .519 5th 7 56-52 0 .248 4.13 .292 2,849,400 $195,136,113 $-19,935,196
2014 48 60 .444 7th 25 49-59 -1 .255 4.48 .296 2,363,501 $141,827,391 $4,473,974
2015 62 46 .574 4th 12 58-50 4 .249 3.83 .282 2,665,949 $140,032,086 $17,867,523
2016 53 55 .491 6th 23 53-55 0 .262 4.51 .294 2,404,721 $161,933,511 $-16,300,405
2017 48 60 .444 7th 23 47-61 1 .248 4.50 .304 2,124,086 $133,878,624 $6,873,075
2018 51 57 .472 6th 27 51-57 0 .254 4.25 .296 1,566,294 $113,507,043 $-5,500,573
2019 37 71 .343 10th 45 33-75 4 .241 5.25 .317 1,676,517 $37,251,088 $34,783,011
2020 62 46 .574 3rd 1 59-49 3 .265 3.82 .305 1,485,014 $76,859,382 $-2,196,784

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Friday, October 23rd, 2015 - OOTP Baseball 16.9 Build 39