League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Tyler Carter 1233 (.634)
Kerry Hofmeister 639 (.455)
Troy Holl 583 (.600)
Scott McMahon 553 (.515)
Imran Kopitar 533 (.547)
Matthew Rubo 504 (.473)
Robert Ferris 477 (.631)
Andy Mayfield 425 (.490)
Jonathan Gerth 407 (.471)
Zier van Elswijk 407 (.538)
Brett Reichert 403 (.466)
José Feliciano 402 (.620)
Júlio Castillo 371 (.573)
David Lister 272 (.504)
Brian Talamante 256 (.530)
Bill Cefaratti 256 (.474)
Scott Thompson 236 (.447)
David Krause 234 (.433)
Arturo Vega 203 (.627)
Ed Valdéz 200 (.464)
Michael Esposito 187 (.577)
Joe Koralewski 175 (.374)
Ian There 175 (.608)
Clifford Peterson 170 (.525)
Raúl Aguilar 168 (.519)
Dan Cahill 163 (.503)
Michael Smith 160 (.452)
Juan Sánchez 158 (.488)
Kevin Hine 142 (.498)
TJ Reynolds 141 (.435)
Coleman Webster 139 (.429)
Dan Sanders 136 (.420)
John Reed 134 (.406)
Tom Hall 128 (.590)
Bailey Kumar 122 (.411)
Dave Hood 121 (.484)
Jack Hill 107 (.498)
DAshley GoAs 99 (.458)
Justin Palmer 91 (.423)
Keith Hutchinson 88 (.407)
Lendon Tipton 87 (.403)
Jordan Calhoun 84 (.378)
Enrique Castro 75 (.694)
Alireza Vachnadze 74 (.343)
Timothy Dickerson 70 (.648)
Sal Gaudio 64 (.593)
José Bello 62 (.574)
Dani Pérez 62 (.574)
Ánibal Vera 62 (.574)
Timmy Quigley 61 (.399)
Name Win%
Enrique Castro .694 (75-33)
Timothy Dickerson .648 (70-38)
Tyler Carter .634 (1233-712)
Robert Ferris .631 (477-279)
Arturo Vega .627 (203-121)
José Feliciano .620 (402-246)
Ian There .608 (175-113)
Troy Holl .600 (583-389)
Sal Gaudio .593 (64-44)
Tom Hall .590 (128-89)
Michael Esposito .577 (187-137)
Ánibal Vera .574 (62-46)
Dani Pérez .574 (62-46)
José Bello .574 (62-46)
Júlio Castillo .573 (371-277)
Jake Ferrell .565 (61-47)
Imran Kopitar .547 (533-441)
Zier van Elswijk .538 (407-349)
Tom Cook .537 (58-50)
Rayzor Ray .537 (58-50)
Brian Talamante .530 (256-227)
Clifford Peterson .525 (170-154)
James Burton .519 (56-52)
Raúl Aguilar .519 (168-156)
Scott McMahon .515 (553-521)
Tyler Johnson .509 (55-53)
Yoshida Kobayashi .509 (55-53)
David Lister .504 (272-268)
Dan Cahill .503 (163-161)
Kevin Hine .498 (142-143)
Jack Hill .498 (107-108)
Norris Childress .491 (53-55)
Andy Mayfield .490 (425-442)
Juan Sánchez .488 (158-166)
Dave Hood .484 (121-129)
Mark Everhart .481 (52-56)
Darryl Stewart .481 (52-56)
Bill Cefaratti .474 (256-284)
Matthew Rubo .473 (504-561)
José Rosendin .472 (51-57)
Scott Williams .472 (51-57)
Jonathan Gerth .471 (407-457)
Brett Reichert .466 (403-461)
Ed Valdéz .464 (200-231)
DAshley GoAs .458 (99-117)
Kerry Hofmeister .455 (639-765)
John Barrett .454 (49-59)
Michael Smith .452 (160-194)
Scott Thompson .447 (236-292)
Andrew Schupick .444 (48-60)
Name Losses
Kerry Hofmeister 765 (.455)
Tyler Carter 712 (.634)
Matthew Rubo 561 (.473)
Scott McMahon 521 (.515)
Brett Reichert 461 (.466)
Jonathan Gerth 457 (.471)
Andy Mayfield 442 (.490)
Imran Kopitar 441 (.547)
Troy Holl 389 (.600)
Zier van Elswijk 349 (.538)
David Krause 306 (.433)
Joe Koralewski 293 (.374)
Scott Thompson 292 (.447)
Bill Cefaratti 284 (.474)
Robert Ferris 279 (.631)
Júlio Castillo 277 (.573)
David Lister 268 (.504)
José Feliciano 246 (.620)
Ed Valdéz 231 (.464)
Brian Talamante 227 (.530)
John Reed 196 (.406)
Michael Smith 194 (.452)
Dan Sanders 188 (.420)
Coleman Webster 185 (.429)
TJ Reynolds 183 (.435)
Bailey Kumar 175 (.411)
Juan Sánchez 166 (.488)
Dan Cahill 161 (.503)
Raúl Aguilar 156 (.519)
Clifford Peterson 154 (.525)
Kevin Hine 143 (.498)
Alireza Vachnadze 142 (.343)
Jordan Calhoun 138 (.378)
Michael Esposito 137 (.577)
Lendon Tipton 129 (.403)
Dave Hood 129 (.484)
Keith Hutchinson 128 (.407)
Justin Palmer 124 (.423)
Arturo Vega 121 (.627)
DAshley GoAs 117 (.458)
Ian There 113 (.608)
Jack Hill 108 (.498)
Timmy Quigley 92 (.399)
Tom Hall 89 (.590)
Curt Donovan 71 (.343)
Santiago Vargas 68 (.370)
River Davis 67 (.380)
Forrest Bejta 63 (.417)
Andrew Schupick 60 (.444)
John S 60 (.444)
Name W > .500
Tyler Carter 521 (1233-712)
Robert Ferris 198 (477-279)
Troy Holl 194 (583-389)
José Feliciano 156 (402-246)
Júlio Castillo 94 (371-277)
Imran Kopitar 92 (533-441)
Arturo Vega 82 (203-121)
Ian There 62 (175-113)
Zier van Elswijk 58 (407-349)
Michael Esposito 50 (187-137)
Enrique Castro 42 (75-33)
Tom Hall 39 (128-89)
Scott McMahon 32 (553-521)
Timothy Dickerson 32 (70-38)
Brian Talamante 29 (256-227)
Sal Gaudio 20 (64-44)
Ánibal Vera 16 (62-46)
Clifford Peterson 16 (170-154)
José Bello 16 (62-46)
Dani Pérez 16 (62-46)
Jake Ferrell 14 (61-47)
Raúl Aguilar 12 (168-156)
Rayzor Ray 8 (58-50)
Tom Cook 8 (58-50)
James Burton 4 (56-52)
David Lister 4 (272-268)
Tyler Johnson 2 (55-53)
Dan Cahill 2 (163-161)
Yoshida Kobayashi 2 (55-53)
Reginald Rice 0 (0-0)
Juan Villarreal 0 (0-0)
Francisco Guerrero 0 (0-0)
Tom Plummer 0 (0-0)
George Sanford 0 (0-0)
Kevin Hine -1 (142-143)
Jack Hill -1 (107-108)
Norris Childress -2 (53-55)
Dan Joseph -3 (1-4)
Mark Everhart -4 (52-56)
Darryl Stewart -4 (52-56)
Scott Williams -6 (51-57)
José Rosendin -6 (51-57)
Dave Hood -8 (121-129)
Juan Sánchez -8 (158-166)
Francisco Bernal -8 (8-16)
John Barrett -10 (49-59)
Andrew Schupick -12 (48-60)
John S -12 (48-60)
Andy Mayfield -17 (425-442)
Forrest Bejta -18 (45-63)
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