League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
CD | CHH | HART | HOU | KT | LS | NV | OAK | PC | RC | SEA | THB
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year W L WPct Finish GB Exp Rec Diff Avg ERA BABIP Playoffs Champion Attendance Payroll Balance
2014 41 67 .380 9th 22½ 42-66 -1 .259 5.56 .308 1,447,331 $87,606,657 $-13,524,267
2015 52 56 .481 5th 31 54-54 -2 .271 4.57 .296 1,474,136 $68,027,859 $14,874,776
2016 36 72 .333 10th 38 38-70 -2 .247 4.84 .293 1,197,927 $55,464,372 $24,128,342
2017 24 84 .222 12th 47 21-87 3 .232 5.73 .329 1,054,430 $53,399,613 $12,408,723
2018 57 51 .528 5th 10 54-54 3 .264 4.44 .305 1,597,646 $69,168,567 $5,057,372
2019 45 63 .417 10th 28 46-62 -1 .239 4.24 .298 1,364,761 $54,519,985 $7,708,812

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Saturday, July 25th, 2015 - OOTP Baseball 15.6 Build 34