| It's Over: Golden Tornado Stop Leclair Monday, April 30th, 2029 For once, it was the Tulsa HS As picking up the slack for Dave Leclair.
The club's "offensive catalyst," as Tulsa HS manager Sergio Sánchez has frequently called him, went uncharacteristically silent today and saw his 21-game hitting streak snapped by the Butler HS Golden Tornado. Leclair was bailed out by the rest of the As, however, who stopped the Golden Tornado, 7-6.
The 15-year-old first baseman finished the day 0-for-4, and told reporters at the postgame press conference that "everybody did their job but me."
"Not that it was a huge problem -- we still won the game," he said with a grin. "The streak was a good run though. I'll try to start another one tomorrow."
Leclair is currently batting .320 with 6 home runs, 23 RBIs and 33 runs scored. He has 39 hits in 122 at-bats. |   |